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In the Head 43

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RBT Paraphrase

And He Adds is seeing the eternal self Builder of the Right with eternal themselves, and he is saying to him who is over his house, "Cause to come in the Mortal-men to the House of herself." And he slaughtered he slaughtered, and he made erect, for with the eternal myself the Mortal-Men are eating within the Noon-Lights.

RBT Hebrew Literal

And the Hungry-one is a heavy-one in the Earth.

And he is becoming when they have ended eating אֶת-the broken-one which they caused to come in from Dual-Strait.

And Cast is saying toward him, to say, `The Man repeating, has repeated1259 in us, to say, You are not seeing my faces except your brother את-you.

If you are1260 him-who-sends אֶת-our brother את-us, we are descending and are breaking-in-pieces to-yourself a food.And if you are not1261 him-who-sends, we are not descending, for the Man has said toward us, You are not seeing my faces except your brother את-you.`

And El-Strives is saying, `Why have you caused ruin to-myself, to front to the Man? Is again1262 to-yourselves a brother?`

And they are saying, `To ask, the Man has asked to-ourselves and to our birth-place, to say, Is again your father a living-one? Is there to-yourselves a brother? And we are exposing to-himself upon the mouth of the Words of These ones. To perceive, are we perceiving that he is saying, Cause to descend אֶת-your brother?`

And Cast is saying toward El-Strives his father, `Send the Scattered-one את-me, and we are standing up, and walking, and living, and are not dying, also ourselves, also yourself, and our tripping-one.

Myself is intermixing1263 him, from my hand you are seeking him. If I have not caused him to come in toward yourself, and have established him to your faces, then I have missed to-yourself the whole of the Days.For if we have not delayed, then now we have turned back this one dual-occurances.`

And El-Strives their father is saying toward them, `If an upright, then, make this one, take from the pruned-one1264 of the Earth in your finished-articles, and cause them to descend to the Man a gift, a little cracked-one,1265 and a little lumped-one, a smitten-one1266 and a wrapped-one, bellies1267 and awake-ones.1268

And a double of a silver-one take in your hand, and אֶת-the Silver-one the One-who-causes-to-turn-back in the mouth of your stretched-out-ones, and turn back in your hand, perhaps a mistake is himself.

`And take אֶת-your brother, and stand up, turn back toward the Man.And El of Destroyers is giving to-yourselves compassionate-ones1269 to the faces of the Man, and he has sent to-yourselves אֶת-your brother of a back-one, and אֶת-Builder-of-the-right, and myself according-to-whom I have been bereaved, I have been bereaved.`

And the Mortal-men are taking אֶת-the Gift of this one, and a double of a silver-one they have taken in their hand, and אֶת-Builder-of-the-right, and they are standing up, and are descending Dual-Strait, and are setting-upright to the faces of He-Adds.

And He-Adds is seeing אֶת-Builder-of-the-right את-themselves, and he is saying to-whom is upon his house, `Cause to come in the Mortal-men the House-hers,` and he slaughtered he slaughtered, and he caused to erect, for את-myself the Mortal-men are eating in the Noon-lights.1270

And the Man is making according to which He-Adds has said, and the Man is causing to come in the Mortal-men house-ward of He-Adds.

And the Mortal-men are fearing because they have been caused to come in the house of He-Adds, and they are saying, `Upon a word of the Silver-one, the One-who-turns-back in our stretched-out-ones in the Pierced-one, ourselves are those-who-are-caused-to-come in, to roll himself upon us, and to fall himself on us, and to take ourselves for slaves, and אֶת-fermenting-ones.`

And they are drawing near toward the Man who is upon the house of He-Adds, and are ordering toward him an opening of the House.

And they are saying, `Please, my master, to descend we have descended in the Pierced-one to break-in-pieces a food.

And he is becoming when we have come in toward the lodging-place, and she is being opened1271 אֶת-our stretched-out-ones, and behold, a silver-one of a man in the mouth of his stretched-out-one, our silver-one in his weight, and we are causing to turn back אֶת-him in our hand.

And a silver-one of a back-one have we caused to descend in our hand to break-in-pieces a food. We have not perceived who put our silver-one in our stretched-out-ones.`

And he is saying, `Peace to-yourselves, do not be fearing, your elohe and the elohe of your father has given to-yourselves a hidden-place1272 in your stretched-out-ones, your silver-one has come in toward me.` And he is causing to go out toward them News.

And the Man is causing to come in the Mortal-men house-ward of He-Adds, and he is giving a dual-waters, and they wash their feet-pair; and he is giving a fodder to their fermenting-ones.

And they are causing to erect the Gift until the coming of He-Adds in the Double-light, for they have heard that there they are eating a bread.And He-Adds is coming in the House-ward, and they are causing to come in to-himself אֶת-the Gift whom is in their hand the House-ward and are bowing-down themselves to-himself earth-ward.

And he is asking to-themselves to peace, and he is saying, `Is peace of your father the Old-one of whom you have spoken? [Are we/is he] again1273 a living-one?`

And they are saying, `Peace is to our slave to our father is well, [we are/he is] again-him1274 a living-one.` And they are bending over, and they are bowing-down themselves.And he is lifting up his eyes, and is seeing Builder-of-the-right his brother, builder of his mother, and is saying, `Is this one your brother the Small-one, whom you have spoken toward me?`

And He-Adds is hastening, for his compassionate-one1275 has been hot1276 toward his brother, and he is seeking to weep, and he is coming the Inner-Chamber-ward, and is weeping there-ward.

And he is washing his faces, and is going out, and is holding himself, and is saying, `Put a bread.`

And they are putting to-himself to his separation, and to-themselves to their separation, and to the Dual-Straitians, those-who-are-eating את-him to their separation, for the Dual-Straitians are not able to eat אֶת-the Hebrews a bread, for an abomination1277 is himself to the Dual-Straitians.1278

And they are sitting to his faces, the First-born according to his firstborn, and the Little-one according to his little-one, and the Mortal-men are being astonished, a man toward his friend.

And he is lifting up lifted-ones from אֶת-his faces toward them, but a lifted-one of Builder-of-the-right is abounding from the lifted-ones of their whole, five hands. And they are drinking, and they are becoming drunk with him.