In the Head 2
RBT Paraphrase
They are Able
And the dual heavenly ones were able, and the Earth, and everyone of the army of themselves.She is Day: The Craftsmanship and Rest
And mighty ones is finishing within the Day of the Seventh an angelic work/craftsmanship of himself whom he has made. And he is ceasing within the Day of the Seventh from the whole angelic-mission of himself whom he has made.55bAriel Ariel.
"Six steps to the Canopied-Throne and the head is round to the canopied throne from his back, and the hands are from here and from here toward the standing place of the seat. And two lionesses are those standing beside the hands." (1 Kings 10:19 RBT)
"I have sevened yourselves, daughters of the Foundation of Peace, what are you awakening? and what are you making bare/naked? The eternal Love as far as whom she delights. (Song of Solomon 8:4 RBT)
"And she (the Queen of Seven) is coming in, in a valiant one of exceeding glory..." (1 Kings 10:2 RBT)
"For everyone of yourselves are sons of Light and sons of Day, we are not of Night, nor of Darkness." (1 Thess. 5:5 RBT)
Elah of Offspring
And mighty ones is blessing each self eternal day of the Seventh, and he is making holy his eternal self, for within himself he has ceased from every angelic work/craftsmanship of himself, whom mighty ones has cut out to make,a mighty one of offspring of the Dual Heavenly ones and the Earth, within the cutting out of themselves within each day, those who make He is (יהוה) mighty ones of earth and dual heavenly ones.
A Talking Bush Not Yet Become (טרם יהיה), No "Father for the Rain" - Job 38:25-28
And every talking one of the Field is not yet becoming (יהיה) within the Earth, and all the grass of the Field is not yet sprouting, for He Is Become (יהוה) mighty ones has not rained upon the Earth, and a Man ("adam") is not existing, to serve the self eternal Ground of Adam ("Adamah").60"Give Myself To Drink"
And a firebrand is climbing up from the Earth and he has given drink to all the self eternal faces of the Ground of Adam.Occurs twice. From אוד (#181). Smoking firebrand/stick
Kicking up Dust, Making a Stag (עפר)
And He is (יהוה) mighty ones is forming the self eternal Man ("Adam"). He has dusted from out of the Ground of Adam, and he is breathing within the dual noses of himself each breath of living ones, and the Man is becoming for each soul of throw dust (#6080)
young stag/hart (#6082)
dust/dirt (#6083)
"A Pleasant Planting" - Isaiah 5:7
And He is mighty ones is planting upright, a protected-garden within Delight, from the front, and he is setting he has set the Man whom he has formed.The Man has been planted upright from the front/east. From the other side, yet to be... he is setting | he has set
Mighty ones Sprout
And He is mighty ones is sprouting from out of the Ground of Adam, every tree, he who is desirable to the Sight, and he was a good one for food, and a tree of the Living Ones is in the center of the Protected-Garden, and a tree of the Perception of good, and an evil one.“And he is saying toward herself, 'According to the Talk of one of the Foolish-ones you are also speaking! The self eternal Good one we are taking from the self eternal Mighty Ones, and the Evil one we are not taking!' In all of this, Hated One ("Job") has not missed within the lips of himself.”
(Job 2:10 RBT)sorcery
magic arts
and death.
Descent River ("Jordan"), Out of the Belly of Himself
And a river has gone out from Delight to give drink to the eternal self Protected-Garden, and from there he is separating, and he has become four heads."And you have given the spirit of yourself of the Good One, to give intelligence. And the manna of yourself, you have not withheld from the mouth of themselves..."
(Nehemiah 9:29 RBT)He has set the One, Fattened. Himself is the Encircler of every self eternal earth of the Spinning One, whom he set the Gold.
A New Name on a Bright White Gemstone
And the gold of the Earth of Himself is good. He has set the What Is It Manna ("Bedolach") and a stone of the Shoham.And he has set the River of the Second, Burst-Forth. Himself is the Encircler of every self eternal earth of Ethiopia.
And he set the River of the Third, Sharp-Swift ("Chid-kel"). Himself is the Walker in front [east] of Straightened ("Ashshur"). And the River of the Fourth, himself is Sweetwater ("Perath").
He Leads me in the Way...
And He is mighty ones is taking hold of the self eternal Man, and he is leading himself within the Protected-Garden of Delight, to serve her, and to keep watch over her."The command of himself is eternal zoe-life"
And He is mighty ones is commanding concerning the Man, to speak: "From every tree of the Protected-Garden, he ate, she is eating,and from a tree of the Perception of the good one. And an evil one you are not eating from the manna of himself. For within the Day I am consuming yourself from the manna of himself. He has died, you are being put to death!""For I have seen there is nothing good inhabiting within myself, that is, within the Flesh of myself..."
(Romans 7:18a RBT)נחשתן Nechushtan (#5180)
נחשתא Nechushta "Copper Serpent" mother of He Is Stood Upright ("Jehoiakin") (#5179)
"Offspring of vipers! who showed to yourselves to flee away from the Wrath of her who is about to be?"
(Matthew 3:7 RBT)"No way I'm eating that."
The Surrounding Help - Song of Songs 8
And He is mighty ones is saying, "The Man becoming separated from himself is not good, I am making for himself a surrounding help according to his anti-side."And He is mighty ones is forming from the Ground of Adam, every animal of the Field, and every self eternal bird of the dual heavenly ones, and he has come toward the Man, to see what he is summoning to himself. And everyone whom the Man is summoning to himself, a breath of life of Himself is a name of himself."
