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Genesis 14:6

וְ אֶת הַ חֹרִי בְּ הַרְרָם שֵׂעִיר עַד אֵיל פָּארָן אֲשֶׁר עַל הַ מִּדְבָּר
and אֶת-the Hole-Dwellers525 in their mountain of Hairy,526 until Oak of Branch,527 which is upon the wilderness528;

Strong’s #4057, midbar. Wilderness. It is thought to mean mouth in one place: “As a thread of scarlet are your lips, And your wilderness is comely, As the work of the pomegranate is your temple behind your veil…” (Song. 4:3) which is the Bridgroom speaking about the Bride.