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In the Head 14

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RBT Paraphrase

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RBT Hebrew Literal

And he is becoming in the days of Dark-Sayer504 king of Two-Rivers, Lion-like505 king of Elohim-Disciplines,506 Handful-of-Sheaves507 king of Eternity,508 and Great-Builder509 king of Nations,510

they have made a war אֶת-Builder-of-Ruined-one511 king of Sodom, and אֶת-Iniquitous512 king of Gomorrah, Altered Father513 king of Red-one,514 and Name-Wing515 king of Gazelles,516 and the king of Swallowed517 (herself518 is Little).All these have become united toward the valley of Fields,519 he is the sea of the Salt.

Double ten of a duplication they have served אֶת-Handful-of-Sheaves, and three ten of a duplication they have rebelled.

And in four ten of a duplication has come in Handful-of-Sheaves, and the kings who are אֶת-him, and they are smiting אֶת-the Healers520 in Goddesses-of-the-Dual-Horns,521 and אֶת-the Roving Beasts522 in Warm, and אֶת-the Terrors523 in Level-Plain of Two Cities,524and אֶת-the Hole-Dwellers525 in their mountain of Hairy,526 until Oak of Branch,527 which is upon the wilderness528;and they are turning back and coming in toward Eye of Judgment,529 himself is Holy, and are smiting אֶת-the whole field of the Amalekite,530 and also the Sayer531 who is sitting in Divided-Palm.532

And the king of Sodom is going out, and the king of Gomorrah, and the king of Red-one, and the king of Gazelles, and the king of Swallowed (himself is Little) and they are setting in array אֶת-them a war in the valley of Fields,

אֶת-Handful-of-Sheaves king of Eternity, and Great-Builder king of Nations, and Dark-Sayer king of Two-Rivers, and Lion-Like king of El-Disciplines, four kings אֶת-the Five.

And the valley of the Fields is wells wells of tar.533 And the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah are escaping, and falling534 there-ward, and the Remnant535 mountain-ward have escaped.536

And they are taking אֶת-the whole of the possession of Sodom and Gomorrah, and אֶת-the whole of their food, and they are walking;(and they are taking אֶת-Lot, builder of Raised-Father’s brother, and אֶת-his possession, and are walking, and himself sitting in Sodom).And the Escaped-one537 is coming in and is exposing to Raised-Father the Beyond-one.538

And Raised-Father is hearing that his brother has been taken captive, and he is pouring out אֶת-his trained-ones,543 born-ones544 of his house, eight ten and three hundred, and is pursuing until Judge.

And he is being smoothed545 upon them night-ward, himself and his slaves, and is smiting them, and pursuing them until Guilt,546 which is from the left to Damascus;and he is causing to turn back אֶת-the whole of the possession, and also אֶת-Lot his brother and his possession he has caused to return, and also אֶת-the Women and אֶת-the People.

And the king of Sodom is going out to meet him, back-ones of his turning back from smiting אֶת-Handful-of-Sheaves, and אֶת-the kings who are אֶת-him, toward the Valley of Level547 (himself is the Valley of the King).

And Melchizedek,king of Complete,548 has brought out bread and wine, and himself is priest to el of uppermost one.549

And he is kneeling him, and is saying, `He-who-is-kneeled is Raised-Father to el of uppermost one, he-who-buys dual-heavens and earth.

And he-who-is-kneeled is el of uppermost one, who has shielded your narrow-ones550 in your hand.` And he is giving to-himself a tenth one from the whole.

And the king of Sodom is saying toward Raised-Father, `Give to-myself the Breath, and the Possession take to-yourself,`and Raised-Father is saying toward the king of Sodom, `I have raised-high my hand toward Yahweh, el of uppermost one, he-who-buys dual-heavens and earth—if from a thread551 and until a strap of a sandal, and if I take from the whole of which you have, then lest you are uttering, `Myself has made rich אֶת-Raised-Father,`not-unto-me only that which the Scattered-ones552 have eaten, and the portion of the Mortal-men who have walked את-myself—Shaken-out, Cluster, and Vision—they are taking their portion.`