In the Head 30
RBT Paraphrase
And Ewe is saying, "Twistings of mighty ones I have twisted with my sister, even I have been able." And she is calling out the name of himself, Twistings ("Naphtali").And Weary is saying, "Mighty ones has endowed my eternal self a good endowment. The Foot-Strike of the man of myself is honoring myself, for I have begotten to himself six sons/builders." And she is calling out the self-eternal name of himself, Inner Honor ("Zebulun").
And she has begotten back a built one/daughter, and is calling out the self-eternal name of herself, Judge.
נקד - Branded/Marked
I am crossing over within all of the sheep of yourself Today. Turn aside from there every marked sheep, and him who is patched, and every blackened sheep within the Lambs, and him who is patched and marked within the She-Goats. And the Wage of myself has become.He who is Not
And she has eyed within myself, the Just one of myself, in a day of tomorrow, for she is coming in upon the wages of myself to your faces, all of whom are not himself, marked ones, and him who is patched within the She Goats, and a blackened one within the Lambs—he who is stolen, himself is my eternal self."And he is causing to turn aside within the Day of Himself, the self eternal Banded He Goats, and those who are patched, and all of the Marked/Branded She Goats and those who are patched, every one whom is white within himself, and every burnt-dark one within the Lambs, and he is giving within the hand of the sons of himself,
and he is placing a road of three days between himself and between Heel Chaser; and Heel Chaser is tending the self eternal flocks of White, The Remaining Ones.
RBT Hebrew Literal
963 to-myself builders, and if there is none—she-who-is-dying is myself.`
And Ewe is seeing that she has not borne to Heel, and Ewe is envious in her sister, and she is saying toward Heel, `Give And a nostril of Heel is burning in Ewe, and he is saying, `Is myself underneath elohim who has withheld from you the fruit of the belly?` And she is saying, `Behold, my slavewoman Troubled, come in toward her, and she is bearing upon my knees, and I may be built up, also myself, from her.` And she is giving to-himself אֶת-Troubled her slavewoman to a woman, and Heel is coming in toward her. And Troubled is conceiving, and bearing to Heel a builder. And Ewe is saying, `elohim has judged me, and also he has heard in my voice, and is giving to-myself a builder.` And Troubled, slavewoman of Ewe, is conceiving again, and bearing a double builder to Heel, and Ewe is saying, `Twistings of mighty ones I have twisted with my sister, even I have been able.` And she is calling out the name of himself, My Twined ("Naphtali"). And Weary is seeing that she has set-upright from bearing, and she is taking אֶת-Trickle her slavewoman, and is giving אֶת-her to Heel to a woman; and Trickle, slavewoman of Weary, is bearing to Heel a builder, and Weary is saying, `A troop.966` And she is calling-out אֶת-his name Troop. And Trickle, slavewoman of Weary, is bearing a double builder to Heel, And Weary is saying, `In my straightness, for built-ones have made me straight.`968 in the field, and is causing to come in אֶת-them in toward Weary, his mother, and Ewe is saying toward Weary, `Give now to-myself, from the mandrakes of your builder.`
And Behold-Builder is walking in the days of wheats-harvest, and is finding mandrakes And she is saying to-herself, `Is it a little one, your taking אֶת-my man? And to take also אֶת-the mandrakes of my builder?` And Ewe is saying, `Therefore he is lying down with you the Night-ward, underneath969 the mandrakes of your builder.`And Heel is coming in from the Field in the Dusk; and Weary is going out to meet him, and she is saying, `Toward me you are coming in, for hiring I have hired you in the mandrakes of my builder.` And he is lying down with her in the Night-ward of himself. And elohim is hearing toward Weary, and she is conceiving, and bearing to Heel a builder, a fifth. And Weary is saying, `Elohim has given my wages, which I have given my slavewoman to my man.