In the Head 9
RBT Paraphrase
You make as is made to yourself
He who pours out blood of the Man, within the Man the blood of himself is being poured out, because he has made the self eternal Man in the shade-phantom of mighty ones.And they are the builders of Rest going out of the Chest, Name, and Warm, and Opened. And Warm, himself is father of Humbled.
RBT Hebrew Literal
אֶת-Rest,334 and אֶת-his builders, and is saying to-themselves, `Be fruitful, and be abundant, and fill אֶת-the Earth;
And elohim is kneeling and your fearful-one and your shattered-one is becoming upon the whole of a living one of the Earth, and upon the whole of the flying one of the Dual-Heavens, in the whole which she is creeping the Red-one, and in the whole of the fishes of the Sea—into your hand they have been given. The whole creeper which himself is living-one to-yourselves he is becoming to a food335 like the green grass I have given to you אֶת-the whole. Only flesh in his breath, his blood, you all are not eating.336 `And only I am seeking אֶת-your blood for your breaths;337 from the hand of the whole of the living-one I am seeking him, and from the hand of the Red-one, from the hand of a man of his brother, I am seeking אֶת-breath of the Red-one; He who pours out blood of the Red-one, in the Red-one his blood is being poured, for in the shadow-phantom of elohim he has made אֶת-the Red-one. And you all, be fruitful and be abundant, creep in the Earth, and be abundant in-herself.`And elohim is speaking toward Rest, and toward his builders with himself, saying, `And myself, behold-me causing to stand-up338 אֶת-my cut-out-one with yourselves, and with your seed of your back,339 and with the whole of the breath of the living-one who is with yourselves, in the flying-one, in the behemah, and in the whole of a living one of the Earth with yourselves, from the whole who are going out of the Chest, to the whole of a living one of the Earth.
אֶת-my cut-out-one את-yourselves, and the whole of the flesh is not again being cut off by dual-waters of the Flow, and he is not becoming again a flow to lay-waste the Earth.`
And I have caused to stand upאת-yourself, to revolutions of the future.
And elohim is saying, `This one is a sign of the Cut-out-one which myself is giving between me and between yourself, and between the whole of the breath of the living-one that is I have given אֶת-my bow340 in the Covering-Cloud, and she has become for a sign of a cut-out-one between me and between the Earth.he has become in my beclouding341 a covering-cloud upon the Earth, and the Bow is being seen in the Covering-Cloud.
Andאֶת-my cut-out-one whom is between me and between you and between the whole of the breath of the living-one, in the whole of the flesh, and he is not becoming again the Dual-Waters for a flow to lay-waste the whole of the flesh.
And I have memorialized342 has become in the Covering-Cloud, and I have seen her to memorialize a cut-out-one of the future between elohim and between the whole of the breath of the living-one in the whole of flesh, which is upon the Earth.`
And the BowAnd elohim is saying toward Rest, `This is a sign of the Cut-out-one which I have raised between Me and the whole flesh, which is upon the Earth.`
they are becoming the builders of Rest going out of the Chest, Name, and Warm, and Opened. And Warm himself is father of Humbled.343
And These three are builders of Rest, and from these ones they have shattered344 the whole Earth.And Rest is untying a man of the Red-one, and he is setting-up a vineyard, and is drinking from the wine, and is being drunk, and is uncovering himself in the middle of the tent. And Warm, father of Humbled, is seeing אֶת-the naked-one of his father and is fronting345 to his two brothers outside. And Name is taking,346 and Opened, אֶת-the Mantle,347 and they are placing upon the shoulder348 of their double, and they are walking backward,349 and are covering אֶת-the naked-one of their father. And their faces are backward, and the naked-one of their father they have not seen. And Rest is awaking from his wine, and he is perceiving אֶת-whom he has made to-himself his builder the Small-one,350 And he is saying: `Cursed is Humbled, a slave of slaves, he is becoming to his brothers.`351 And he is saying: `He-who-is-kneeled352 is Yahweh, elohe of Name,353 And Humbled is becoming a slave to-himself [לְמוֹ].354 Let Elohim cause to open-wide to Opened. And he is dwelling in tents of Name, And Humbled is a slave to-himself [לְמוֹ].`355
is becoming a back-one of the Flow three hundred of a duplication and fifty of a duplication.
And Rest And they are becoming the whole of the days of Rest nine hundred of a duplication and fifty of a duplication, and he is dying.