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In the Head 1

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RBT Paraphrase

The Head
Within the head mighty ones has cut out the self eternal dual Heavenly ones and the self eternal Earth.
Climb up the Ladder/Stairs in the Foundation.

Two Heads: A Queen Divided
תהו ובהו Tohu and Bohu.Two Men Building the Same Woman Black hair and White "hoary/aged" hair. Woman/Eve, Sarah/Hagar, Leah/Rachel, Vashti/Esther, Naomi/Ruth, Peninnah/Hannah, Mary/Martha, etc.

"The woman of a valiant one is the crown of her lord. And as a rotten one in his bones, is the one who causes shame." (Proverbs 12:4 RBT)

"Your hair is a herd of goats which have reclined down from the Gilead [Witness Heap]..." (Song of Solomon 6:5 RBT)

And the Earth has become a fake/chaotic one of himself and a pure/bright one of himself [tohu and bohu] and a Dark one was upon the faces [her offspring] of the abyss/uproar and a spirit of the mighty ones is she who hovers/flutters upon the faces [her offspring] of the dual water.
Wings that Carry the Eagle
Strong’s #7363, rachaph, flutter the wings.
Participle feminine singular מרחפת. The “spirit/wind” is a feminine noun and therefore a feminine verb form is used here. This syntax cannot be debated, though it has been covered up/ignored by scholars and translators since time immemorial. This word is related to the word for wing (kanaph #3671). An eagle flutters upon his nestlings (Deut. 32:11), “the whole of my bones flutter…” Jer. 23:9. There appears to be an allegorical meaning of “bones” as well...

The Abyss vs. The Foundation of Peace
"Sing barren one—she who has not begotten! Burst forth a cry of joy! She who has not whirled! For the sons of the Desolate Widow are more abundant than the sons of the Owned/married one!" (Isaiah 54:1 RBT)

Shulammite woman: "Black is myself, but lovely are the built-daughters of the Foundation of Peace. Like the tents of Kedar [Black], like the curtains of Solomon [Peace/White]." (Song of Solomon 1:5 RBT)

Abyss/Heart of the Sea.
And mighty ones is saying, "He is a light and he is a light."
The Separation of the Eye
And mighty ones is seeing the self eternal Light, for he was good. And mighty ones is dividing between the Light and between the Dark One.
And mighty ones is summoning the Light of Day, and he has summoned the Dark one of herself. And he is evening and he is morning of day one.
Dual Eyes. Dual Self.

"...if therefore the Eye of yourself is single/unfolded, the whole entire Body of yourself will be luminous, but if the Eye of yourself is evil, the whole entire Body of yourself will be full of darkness..." (Matthew 6:22-23 RBT)

Parting the Water, Divider of Tongues/Mouths
And Mighty ones is saying, "He is becoming a beaten expanse in the center of the Dual Waters, and he is becoming one who divides between dual water to dual water."
And mighty ones is making the self eternal Beaten Expanse, and he is dividing between the Dual Water which is from below the Beaten Expanse and between the Dual Water which is from above the Beaten Expanse, and he is an upright one.
And mighty ones is summoning the Beaten Expanse of dual heavenly ones. And he is evening and he is morning of day second.
A Three Cord
And mighty ones is saying, "The dual waters from below the Dual Heavenly ones are twisting together into a standing place of one, and the dried one is being seen, and he is an upright one."
She is brought out before the people. Her works are made known. She is being seen/revealed for what she is: desolate, dry, harlot. The foundation stone, the fount of pure water, a standing place of one, are the heavenly ones gathered together, to give the latter rain from above to Her, the Earth, and to build her up, the Foundation of Peace, as the Mother of the Whole.

