Genesis 1:6
Parting the Water, Divider of Tongues/Mouths
And Mighty ones is saying, "He is becoming a beaten expanse in the center of the Dual Waters, and he is becoming one who divides between dual water to dual water."And God will say there shall be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and there shall be a separating between waters to waters.
And God said, Let an expanse be in the midst of the waters, and let it divide between the waters and the waters.
And God said, “Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.”
And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the water, and let it be a division between water and water, and it was so.
17 | Strong’s #7549, raqia. Beaten down, pounded, stamped surface. This does not have anything to with open space apart from a surface. It is inherently related to a surface. The root verb is raqa #7554 to to pound the earth, stamp, beat out. “And they are stamping [raqa] אֶת-sheets of the Gold…” Exodus 39:3 RBT “Thus is saying master Yahweh, strike in [against] your palm, and stamp [raqa] in [against] your foot…” Ezekiel 6:11 RBT “And I am beating them as the dust of the earth, as mire of the outsides, I am crushing them, I am stamping [raqa] them." 2 Sam. 22:43 RBT |
18 | Hebrew him-dividing. Participle masculine verb to divide. Could also be read “him who is dividing”. See Strong’s #914. “Expanse” is from the Hebrew raqia (Strong’s #7549) and means canopy, extended surface, vault. A.k.a. a tent. Raqia is from the root raqa which means to beat, stamp, beat out, spread out. Wrapping himself with light of the Garment, extending heaven like a tent curtain. Psalm 104:2 literal |