He has found not One Like himself
And the Man is summoning names, every Beast, and the bird of the dual heavenly ones, and every animal of the Field. And the surrounding help has not found for the Man any like the opposite of himself.Sting of Death
And He is mighty ones was caused to fall, a death-stun upon the Man, and he is languid/weak. And he is taking hold of one from the side/rib of himself, and he is shutting up flesh below herself."The Prick of the Death is the Miss..."
(1 Corinthians 15:56 RBT)She finds Himself in the Outside - Song of Songs 8:1
And He is mighty ones is building the self eternal Side/Rib, whom he has taken hold, manna of the Man, to each woman. And he is causing her to come in toward the Man.The Feet that Bring Good News
And the Man is saying, "This one is the Foot-Strike! He has become vast/mighty from the bones of myself, and he has brought good news from the flesh of myself to this one. He is summoning each woman, for she has taken hold of this one from each man."The Two Become One Flesh within the Womb
Upon an upright one each man is leaving the self eternal father of himself and the self eternal mother of himself, and he has glued within the Woman of himself, and they have become a flesh of one.A Three Cord
And the two of themselves are becoming prudent ones of the Man, and also the woman of himself, and they are not shaming themselves.RBT Hebrew Literal
And the Dual-Heavenly-Ones were able,54 and the Earth, and the whole army of them.55 And he is finishing elohim in the Seventh Hot-one an angelic task of himself whom he has made, and he is ceasing in the Seventh Hot-one from every angelic task of himself whom he has made.אֶת-a day of the Seventh,56 and is making holy אֶת-him, for in-him57 he has ceased from the whole of his angelic-task whom elohim has cut out to make:58
And he is kneeling/blessing elohim58a of begettings of the Dual-Heavenly-ones and of the Earth in their being cut out,58b in each hot-one, those who make58c Yahweh59 elohim of earth and dual-heavenly-ones.
A mighty onehe is becoming in the Earth, and the every herb of the Field is before he sprouts,60 for Yahweh elohim has not caused to rain upon the Earth,60b and a red-one is not, to serve אֶת-the Red-one.
And every conversing/musing one of the Field is before And a firebrand is ascending from the Earth and he has given drink to אֶת-the whole of the faces of the Red-one.Yahweh elohim is forming אֶת-the Red-one; he has dusted from out of the Red-one,61 and is breathing within his dual-nose a blow of living-ones,62 and he is becoming the Red-one to a breath of a living-one.63
And64 Yahweh elohim, an enclosure65 in Eden, from the front [east],66 and he is setting he has set the Red-one whom he has formed.
And he is fixing-upright And Yahweh elohim is sprouting from out of the Red-one every wood, him-who-is-desirable to the sight,67 and he was good for food, and a wood of the Living-ones68 is in the center of the Enclosure, and a wood of the Perception of good, and a ruined-one.70אֶת-the Protected-Enclosure, and from there he is separating, and he has become to four heads,71
And a river, he has gone out from Eden to cause to drink He set the One of Fat,72 he is encircling73 אֶת-every earth of the Spinning-one74 which is a name of the Gold-one, and the gold of the Earth of Himself75 is good, he has set the Bedolach76 and stone of the Shoham.77 And he set the River of the Second-one78 is Burst Forth [Gichon],79 himself the Encircler of אֶת-all of earth of Cush; And the name of the River of the Third-one is Hiddekel,80 himself is the One-who-walks81 front [east] of Straight;82 And the fourth River, himself is Perath.83Yahweh elohim is taking84 אֶת-the Red-one and he is leading himself84b in the enclosure of Eden, to serve her, and to guard her.85
And And Yahweh elohim is commanding upon85b the Red-one to say, `From every wood of the Enclosure he ate, she/you is/are eating.86 and from the wood of the Perception87 of a good one. And a ruined-one you are not eating from the manna of himself,88 for in the hot-one I am eating yourself88a from the manna of himself. He has died, you are dying.` And Yahweh Elohim is saying, it is not a good one the becoming of the Red-one to his own separation,89 I am making to-himself a surrounding-help90 according to his anti.91Yahweh elohim is forming from the Red-one the whole of a living one of the Field, and אֶת-all flying-one of the Dual-Heavens, and he has come toward the Red-one, to see what he is summoning to-himself.92 And everyone straightly/whom he is summoning to-himself, Red-one, breath of living-one, himself, his name.93
And And the Red-one is summoning names to the whole of the Behemah, and to the Flying-one of the Dual-Heavens, and to the whole living one of the Field. And for the Red-one the surrounding-help has not found according to his opposite.95 And Yahweh elohim was caused to fall, a death-stun96 upon the Red-one, and he is languid/weary, and he is taking one from his ribs/sides,97 and he is shutting up flesh below her.98 And Yahweh elohim is building אֶת-the rib which he has taken hold from the Red-one to a woman and is causing her to come in toward the Red-one.99 And the Red-one is saying, `This one is the Now/Foot-Strike!100 He has become vast/mighty101b from my bones and has borne tidings101c from my flesh.` To this one he is summoning a woman for from a man101 she has taken hold102of this one. Upon an upright a man is leaving אֶת-his father and אֶת-his mother,103 and has stuck in his Woman,104 and they have become to a flesh of one.105106 are becoming prudent-ones107 of the Red-one, and his woman, and they are not causing themselves shame.108
And the two of themselves