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RBT Hebrew Literal:

And he is saying, elohim, he is becoming a pounded-expanse17 in the middle of the Dual-Waters, and he is becoming he-who-divides18 between dual-waters into dual-waters.

RBT Paraphrase:
Parting the Water, Divider of Tongues/Mouths
And Mighty ones is saying, "He is becoming a beaten expanse in the center of the Dual Waters, and he is becoming one who divides between dual water to dual water."
Julia Smith Literal 1876 Translation:
And God will say there shall be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and there shall be a separating between waters to waters.
LITV Translation:
And God said, Let an expanse be in the midst of the waters, and let it divide between the waters and the waters.
ESV Translation:
And God said, “Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.”
Brenton Septuagint Translation:
And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the water, and let it be a division between water and water, and it was so.



Strong’s #7549, raqia. Beaten down, pounded, stamped surface. This does not have anything to with open space apart from a surface. It is inherently related to a surface. The root verb is raqa #7554 to to pound the earth, stamp, beat out.

And they are stamping [raqa] אֶת-sheets of the Gold…” Exodus 39:3 RBT

Thus is saying master Yahweh, strike in [against] your palm, and stamp [raqa] in [against] your foot…” Ezekiel 6:11 RBT

And I am beating them as the dust of the earth, as mire of the outsides, I am crushing them, I am stamping [raqa] them." 2 Sam. 22:43 RBT


Hebrew him-dividing. Participle masculine verb to divide. Could also be read “him who is dividing”. See Strong’s #914. “Expanse” is from the Hebrew raqia (Strong’s #7549) and means canopy, extended surface, vault. A.k.a. a tent. Raqia is from the root raqa which means to beat, stamp, beat out, spread out.

Wrapping himself with light of the Garment, extending heaven like a tent curtain. Psalm 104:2 literal