And mighty ones is summoning the dried earth, and to the Pool of the dual waters he has summoned days. And mighty ones is seeing, for he was good.
A Sprout Raised Up from the Earth on the Third Day
And mighty ones is saying, "The Earth is sprouting a sprout of grass, he who sows a seed of a tree of fruit, he has made fruit to the kind of ourselves straightly of his seed within himself upon the Earth!" And he is an upright one."
The Queen is Compared to a man who cast a seed upon the Earth
And the Earth is causing the sprout of grass to go out, he who plants a seed to the kind of himself, and a wood has made a fruit straightly of a seed within himself, to the kind of himself. And mighty ones is seeing, for he was good.
In this way is the Queen of the God, even as a man, he should cast the Seed upon the Earth, and she should sleep and she should awake, night and day, and the seed should sprout and lengthen, himself perceives not how. Of her own self the Earth bears forth fruit: [1] first a farmyard, [2] next an ear of grain, [3] next a filled grain within the ear of grain. (Mark 4:26-28 RBT)

And he is evening and he is morning of day third.
And mighty ones is saying, "He is a curse within the Beaten Expanse of the dual heavenly ones, to divide between the Day and between the Night of herself, and they have become signs, and appointed times, and days, and two!"30
And they have become luminaries within the Beaten Expanse of the Dual Heavenly ones to shine light upon the Earth, and he is an upright one."
The Day Star, Round Stars, and Moon
And mighty ones is making the self eternal two Great Curses, the self eternal Great Luminary for an allegory of the Day, and the self eternal Small Luminary for an allegory of the Night of herself, and the self eternal Round Stars.
an "appointed time," the "Month".
Venus - Star of the Morning.

Day Star/Dawn Star
The only planet that spins backwards....
leading the way to the Day...

"Current theory holds that Venus initially spun in the same direction as most other planets and, in a way, still does: it simply flipped its axis 180 degrees at some point..."

(cf. Scientific American)

And mighty ones is giving their eternal selves within the Beaten Expanse of the Dual Heavenly ones to shine light upon the Earth,
and to compare35b within the Day and within the Night of herself, and to divide between the Light and between the Dark one; and mighty ones is seeing, for he was good.
And he is evening and he is morning of day fourth.
The Word in the Belly Swarms with the Seed
And mighty ones is saying, "The dual water is swarming with a swarm of the soul of life, and a flyer is flying above the Earth above the faces of the Beaten Expanse of the Dual Heavenly ones."
Conceived of the Spirit
Again, the Queen of the Heavenly ones is like a dragnet, she who has been cast into the Sea, and she who led together from out of every kind. (Matthew 13:47 RBT)
"Birds of a A Feather"
Winged to its kind, i.e. Left Kind and Right Kind.

The Dragon-Serpents, Soul of Life, The Flying One Multiplies
And mighty ones is cutting out the self eternal Great Dragons and every self eternal soul of the Life, she who glides swiftly, which they have swarmed the Dual Waters to the kind of themselves, and every self eternal flyer of a wing to the kind of himself, and mighty ones is seeing, for he was good.
כלThe Whole.
The Hebrew letter "כ" (kaf) is from a pictorial letter of the "palm of the hand". The Hebrew letter "ל" stands for "staff".

Taken together this means a hand that grasps the staff of the whole. Or, the Whole is guided, shepherded by the hand that holds the staff.
The Serpent Dragon to his own Kind, i.e. Left Kind and Right Kind
"He has swallowed down the Death to victory." (Isaiah 25:8 RBT)
To his own kind.
To their own kind.

And mighty ones is blessing/kneeling their eternal selves to speak, "Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill up the self eternal dual waters within the Days." And the flyer is multiplying within the Earth.
And he is evening and he is morning of day fifth.
The Sixth Day, Exodus
And mighty ones is saying, "The Earth is causing to go out the soul of Life to the kind of herself, a beast, and a gliding one, and a living one of himself of the earth to the kind of herself." And he is an upright one.
And mighty ones is making the self eternal living one of the Earth to the kind of herself, and the self eternal beast to the kind of herself, and every self eternal gliding one of the Ground of Adam [האדמה "adamah"] to the kind of himself. And mighty ones is seeing, for he was good.
Made in the Shadow
And mighty ones is saying, "A Man ("adam") has been made within the shade-phantom of ourselves, according to the figure of ourselves! And they are descending within a fish of the Sea, and within a flyer of the dual heavenly ones, and within a beast, and within all of the Earth, and within all of the Gliding one, the Gliding one upon the Earth!"
Circumcising the Man
And mighty ones is cutting out the self eternal Man ("Adam") within the shadow-phantom of himself. Within the shadow-phantom of mighty ones he has cut out the eternal self of himself. A remembered one ("male") and a pierced one ("female") he has cut out the eternal self of themselves.
A 'Jesus' Molded upside down within a Shadow Phantom "Tohu." (A.k.a Bridegrooms of Blood)

"Those who make a Man to miss within a word, and to the one who argues/reproves within the Gate, they are baiting and causing to incline upside down a just one within Tohu."

