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In the Head 41

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RBT Paraphrase

And He Adds is summoning the self eternal name of the Firstborn, Forgotten, for mighty ones has forgotten the self eternal whole labor of myself, and all of the house of the father of myself.

RBT Hebrew Literal

And he is becoming from the cut-off of a double-duplication of days. And Pharaoh is he-who-bonds, and behold, he-who-sets-upright upon the Canal,

and behold, from out of the Canal those-who-ascend are seven cows, beautiful of sight, and fat in flesh, and they are tending1224 in the swamp-grass.1225

And behold seven cows of the back are those-who-ascend the back of them from-out of the Canal, ruined-ones of sight and crushed ones of flesh, and they are setting-upright beside the cows upon the edge of the Canal.

And the Cows of Ruinous ones of sight and crushed ones of the Flesh are eating אֶת-the seven Cows of beautiful sight, and the Fat ones. And Pharaoh is awakening.

And he is sleeping and bonding a double, and behold, seven ears-of-grain are ascending in a stalk of one, fat and good ones,

and behold, seven ears-of-grain, crushed, and those-who-are-scorched of a front [east] wind1226 are those-who-sprout the back of them.

And the Crushed Ears-of-grain are swallowing אֶת-the seven Fat Ears-of-grain and the Full ones. And Pharaoh is awakening, and behold, a bonded-one.

And he is becoming in the Dawn, and his wind is occuring, and he is sending and is calling-out אֶת-the whole of the scribes of Dual-Strait, and אֶת-the whole of her wise ones, and Pharaoh is recording to them אֶת-his bonded-one, but there is not one-who-divides אֶת-them to Pharaoh.

And the prince of the Drink-givers is ordering אֶת-Pharaoh, to say, `אֶת-my misses, myself is he-who-causes-to-memorialize the Hot-one,

Pharaoh has been wroth upon his slaves, and he is giving אֶת-me in the prison in the house of the prince of the Butchers, אֶת-me and אֶת-the prince of those-who-bake.And we are bonding her1227 a bonded-one in one night, myself and himself, a man according to the division of his bonded-one we have bonded.And there, את-us, is a shaken-out-one, a Beyond-one, a slave to the prince of the Butchers, and we are recording to-himself, and he is dividing to-ourselves אֶת-our bonded-ones, a man according to his bonded-one he has divided.And he is as when he has divided to-ourselves thus he has become, אֶת-me he has caused to turn back upon my stand, and אֶת-him he has hanged.`

And Pharaoh is sending and is calling-out אֶת-He-Adds, and they are causing him to run from out of the Cistern, and he is making-bald, and is passing by his garments, and is coming in toward Pharaoh.

And Pharaoh is saying toward He-Adds, `A bonded-one I have bonded, and nothing is he-who-divides אֶת-him, and myself has heard upon you, to say, You are hearing the bonded-one to divide אֶת-him.`And He-Adds is facing אֶת-Pharaoh, to say, `Not-unto-me, elohim is facing אֶת-the completeness of Pharaoh.`

And Pharaoh is ordering toward He-Adds, `In my Bonded-one, behold, one-who-sets-upright upon the edge of the Canal,

and behold, from out of the Canal those-who-ascend are seven cows, fat of flesh, and beautiful of form, and they are tending in the swamp-grass.And behold, seven cows of a back-one are those-who-ascend the back of them, hanging-down, and exceedingly ruinous of form, and gaunt in flesh; I have not seen as these ones in the whole of the earth of Dual-Strait to the Ruinous one.`And the Gaunt and Ruinous Cows are eating אֶת-the seven First Fat Cows.And they are coming in toward their inner-part, and he has not been perceived for they have come in toward their inward-part, and their sights is ruinous as when in the Pierced-one.1228 And I am awaking.`And I am seeing in my Bonded-one, and behold, seven ears-of-grain are those-who-ascend in one stalk, full and good ones.And behold, seven ears-of-grain, hardened, gaunt, those-who-are-scorched of a front [east] wind, are those-who-sprout the back of them.And the Gaunt Ears-of-grain are swallowing the seven Good Ears-of-grain. And I am saying toward the Scribes, but nothing is he-who-fronts to-myself.`

And He-Adds is saying toward Pharaoh, `The bonded-one of Pharaoh one is he אֶת-whom the Elohim he-who-makes has fronted to Pharaoh.

The seven cows the Good ones, these ones are seven duplications, and the seven Ears-of-grain, these ones are seven duplications, the bonded-one, one is he.And the seven Gaunt and Ruinous Cows, Those-who-ascend the back of them seven duplications are these ones, and the seven Empty Ears-of-grain, those-who-are-scorched of the Front [East] wind, they are becoming seven duplications of a hungry-one.Himself is the Word which I have ordered toward Pharaoh, which the Elohim is he-who-makes, he has caused-to-see אֶת-Pharaoh.`Behold, seven duplications are those-who-come of a great abundance in the whole of the earth of Dual-Strait,and seven duplications of a hungry-one have stood up the back of them, and the whole of the Abundance has been forgotten in the Earth of Dual-Strait, and the Hungry-one has ended אֶת-the Earth.

