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Genesis 2:9

וַ יַּצְמַח יְהוָה אֶלֹהִים מִן הָ אֲדָמָה כָּל עֵץ נֶחְמָד לְ מַרְאֶה וְ טֹוב לְ מַאֲכָל וְ עֵץ הַ חַיִּים בְּ תֹוךְ הַ גָּן וְ עֵץ הַ דַּעַת טֹוב וָ רָע
And Yahweh is causing to sprout elohim from out of the Red-one the whole of a wood, him-who-is-desirable to the sight,67
and a good one for a food,
and the Wood of the Living-ones68 is in the middle of the Enclosure,
and the Wood is the Perception of69 a good one and ruined-one.70


Strong’s #7451, ra’, רַע. This word has been complicated like the word “good”. “Evil” or “bad” are subjective concepts until attached to something concrete and objective. By themselves they mean nothing. The root ra’ah (#7489) means to dash to pieces, shatter. As a concrete adjective it would mean calamity, destruction, ruin. The word “evil” (like “hell”) is another old Anglo-Saxon word that meant harm, misfortune, crime. “The meaning ‘extreme moral wickedness’ was one of the senses of the Old English noun, but it did not become established as the main sense of the modern word until 18th century” – Online Etymology Dictionary.

A man [of] friends [re’a רֵעַ] to become ruined [ra’a רָעַע], and there exists he-who-loves a cleaving-one from a brother.” Proverbs 18:24 literal

“…which iron crushing and shattering the whole, and like iron which ruins [ra’a רָעַע] the whole of these-ones, she causes to crush and she is ruining [ra’a רָעַע].” Daniel 2:40 literal

He is sending away in them a glowing-anger of his nostril, and an overflowing, and a frothing-at-the-mouth, and a strait, a sending of messengers of a ruined-one [ra’ רַע].” Psalm 78:49 literal

Note the objectivity of “evil” in the appearance of the heifers,

And behold seven heifers following, ascending behind from out of the Nile, ruined [ra’ רַע] of appearance and crushed of flesh…” Genesis 41:3 literal

It contrasts not with the good but with completeness,

For Myself have known the Designs whom Myself designs over you—an oracle of Yahweh—designs of completeness and not to a ruined-one [ra’ רַע], to give to you all an end and a rope [#8615].” Jeremiah 29:11 literal

The offroader, the fatherless-one, and a bound-one you are not pressing-upon, and do not pour out blood of the innocent-one in the Standing-place of This one. And behind elohim of the back-ones you are not walking to a ruined-one [ra’ רַע], to you all.” Jeremiah 7:6 literal

And he is saying toward her, ‘According to the speaking of one of the Foolish-ones you are speaking also. אֶת-the Good we are receiving from אֶת-the Elohim, and the Ruined [ra’ רַע] we are not receiving. In the whole of this one Job has not missed with his lips.” Job 2:10 literal