(Isaiah 29:21 RBT)

"a man is walking himself only in a shadow-image [tselem]!  They are roaring only a vapor! He is heaping up and he is perceiving not who gathers themselves!"

(Psalm 39:6 RBT)

The Field: Cutting Out vs. Cut Out. The incomplete and complete Hebrew verb forms work together as one, or "a whole" circle. The oxen are plowing (cutting out) a circle, and the plowing is complete once a circle is made. Hence the ideas of "expansion" or "increase" from the origin, as well as Cutting Around (circumcision).

"For just as the woman from out of the man, so also the man across the other side from the woman. But the whole is from God." (1 Corinthians 11:12 RBT)

They Subdued Her and Became Rich
And mighty ones is blessing/kneeling their eternal selves. And mighty ones is saying to themselves, "They have borne fruit, and they have multiplied, and they have filled up the self eternal Earth, and he has subdued her, and they have trampled down within a fish of the Sea, and within a flyer of the Dual Heavenly ones, and within every living one of her who glides upon the Earth."
One Tree from a Seed Seed: Eat From Him
And mighty ones is saying, "Behold! I have given to yourselves all the self eternal grass of a seed seed, straightly upon the faces of the all the Earth, and the Whole Tree which within himself is the fruit of a tree of a seed seed, to yourselves he is becoming food.
One tree, one seed seed.

And unto every living one of the Earth, and to every flyer of the Dual Heavenly ones, and to every one of him who glides swiftly upon the Earth, whom within himself is the Soul of Life, all the self eternal green grass is for eating!" And he is an upright one.
Standing up in the Last Day: The Exceeding Good
And mighty ones is seeing the self eternal whole whom he has made, and behold! an exceeding good! And he is evening and he is morning, day of The Sixth One.
Queen of Seven.

"The Queen of southern wind, will awake within the Judgement, with This Generation, and she will judge-down herself." (Matthew 12:42 RBT)

"Wisdom has built the house of herself, she has hewn out the support columns of herself, seven." (Proverbs 9:1 RBT)

RBT Hebrew Literal

In the head3 he has cut out5 elohim4 אֶת-the6 dual-Heavenly-Ones7 and אֶת-the Earth.8

The Earth has become an unreal/chaotic one of himself and a pure-one of himself9 and a dark-one10 upon the faces11 of an uproar,12 and a spirit of elohim is she-who-hovers13 upon the faces of the Dual-Water-ones.14

And he is saying elohim, he is becoming a light, and he is becoming a light.15

And he is seeing elohim אֶת-the Light, for he was good,15b and he is causing to divide elohim in between the Light and in between the Dark-one.

And he is summoning15b elohim the Light of hot-one, and he has summoned the Dark one of night-hers.16 And he is becoming evening, and he is becoming morning of a hot-one one.

And he is saying, elohim, he is becoming a pounded-expanse17 in the middle of the Dual-Waters, and he is becoming he-who-divides18 between dual-waters into dual-waters.

And he is making elohim אֶת-the pounded-space, and he is dividing between the Dual-Waters which is from underneath to the pounded-space and between the Dual-Waters which is from above to the pounded-space,18b and he is becoming an upright.19

And he is summoning elohim the crafted-expanse of the dual-heavenly ones. And he is becoming evening, and he is becoming morning, hot-one second.20

And he is saying elohim, the Dual-Waters from underneath the Dual-Heavens are being bound-together21 into a standing-place of one, and the Dry-one22 she is being seen, and he is becoming an upright.

And he is summoning elohim to the dry earth, and to the Pool23 of the Dual-Waters he has summoned days.`24 And elohim is seeing for he was good.

