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In the Head 3

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RBT Paraphrase

The Prudent Serpent vs. The Ancient Serpent
And the Serpent has become more prudent than every animal of the Field He Is mighty ones has made straight. And he is speaking to the Woman in anger, for mighty ones has said, "You are not eating from any wood of the Protected-Garden."
אף Says the prudent serpent, 'This is the sort of junk grammar and translation practice they've gotten away with for ages.'
There is no interrogative given by the text, and the scholars say it is a double conjunction? אף means either "indeed/also" or "nose/anger." Consider some of its appearances elsewhere in Genesis:

"And Jacob's anger [אף] burned..." (Genesis 30:2)

"...until he has turned back the anger [אף] of the brother of yourself..." (Genesis 27:45)

"And the anger [אף] of Yahweh was kindled within Moses..." (Exodus 4:14 RBT)

Crafty Serpent / Prudent Serpent
He has said / He is saying
The vertical pupil enables predatory ability in both Night and Day. Grazing animals have horizontal pupils to enable themselves to see in front and behind (sheep, goats, horses).

And the Woman is speaking into the Serpent, "From the fruit of a wood of the Protected-Garden we are eating.
And from the fruit of the Wood straightly inside the Protected-Garden mighty ones said, 'You all are not eating from out of himself, and you all are not touching a corner within himself; your inner selves are dying!'"
And the Serpent is saying toward the Woman, "He has not died, your inner selves are dying.
For mighty ones has seen, for within the Day he has eaten yourselves from out of himself,113 and the eyes of yourselves have been opened, and yourselves have become as mighty ones, those who see the good one and evil one."
The Left Eye and the Right Eye.

One tree, the good side, and the evil side of himself/herself.

"Within the middle of the Broadway of herself and of the torrent brook, from this side and from that side, a tree of zoe-life, that which makes twelve fruits, down to every month, that which gives away the fruit of itself, and the leaves of the tree unto treatment of the Nations." (Revelation 22:2 RBT)

12 "lunar months," six on each side.

The Woman Sees...Himself - Song of Solomon 2:3
And the Woman is seeing, that the Wood is the good one for food, and that a desire of himself for the dual Eyes, and the Wood is he who is desired to make prudent, and she is taking hold from the fruit of himself, and she is eating, and she is giving also to her man close beside herself, and he is eating.
As an apple tree within the woods of the Forest, an upright one is my beloved in between the Sons/Builders. In his shadow I have delighted; and I have sat down; and his fruit is a sweet one to the roof of my mouth. (Song of Solomon 2:3 RBT)

Those who See The Two of Themselves
And the dual eyes of the two of themselves are opening, and they are seeing that themselves are naked ones. And they are sewing an ascending one of a fig tree, and they are making for themselves belts.
They Hear the Voice
And they are hearing the self eternal Voice of He Is mighty ones, he who walks himself within the Protected-Garden to the spirit of Today, and he is causing himself to hide, the Man and woman of himself, from the faces of He Is mighty ones inside a wood of the Protected-Garden.
Where are you?
And He Is mighty ones is summoning toward the Man, and he is saying to himself, "Where are you?"
And he is saying, "I have heard the self eternal voice of yourself within the Protected-Garden, and I am fearing, for a naked is myself (אנכי), and I am hiding."
And he is saying, "Who has corresponded to yourself? For your eternal self is a naked one. From the Wood straightly I have charged yourself, unless he has eaten, have you eaten from himself?"
"The Man Through the Woman"
And he is saying, "The Man of the Woman whom you have given close beside myself, she has given himself to myself from out of the Wood, and he has eaten."
Lend to those who despair/lost hope - Luke 6:35
And He Is mighty ones is saying to woman, "What is this one you have made?" And the Woman is saying, "The Serpent has credited myself, and he ate."
And He Is mighty ones is saying toward the Serpent, "Since you have made this one, he who is cursed is your eternal self more than the whole of the Beast, and more than whole of the animal of the Field. Upon your curve [gachon] you are walking, and dust you are eating, all the days of the living ones of yourself.
Mighty Ones toward the Tail

Fruit of Herself, Fruit of Yourself
And I am setting a hated-one in between yourself and in between the Woman and in between the seed of yourself and in between the seed of herself. Himself is biting you, a head, and your eternal self, is biting ourselves, a heel.132
Dual: The Children of the Slavewoman and the Freewoman - Isaiah 54:1
Toward the Woman he has said, "She is causing to multiply, I am multiplying, the inner afflicted one of yourself, and the inner conceiving one of yourself. In sorrow you are begetting builders ("sons"), and your passion is toward the man of yourself, and himself is comparing within yourself."

Her passion is toward the man within herself above.

"Sing barren one, the one who has not begotten! Burst forth a cry of joy, the one who has not whirled! For the sons of the devastated one are more abundant than the sons of the enslaved one." (Isaiah 54:1 RBT)

The Days of the Living Ones Eat in Grief
And he has spoken to the Man, "Because you have listened to the Voice of the woman of yourself, and you are eating of the Wood, straightly I have charged you to speak, 'She is not eating from himself.' She who is cursed is the Ground of Adam ("Adamah") within the crossing over of yourself. Within an inner grieving one they [women] are eating, all the days of the living ones of yourself,
and thorn bushes and thistles she is causing to sprout forth for yourself, and you have eaten the self eternal grass of the Field."
To Kick the Dust from Whence You Came
In the sweat of your dual noses you are eating bread until the turning back of yourself toward the Ground of Adam, for from out of her you have taken hold, for your eternal self is dust, and toward the dust you are turning back."142a
Mother of Every Son, Hidden Man of Her Heart - 1 Peter 3:6
And the Man is summoning the Name of the woman of himself, Life ("Chavah"), for she has become himself, a mother of every living one.143
The Seamlessly Woven One Piece - Two into One Flesh
And He is mighty ones is making for the Man and for the woman of himself, tunics of skin, and he is clothing themselves.
No longer a divided inner and outer garment (inner and outer man), no longer two, but now one, seamless.

