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In the Head 25

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RBT Paraphrase

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RBT Hebrew Literal

And Father-of-Tumult is adding and is taking a woman, and her name is Incense.831

And she is bearing to-himself אֶת-Musical,832 and אֶת-Snare-Layer,833 and אֶת-Strife,834 and אֶת-Contentious,835 and אֶת-Left-Alone,836 and אֶת-Sunk.837

And Snare-Layer has begotten Seven and Low-Country. And the builders of Low-Country have become Successful-ones,838 and Hammered-ones,839 and United-ones.840

And the builders of Contentious are Gloomy,841 and Fawn,842 and Trained, and My-Father-Perceives,843 and El-Perceives,844 the whole of these are builders of Incense.

And Father-of-Tumult is giving אֶת-the whole which is to-himself to He-Laughs.

And to the builders of the Concubines whom are to Father-of-Tumult, Father-of-Tumult has given gifts, and he is sending them forth from-upon He-Laughs his builder, in the continuance of ourselves845 a living-one, front-ward [eastward], toward an earth of the front [east].

And these ones are the days of duplications of living ones846 of Father-of-Tumult, whom is a living-one,847 a hundred and seventy and five duplications.

And Father-of-Tumult is breathing out,848 and is dying in a good grey-one, old and satisfied, and is being gathered toward his people.And He-Laughs and El-Hears his builders are burying אֶת-him toward a cave of Doublefold, toward the field of Fawn-Like, builder of Whiteness the Terrified, which is upon the faces of Mamre,the Field which Father-of-Tumult has bought from אֶת-the builders of Terror there-ward has been buried Father-of-Tumult and ContentiousWoman his woman.And he is becoming the back of the death of Father-of-Tumult, and elohim is kneeling He-Laughs his builder, and He-Laughs is sitting with Well to the Living One of Sight.

And these ones are births of El-Hears, builder of Father-of-Tumult, whom Hagar the Egyptian, slavewoman of ContentiousWoman, has borne to Father-of-Tumult.

And these ones are the names of the builders of El-Hears, in their names, to their births: first-born of El-Hears is Fruitfulnesses, and Dark,849 and Disciplined-of-El, and Spice,and Report,850 and Silence, and Burden,851Sharp, and Dry-Country, Enclosed, Refreshed, and Precedence.852These ones of themselves853 are builders of El-Hears, and these ones are their names, in their enclosures,854 and by their battlements,855 double ten exalted-ones to their united-ones.And these ones are the duplications of living ones856 of Ishmael, a hundred and thirty of a duplication and seven duplications. And he is breathing out, and he is dying, and he is being gathered toward his people.

And they are dwelling from Circle857 until Wall, which is upon the faces of Dual-Strait, as you come in Straight-ward upon the faces of the whole of his brothers he has fallen.858

And these ones are births of He-Laughs, builder of Father-of-Tumult. Father-of-Tumult has begotten He-Laughs.

And he is becoming He-Laughs a builder of forty of a duplication in his taking אֶת-Stall-Fed, built-one of Destroyed-of-El the Castle-Dweller,859 from Highland-Castle,860 sister of White the Castle-Dweller, to-himself to a woman.And He-Laughs is making entreaty to Yahweh to-opposite-of861 his woman, for plucked-up is himself. And Yahweh is being entreated to-himself, and Stall-Fed his woman is conceiving.

And the Builders are crushing themselves862 in her inner-part, and she is saying, `If so—why is this one myself?` And she is walking to seek אֶת-Yahweh.

And Yahweh is saying to-herself, `Double nations are in your belly, and double united-ones from your bowels are being divided; and a united-one from a united-one is being bold;863 and the abundant one is serving the little one.`

And her days to bear are being filled, and behold, double-ones864 are in her womb.

And the First one is going out ruddy the whole of himself like a cloak of hair, and they are calling-out his name Prepared.865And the back of an upright his brother has gone out, and his hand is her-grasping866 in the heel of Prepared.And the Scattered-ones are growing great, and he is Prepared a man, he-who-perceives a hunter, a man of the field. And Heel is a man of completeness,868 him-sitting tents.869And He-Laughs is loving אֶת-Prepared, for a hunter870 is in his mouth; and Stall-Fed is loving אֶת-Heel.

And Heel is boiling a boiling,871 and Prepared is coming in from the Field, and himself is faint.

And Prepared is saying toward Heel, `Cause me to swallow, now, from out of the Red one the Red one872 of This one, for faint is myself.` Upon thus he has called-out his name Red.And Heel is saying, `Sell her as the Hot-one873 אֶת-your firstborn874 to-myself.`And Prepared is saying, `Behold, myself is him-walking to die, and what is this one to myself a firstborn?`And Heel is saying, `Seven her to myself like the Hot-one.` And he is sevening to-himself, and is selling אֶת-his firstborn to Heel.And Heel has given to Prepared a bread and a boiling of lentils, and he is eating, and he is drinking, and he is standing up, and he is walking, and Prepared is despising the Firstborn.875