And he is saying, elohim, the earth, she is sprouting a sprout25 of grass; he-who-causes-to-sow26 a seed of a wood of fruit, he has made a fruit to-our-kind27 straightly of his seed is in-himself28 upon the Earth, and he is becoming an upright.

And the Earth is causing to go out a sprout of grass, he-who-sows seed to-kind-himself, and a wood has made a fruit straightly of his seed in-himself to-kind-himself. And he is seeing elohim, for he was good.And he is becoming evening, and he is becoming morning of hot-one third.

And he is saying elohim, he is becoming a curse29 in the crafted-space of the Dual-Heavens, to cause a division between the Hot-one and between the Night-hers, and they have become to signs, and to appointed-ones, and to days and two,30

and they have become luminaries within a pounded-space of the Dual-Heavenly ones to give light upon the Earth, and he is becoming an upright.

And he is making elohim אֶת-second the Great Curses,31 אֶת-the Great Light-place for an allegory of the Hot-one, and אֶת-the Small Light-Place32 for a allegory33 of the Night-hers, and the Circular-ones.34

And he is giving אֶת-them elohim35 in the pounded-space of the Dual-Heavens to give light upon the Earth,and to rule/compare35b in the Hot-one and in the Night-hers, and to make a division between the Light and between the Dark-one; and he is seeing elohim for he was good.

And he is becoming dusk, and he is becoming dawn, hot-one fourth.

And he is saying elohim, the Dual-Water is swarming with a swarming-one of the Breath of Life,36 and a flyer is flying upon the Earth upon the faces of the crafted-space of the Dual-Heavenly-ones.

And he is cutting-out elohim אֶת-the Great Tannanim37 and אֶת-the whole of the Breath of the Living-0ne, the One-who-glides-swiftly, whom they have swarmed the Dual-Waters38 to-kind-them, and אֶת-the whole of a flying-one of an extremity,39 to-kind-him, and he is seeing elohim for he was good.

And he is blessing-kneeling elohim40 אֶת-them to speak: "Be fruitful, and be abundant, and fill אֶת-the Dual-Waters in the Days, and the flying-one is multiplying in the Earth,

and he is becoming evening, and he is becoming morning, hot-one fifth.

And elohim is saying, the Earth is causing to go out a breath of a living-one to-kind-herself, a behemah,41 and a crawling-one and a living one of himself42 of the earth to-kind-herself, and he is becoming an upright.

And he is making elohim אֶת-a living one of the earth to-kind-her, and אֶת-the Behemah to-kind-her, and אֶת-the whole of the crawling-one of the Red-one to-kind-him, and he is seeing elohim for he was good.

And he is saying elohim, a red-one was made within the shadow-phantom of ourselves,43 according to our figure,44 and they have descended45 in a fish46 of the Sea, and in a flying-one of the Dual-Heavenly-ones, and in the behemah, and in the whole of the Earth, and in the whole of the Gliding-one the Gliding-one47 upon the Earth.

And he is cutting-out elohim אֶת-the Red-one48 in his shadow-phantom, in the shadow-phantom of elohim he has cut-out אֶת-him, a remembered-one and a pierced-one he has cut-out אֶת-themselves.50

And he is blessing/kneeling elohim אֶת-them, and he is saying to-themselves, `They were fruitful, and they have multiplied, and they have filled up אֶת-the Earth, and he subdued her,52 and they have trampled down within a fish of the Sea, and within a flying-one of the Dual-Heavens, and within the whole of the living-one you have caused to creep upon the Earth.`

And elohim is saying, `Behold, I have given to-yourselves אֶת-the whole grass, a seed, a seed straightly upon the faces of the whole of the Earth, and the whole of the Wood which in himself is the fruit of a wood, a seed, a seed, to-yourselves he is becoming to food.

And to the whole living one of the Earth, and to the whole flying one of the Dual-Heavens, and to the whole of he-who-crawls upon the Earth, who in-himself is a breath of a living-one, אֶת-the whole of the green grass is to food:` and he is becoming upright.

And he is seeing elohim אֶת-the whole that he has made, and behold a good one exceedingly. And he is becoming dusk, and he is becoming dawn, hot-one of the Sixth one.53