The Man becomes One
And He Is mighty ones is saying, "Behold! the Man has become as one, from out of himself, to perceive the good one and evil one. And now, a corner, he is sending forth the hand of himself, and he has taken hold indeed from the Wood of the Living ones, and he ate, and he is living for the concealed/eternal one."
Till the Ground
And He Is mighty ones is sending out himself from the Protected-Garden of Delight to serve the self eternal Ground of Adam ("Adamah"), straightly he took hold from there.
Driving out from the Temple, Guarding the Straight Road
And the self eternal Man is driving out, and is causing the self eternal Cherubim to settle down from the front to the Protected-Garden of Delight and the self eternal flame of the Sword of the One Who Turns Herself Around, to keep watch over the self eternal road of the Wood of the Living ones.148

RBT Hebrew Literal

And the Serpent109 has become a prudent-one110 from all of a living-one of the Field whom Yahweh has made elohim, and he is speaking toward the Woman a nostril/anger, for elohim has spoken, 'You-all are not eating from the whole wood of the Enclosure.'110b

And the Woman is speaking into the Serpent, "From the fruit of a wood of the Enclosure we are eating.

And from the fruit of the Wood straightly inside the Enclosure elohim has said, 'You all are not eating from out of himself, and you all are not touching in himself, lest your inner selves are dying.'"111And the Serpent is saying toward the Woman, `He has not died, your inner selves are dying.`for he is seeing112 elohim, for in a hot-one he has eaten you from out of himself,113 and the eyes of you all have been opened, and you all have become as elohim, those-who-see good one and ruined-one.`

And the Woman is seeing, for a good one is the Wood for a food, and for a desire of himself to the Dual-Eyes, and he-who-is-coveted is the Wood to cause to be prudent,114 and she is taking from his fruit, and she is eating, and she is giving, also to her man close beside herself,115 and he is eating.116

And they are opening the eyes of the two of themselves117, and they are seeing that naked are themselves, and they are sewing together fig-leaves, and they are making to-themselves belts.118

And they are hearing אֶת-the voice of Yahweh elohim, he who walks himself119 in the Enclosure to a wind of the Hot-one, and he is hiding himself, the Red-one and his woman, from the faces of Yahweh elohim in the middle of a wood120 of the Enclosure.

And Yahweh elohim is summoning/calling toward the Red-one, and is saying to-himself, `Where is yourself?`And he is saying, `I have heard אֶת-your voice in the Enclosure, and I am fearing, for naked is my self,122 and I am isolating.`123And he is saying, `Who has corresponded124 to-yourself for a naked one is אֶת-yourself.125 From the Wood straightly I have charged you unless126 he has eaten from himself, you have eaten?`And the Red-one is saying, `The Woman whom you have given close-with-me127 Himself she has given to-myself from the Wood—and he has eaten.`126bAnd is saying Yahweh elohim, to woman, What is this one you have made?` And the Woman is saying, `The Serpent has credited me,127b and he ate.`And Yahweh elohim is saying toward the Serpent, for you have made this one, he-who-is-cursed128 is yourself from the whole of the Behemah, and from the whole of the living-one of the Field. Upon the curve of yourself [gachon]129 you are walking,130 and a dust you are eating, the whole of the days of your living-ones.And a hated-one131 I am setting between you and between the Woman, and between your seed and between her seed. Himself is gaping over you, head, and yourself is gaping over ourselves, heel.`132Toward the Woman he has said, `She is causing to multiply, I am multiplying your inner-afflicted-one134 and your inner-conceiving-one,135 in sorrow you are begetting136 builders,137 and toward your man is your passion,138 and himself is comparing in-yourself.`139And to Red-one he has said 'For you have heard to the voice of the woman of yourself, and she is eating from out of the Wood straightly I have laid-charge to you, to say, She is not eating from out of himself, she-who-is-cursed is the Red-one within-across-yourself.140 In an inner-grieving-one they are eating141 the whole of the days of the living-ones of yourself,and thorn and bramble she is causing to sprout forth to-yourself, and you have eaten אֶת-the grass of the Field.In the sweat of your dual-nostrils you are eating bread until your turning back toward the Red-one, for142 from her you have taken, for a dust is את yourself, and toward dust you are turning back.`142aAnd the Red-one is summoning the name of his woman Living-one [Chavah] for himself has become143 the mother of the whole of the living-one.144

And Yahweh elohim is making for the Red-one and for his woman tunics of skin,145 and is clothing them.

And Yahweh elohim is saying, `Behold, the Red-one has become as one from himself,146 to perceive good one and ruined-one. And now, a corner,146b he is sending forth his hand, and he has taken hold also of the Woods of the Living-ones, and he has eaten, and he has lived to the concealed-one.`147 And Yahweh elohim is sending him forth from the enclosure of Eden to serve אֶת-the Red-one from which he has been taken.

And אֶת-the Red-one he is driving out148 and is causing to settle from the front [east] to the enclosure of Eden אֶת-the Cherubim149 and אֶת-a flame of the Sword of the One-who-turns-herself150 to guard אֶת-the road151 of the Wood of the Living-ones.