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Genesis 1:14

וַ יֹּאמֶר אֶלֹהִים יְהִי מְאֹרֹת בִּ רְקִיעַ הַ שָּׁמַיִם לְ הַבְדִּיל בֵּין הַ יֹּום וּ בֵין הַ לָּיְלָה וְ הָיוּ לְ אֹתֹת וּ לְ מֹועֲדִים וּ לְ יָמִים וְ שָׁנִים

And elohim is saying, he is becoming place-of-lights29 in the stamped-space of the Dual-Heavens, to make a division between the Hot-one and between the Night-hers, and they have become to signs, and to appointed-ones, and to days and duplicated-ones,30


What’s in a “Year”?

Strong’s #8141, shanah. A repeat, duplication, replication. Noun derived from verb #8138, shanah, to repeat, fold, duplicate, transmute (change to higher form). Did people in the time of Abraham, or Moses even know what a year was? They might have picked something up from the Egyptians who relied on the Sirius star, or the Babylonian astrologers, but the only thing that the tribes would have had for dating is the new moon for “months” and the sunrise to sunset for “day”. But we are given no definitions or explanations for dating methods, or these special words, in the Pentateuch. Names for “months” or perhaps seasons begin to appear after the Exodus in the Law but without much definition.