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In the Head 11

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RBT Paraphrase

שרפה seraphah, Burning One
And they are saying, each man to the evil one of Himself, "Pay her! We are becoming whitened white ones, and we are setting on fire for a burning one!" And the Whitened Brick, she is becoming for themselves a stone. And the Bubbling Tar, he has become for themselves the Cement.
And He is is saying, "Behold! A gathered people of one [father], and a lip of one [mother] for the whole of themselves! And this one is the Dream to make; and now, the whole of whom they are purposing to make is not being unattainable/restricted from themselves.

RBT Hebrew Literal

And he is becoming, the whole of the earth is an edge424 of one, and words425 of ones.426

And he is becoming in their pulling up from the front [east], for they are finding a valley in the Earth of Two-Rivers and are sitting there.And they are saying, a man to his friend,427 `Pay her,428 we are becoming-whitened429 whitened-bricks,430 and we are setting-on-fire431 for a fiery-one432 And the White-one is becoming to-themselves for a stone. And the Foaming-tar433 he has become to-themselves for the Foaming-clay.434And they say, `Pay, we are building for ourselves a city and tower, and his shaking-one in the Dual-Heavens,435 and we are making for ourselves a name, so that we are not being dashed-in-pieces upon the faces of the whole of the Earth.`And Yahweh is coming down to see אֶת-the city and the Tower which the builders of the Red-one have built;And Yahweh is saying, `Behold, a people436 of one, and an edge of one to their whole, and this one is their untying to make; and now, nothing is being cut off from them, the whole of which they are planning to make.Pay, let us descend and let us overflow their edge there, which they are not hearing a man the edge of his friend.`437

And Yahweh is dashing-in-pieces אֶת-them from there above the faces of the whole of the Earth, and they are quitting to build the City.

Upon an upright he has called-out her name Babel, for there has Yahweh overflowed the edge of the whole of the Earth, and from there has Yahweh dashed-them-in-pieces upon the faces of the whole of the Earth.438

These are births of Name: Name is a builder of a hundred of a duplication and is generating אֶת-Arphaxad double-duplications439 the back of the Flow.

And Name is living back-ones of his generating Arphaxad five hundred of a duplication and is generating builders and built-ones.And Arphaxad Living440 five and thirty of a duplication and is generating Sent.And Arphaxad is living after his generating Sent three duplications and four hundred of a duplication and is generating builders and built-ones.And Sent Living thirty of a duplication and is generating Beyond.And Sent is living back-ones of his generating Beyond three duplications and four hundred of a duplication and is generating builders and built-ones.And Beyond is living four and thirty of a duplication and is generating Division.And Beyond is living back-ones of his generating Division thirty of a duplication and four hundred of a duplication and is generating builders and built-ones.And Division is living thirty of a duplication and is generating Friend.441And Division is living back-ones of his generating Friend nine duplications and double-hundred of a duplication and is generating builders and built-ones.And Friend is living two and thirty of a duplication and is generating Knit.442And Friend is living back-ones of his generating Knit seven duplications and a double-hundred of a duplication and is generating builders and built-ones.And Knit is living thirty of a duplication and is generating Snorter.443And Knit is living back-ones of his generating Snorter two hundred of a duplication and is generating builders and built-ones.And Snorter is living nine and twenty of a duplication and is generating Terah.444And Snorter is living back-ones of his generating Terah nine ten of a duplication and a hundred of a duplication and is generating builders and built-ones.And Terah is living seventy of a duplication, and is generating Raised-Father,445 Snorter, and Mountain.446

And these are births of Terah: Terah has begotten Raised-Father, Snorter, and Mountain; and Mountain has begotten Lot;447

and Mountain is dying upon the faces448 of Terah his father, in the Earth of his birth-place,449 in Flame of the Chaldeans.450

And Raised-Father and Snorter are taking to-themselves women,451 a name of a woman of Raised-Father is Noble-Lady,452 and a name of a woman of Snorter is Queen,453 built-one of Mountain, father of Queen and father of Beholder.454

And she is becoming Noble-Lady uprooted,455 nothing is to-herself a וָלָֽד-boy.456

And Terah is taking אֶת-Raised-Father his builder, and אֶת-Lot builder of Scorched,457 builder of his builder,458 and אֶת-Noble-Lady his kallah,459 woman of Raised-Father his builder; and they are going out את-themselves460 from Flame of the Chaldeans, to walk earth-ward461 of Humbled. And they are coming in until Scorched, and they are sitting there.462

And they are becoming the days of Terah five duplications and double-hundred of a duplication and Terah is dying in Scorched.463