` And she is calling-out his name He-Brings-Wages.970 And Weary is conceiving again, and she is bearing a builder sixth to Heel. And Weary is saying, `Elohim has endowed אֶת-me—a good endowment. The Occurance971 of my man is indwelling972 me, for I have borne to-himself six builders.` And she is calling out/summoning the self-eternal name of himself, Inner Honor ("Zebulun"). And the back she has born a built-one, and is calling-out אֶת-her name Judge.974 And elohim is memorializing אֶת-Ewe, and elohim is hearing toward her, and is opening975 אֶת-her womb,976 and she is conceiving and bearing a builder, and is saying, `Elohim has gathered אֶת-my disgraced-one.` And she is calling-out אֶת-his name He-Adds,977 to say, `Yahweh is adding to-myself a builder of a back-one.`
he is becoming, when Ewe has borne אֶת-He-Adds, that Heel is saying toward White, `Send me forth, and I am walking toward my standing-place, and to my earth;
And give978 up אֶת-my women and אֶת-my born-ones, whom I have served אֶת-you in them, and I am walking, for yourself has perceived אֶת-my service which I have served you.` And White is saying toward him, `If, now, I have found a favored-one in your eyes, I have hissed979 but Yahweh is kneeling me in your account.` And he is saying, `Pierce980 your wages upon me, then I am giving.`אֶת-whom I have served you, and אֶת-whom your bought-one has become את-myself.
And he is saying toward him, `Yourself has perceived For a little-one is whom he has become to-yourself to my faces, and he is breaking out to the Abundance, and Yahweh is kneeling אֶת-you to my foot.981 And he is saying, `What am I giving to-yourself?` And Heel is saying, `You are not giving to-myself a blemish; If you are making to-myself the Word of This one, I may turn back; I may tend your sheep, I may guard; I am crossing over within all of your sheep the Hot-one, causing to turn aside from there the whole of a sheep marked982 and him-who-is-patched,983 and the whole of a sheep warm984 in the Lambs, and him-who-is-spotted and marked in the She-goats—and he has become my wage.985 for she is coming in upon my wages to your faces, the whole of whom are not-himself, marked and him-who-is-spotted, in the She-goats, and warm in the Lambs—he-who-is-stolen is himself את-me.`
And she has faced in me my justice in the hot-one of the morrow, And White is saying, `Behold, oh-that he is becoming according to your word.`986 אֶת-the Banded987 He-Goats and They-who-are-patched, and the whole of the Marked She-Goats and They-who-are-patched, the whole of which are white in him, and the whole of the darkened in the Lambs, and he is giving in the hand of his builders,
And he is causing to turn aside in the Hot-one of Himself and he is setting a road of three days between himself and between Heel; and Heel is tending אֶת-the sheeps of White, The Remaining Ones.988And Heel is taking for himself a fresh shoot of a full moon, and of an almond-tree and a plane-tree, and is peeling in them white peelings, a baring of the White which is upon the shoots, and he is causing to set אֶת-the shoots which he has peeled in the gutters in the troughs of the Dual-Waters which they are coming in, the Sheep, to drink, to-opposite-of the Sheep, and they are heating in their coming in to drink. And the Sheep are heating toward the Shoots, and the Sheep are bearing banded ones, marked ones, and they-who-are-patched. And the Lambs Heel has caused to divide, and he giving the faces of the Sheep towards the banded, and the whole of the warm in the sheep of White, and he is setting to-himself droves to his separation, and he has not set them upon the sheep of White. And he has become in the whole heating, the Sheep of Tied-Ones,989 and Heel has set אֶת-the Shoots to the eyes of the Sheep in the gutters, to cause them to heat in the Shoots, And in causing to envelop990 the Sheep he is not setting them; and he has become the Enveloped Ones991 to White, and the Tied Ones992 to Heel.
he is becoming to-himself a sheep abundant, and slavewomen, and men-slaves, and camels, and asses.
And the Man is breaking out exceedingly exceedingly, and