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In the Head 13
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RBT Hebrew Literal
And Raised-Father is ascending from Dual-Strait (himself and his woman, and all that he has, and Lot with him) Dry-South-ward; and Raised-Father is exceedingly heavy in a bought-one, in the Silver-one,487 and in the Gold-one. And he is walking to his pulling-up from Dry-South, and until House of El, until the Standing-place where his tent has become in the Pierced-one,488 between House of El and Ruins, toward the Standing-place of the slaughtering-place which he has made there in the First one,489 and there Raised-Father is calling-out in the name of Yahweh. And also to Lot, the One-Walking את-490Raised-Father, he has become a sheep and a ploughing-one and tents.
אֶת-them up to sit united, for has become their possessions abundant, and they have not been able to sit united.
And the Earth has not liftedhe is becoming a wrestling-one between those-who-see491 of a bought-one of Raised-Father and between those-who-see of a bought-one of Lot. And the Humbled and the Unwalled492 are at that time sitting in the Earth.
Andbecome a wrestling-place493 between me and between you, and between those-who-see of mine and those-who-see of yours, for mortal-men, brothers are ourselves.
And Raised-Father is saying toward Lot, `Do not, now, Is not the whole of the Earth to your faces? Separate, now, from upon me. If the Left,494 and may I cause-right; and if the Right, and may I cause-left.` And Lot is lifting up his eyes, and is seeing אֶת-the whole of a round495 of the Descender496 for the whole of her is a drink-giver497 to the faces of Yahweh laying-waste אֶת-Sodom and אֶת-Gomorrah,498 like the enclosure of Yahweh, like the earth of Dual-Strait, as you come in Little.And Lot is choosing for himself the whole round of the Descender. And Lot is pulling up from the front [east], and they are separating a man from upon his brother; Raised-Father has sat in the Earth of Humbled, and Lot has sat in the cities of the Round and is tent-pitching until Sodom.
499 to Yahweh exceedingly.
And the men of Sodom are ruinous and missing And Yahweh has spoken toward Raised-Father, back-ones of the separating of Lot from-with-him, `Lift up, now, your eyes, and see from out of the Standing-Place whom yourself is there, hidden-ward, and dry-south-ward, and front-ward [eastward], and sea-ward. For אֶת-the whole of the Earth which you are seeing, to-yourself I am giving her, and to your seed until the future. And I have placed your seed like a dust of the Earth, which, if a man is able to inscribe the dust of the Earth, so also your seed is being inscribed.500 Stand up, walk about in the Earth, to her length, and to her width, for to-yourself I am giving her.`501502 which are in League,503 and is building there a slaughtering-place to Yahweh.
And Raised-Father is tent-pitching, and is coming in, and is sitting in oaks of Mamre,