In the Head 38
RBT Paraphrase
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RBT Hebrew Literal
he is becoming in the Time of Himself,1183 and Cast is descending from אֶת-his brothers, and is stretching-out toward a man, an Adullamite, whose name is Whitened.1184
And And Cast is seeing there a built-one of a man, a Humbled, and his name is Wealth,1185 and he is taking her, and is coming in toward her. And she is conceiving and bearing a builder, and he is calling-out אֶת-his name Awake.1186אֶת-his name Powerful.1187
And she is conceiving again, and bearing a builder, and is calling-out And she is adding1188 again, and bearing a builder, and is calling-out אֶת-his name Petition.1189 And he has become in Lie1190 in her bearing אֶת-him. And Cast is taking a woman to Awake, his first-born, and her name is Palm-Tree. And he is becoming Awake, first-born of Cast, ruinous in the eyes of Yahweh, and Yahweh is causing him to die. And Cast is saying to Powerful, `Come in toward the woman of your brother, and yabam1192 אֶת-her, and cause to stand up a seed to your brother.` And Powerful is perceiving that the Seed is not becoming to-himself. And he has become when he has come in toward the woman of his brother, that he has laid-waste earth-ward, lest to give a seed to his brother. And he is ruinous in the eyes of Yahweh which he has made, and he is causing to die also אֶת-him.1193 `Sit bound-one1194 in the house of your father until Petition my builder is growing-great.` For he said, `Lest he is dying—also himself—like his brothers.` And Palm-Tree is walking, and she is sitting in the house of her father.
And Cast is saying to Palm-Tree his kallah, And the Days are abounding, and the built-one of Powerful, woman of Cast, is dying. And Cast is being consoled, and he is ascending upon those-who-shear his sheep, himself and Whitened his friend the Adullamite, Portion-ward. And he is fronted to Palm-Tree, to say, `Behold, your cham1196 is he-who-ascends Portion-ward to shear his sheep.`1197 from upon her, and she is covering in the Wrapping,1198 and is wrapping herself, and is sitting in the opening of Eyes,1199 which is upon the road Portion-ward, for she has seen that Petition has grown, and himself has not been given to-himself to a woman.
And she is causing to turn aside the treacherous-garments of her bound-one1200 for she has covered her faces.
And Cast is seeing her, and is weaving her for a harlot, And he is stretching-out toward her, toward the Road, and is saying, `Give, now, I am coming in toward you.` For he has not perceived that himself is his kallah. And she is saying, `What are you giving to-myself, that you are coming in toward me?` And he is saying, `Myself is sending a kid of the goats from the Sheep.` And she is saying, `Are you giving a mixed-one1201 until you are sending?` And he is saying, `What is the Pledge that I am giving to-yourself?` And she is saying, `Your seal, and your thread, and your staff1202 which is in your hand.` And he is giving to-herself, and is coming in toward her, and she is conceiving to-himself.And she is standing up, and is walking, and turning aside her wrapping from upon her, and is clothing herself treacherous-garments of her bound-one. And Cast is sending אֶת-the kid of the Goats in the hand of his friend the Adullamite, to take the Pledge from the hand of the Woman, and he has not found her.
1203, himself is in the Eyes, upon the Road?` And they are saying, `She has not become in this one a holy-one.`
And he is asking the mortal-men of her standing-place, to say, `Where is the Holy-onehas not become in this one a holy-one.`
And he is turning back toward Cast, and is saying, `I have not found her, and also the mortal-men of the Standing-place also have said, She And Cast is saying, `She is taking to-herself, lest we are becoming to a despised-one; behold, I have sent the Kid of This one, and yourself has not found her.`he is as from three new-ones, and he is being fronted to Cast, to say, `Palm-Tree, your kallah has harloted, and also, behold a pregnant-one to harloting-ones.`1204 And Cast is saying, `Cause her to go out, and she is being burned.`
And Himself is she-who-is-caused-to-go-out, and herself has sent toward her cham, to say, `To a man whose these ones are to-himself, myself is a pregnant-one.` And she is saying, `Recognize, now, to whom the Seal, and the Threads, and the Staff are These ones.`And Cast is recognizing and is saying, `She has been justified from myself, for upon an upright I have not given her to Petition, my builder.` And he has not added again to perceive her.
he is in the time of her bearing, and behold, double-ones are in her belly.
Andhe is in her bearing, and he is giving a hand, and the One-who-bears is taking and is tying1205 upon his hand a scarlet-one,1206 to say, `This one has gone out a first one.`
Andhe is becoming like one-who-turns-back his hand, and behold, his brother has gone out, and she is saying, `How have you broken out? Upon you is a breakout.` And he is calling-out his name Breakout.1207
And And the back of his brother has gone out, which upon his hand is the Scarlet one, and he is calling-out his name Risen.1208