And the Abundant is not perceived in the Earth from the faces of the Hungry-one of Himself, the back of an upright, for himself is exceedingly heavy.

`And upon the Bonded-one being replicated toward Pharaoh a double-occurance, for he-who-is-erect is the Word from-with the Elohim, and he-who-hastens the Elohim to make him.

`And now, let Pharaoh see a man, discerning and wise, and you are setting him upon the Earth of Dual-Strait.Pharaoh is making and causing to visit overseers upon the Earth, and has fifthed1229 אֶת-the Earth of Dual-Strait in seven replications of the Abundance,and they are grasping אֶת-the whole of the food of the Good Duplications the Coming-Ones of These ones and heap up a pure-one1230 under the hand of Pharaoh, food in the cities; and they have guarded.And he has become the Food for a deposit, for the Earth, for seven duplications of the Hungry-one whom are becoming in the Earth of Dual-Strait, and they are not cut off, the Earth in the Hungry-one.`

And the Word is creating-good in the eyes of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of the whole of his slaves,

and Pharaoh is saying toward his slaves, `Have we found according to this one, a man whom the wind of elohim is in him?`And Pharaoh is saying toward He-Adds, `The back of the causing-to-perceive elohim אֶת-you אֶת-the whole of this one, nothing is he-who-is-understanding and a wise-one the-likeness-of-you.Yourself is becoming upon my house, and upon your mouth he is kissing, the whole of my people; only the Covering1231 I am growing-great from you.`

And Pharaoh is saying toward He-Adds, `See, I have given אֶת-you upon the whole of the Earth of Dual-Strait.`

And Pharaoh is causing to turn aside his sinking-one1232 from upon his hand, and he is giving אֶת-her upon the hand of He-Adds, and he is clothing אֶת-him with treacherous-garments of white-linen, and he is putting a collar of the Gold-one upon his neck.

And he is causing אֶת-him to ride in the riding-place1233 of the Double-replica1234 which is to-himself, and they are calling-out to his faces, `Abrek`1235 giving אֶת-him upon the whole of the earth of Dual-Strait.

And Pharaoh is saying toward He-Adds, `Myself is Pharaoh, and not-unto-you a man is not raising up אֶת-his hand and אֶת-his foot in the whole of the earth of Dual-Strait.`

And Pharaoh is calling-out the name of He-Adds Revealer-of-a-Secret,1236 and he is giving to-himself Asenath1237 built-one of Poti-Pherah, priest of Wealth,1238 to a woman, and He-Adds is going out upon the earth of Dual-Strait.

And He-Adds is a builder of thirty a duplication in his setting-upright to the faces of Pharaoh king of Dual-Strait, and He-Adds is going out from the faces of Pharaoh, and is crossing-over in the whole of the earth of Dual-Strait.

And the Earth is making in seven duplications the Abundance for handfuls.And he is grasping אֶת-the whole of the food of seven duplications which have become in the earth of Dual-Strait, and he is giving the food in the Cities; the food of the field of the City which circles her, he has given in her middle.

And He-Adds is heaping-up a select-one as a turning-one of the Sea, abounding exceedingly, until that he has quit to count, for nothing is a number.

And to He-Adds he has been born1239 double builders in-before you are coming-in1240 a duplication of the Hungry-one, whom Asenath bore to-himself, built-one of Poti-Pherah, priest of Wealth.

And He-Adds is calling-out אֶת-the name of the Firstborn Forgotten, for elohim has forgotten1241 אֶת-the whole my labor, and the whole of the house of my father.

And אֶת-the name of the Double he has called-out Dual-Fruit, for, elohim has caused me to bear-fruit in the earth of my misery.`

And the seven duplications of the Abundant are being ended whom has become in the Earth of Dual-Strait.

And the seven duplications of the Hungry-one are untying to come in, when He-Adds has spoken, and he is becoming a hungry-one in the whole of the Earths, but in the whole of the earth of Dual-Strait he has become bread.And the whole of the earth of Dual-Strait is hungering, and he is crying-out the People toward Pharaoh to the Bread, and Pharaoh is saying to the whole of Dual-Strait, `Walk toward He-Adds, whom he is saying to-yourselves, make.`

And the Hungry-one has become upon the whole of the faces of the Earth, and He-Adds is opening אֶת-the whole of which is in them,1242 and break-in-pieces1243 to Dual-Strait. And the Hungry-one is strengthening in the Earth of Dual-Strait.

And the whole of the Earth has come in to Dual-Strait to break-in-pieces toward He-Adds, for the Hungry-one has strengthened in the whole of the Earth.