Genesis 1:26
And he is saying elohim, a red-one was made within the shadow-phantom of ourselves,43 according to our mirror-image,44 and they have climbed down45 in a fish46 of the Sea, and in a flying-one of the Dual-Heavenly-ones, and in the behemah, and in the whole of the Earth, and in the whole of the Gliding-one the Gliding-one47 upon the Earth.
45 | The interpretation of "to rule" is taken from the weak verb Strong’s #7287, radah. Rule, dominate, reign, have dominion. However as a third person plural form (ירדו) this contradicts the singular noun "adam." This also assumes the letter ה was dropped from רָדָה which is typical for weak verbs. The more obvious and grammatically fitting word here is ירד yarad "to descend" (cf. Strong's #3381) they have descended. Also verse 28. |