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Genesis 30:35

וַ יָּסַר בַּ יֹּום הַ הוּא אֶת הַ תְּיָשִׁים הָ עֲקֻדִּים וְ הַ טְּלֻאִים וְ אֵת כָּל הָ עִזִּים הַ נְּקֻדֹּות וְ הַ טְּלֻאֹת כֹּל אֲשֶׁר לָבָן בֹּו וְ כָל חוּם בַּ כְּשָׂבִים וַ יִּתֵּן בְּ יַד בָּנָיו

And he is causing to turn aside in the Hot-one of Himself986 אֶת-the Banded987 He-Goats and They-who-are-spotted, and the whole of the Marked She-Goats and They-who-are-spotted, the whole of which are white in him, and the whole of the warm in the Lambs, and he is giving in the hand of his builders,


Hebrew ba-yom ha-hu. Definite article + third-person masculine singular pronoun.