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Genesis 1:10

וַ יִּקְרָא אֶלֹהִים לַ יַּבָּשָׁה אֶרֶץ וּ לְ מִקְוֵה הַ מַּיִם קָרָא יַמִּים וַ יַּרְא אֶלֹהִים כִּי טֹוב

And he is calling elohim to the Dry-one of earth, and to the binding-place23 of the Dual-Waters he has called `Days.`24 And he is seeing elohim for good.


Strong’s #4723, miqveh. A binding place, collection. This word speaks of a place where things bind or unite as in a reservoir or pool, or rope (as twisted together). The rope is seen as symbolic for hope. The NT uses the pool in many instances as a place of hope.

“as a shadow are our days upon the Earth, and there is not a pool [miqveh].” (1 Chron. 29:15 RBT)

 “and now, there is a pool [miqveh] in Israel upon this one.” (Ezra 10:2 RBT) 

“A pool [miqveh] of Israel, his savior in time of trouble…” (Jer. 14:8 RBT)

“The pool [miqveh] of Israel is Yahweh, the whole of those-who-forsake you are being ashamed, my departed-ones in the Earth are being written for they have forsaken the spring of the dual water ones, living-ones [from beginning to end את] of Yahweh.” (Jer. 17:13 RBT)

Yahweh, the pool [miqveh] of their fathers” (Jer. 50:7 RBT)

