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Genesis 1:3

וַ יֹּאמֶר אֶלֹהִים יְהִי אֹור וַ יְהִי אֹור

And he is saying elohim, he is becoming a light, and he is becoming a light.15


Dual Light

The dual light, one is a reflection of the other. The paradox of this gives rise to the Christ/Anti-Christ, the Serpent/Anti-Serpent, etc. The two are then described as light of the dawn, and light of the evening. The dawn star has become the subject of much debate being alluded to as Satan, the fallen dawn star of Isaiah and Christ apparently calling himself the bright morning star in Revelation. One is the angel of Light, and the other disguises himself as an angel of Light.

Strong’s #1961, wa-yehi. And he is (becoming). The verbs to be/become are in the third-person masculine singular and are called “Vav-consecutive” verbs. This word is found throughout the scriptures and is endlessly debated and definitions provided are extensive or unnecessarily complicated. This Hebrew phrase yehi owr wa-yehi owr is a duplication of the same exact words, יְהִ֣י אֹ֑ור וַֽיְהִי־אֹֽור “HE IS light, and HE IS light”. The first instance is thought to be in what is called the jussive mood, i.e. let light be but nothing syntactically indicates it and often the moods are interpreted liberally from context or surrounding words.

Quotation marks are not found in the original Hebrew so the placement of the quotation marks have always been speculative. Perhaps all things originate from light, call it the big bang, or what you will. God himself is Light (1 John 1:5). The idea that light gives birth to light is also interesting:

The whole good gift and the whole complete gift is coming down from above from the father of lights with whom there is no change or turning shadow. (James 1:17 RBT)

The phrase “I am[becoming] whom I am[becoming]” is another dualism/duplication of the same words in Exodus 3:14.

The LXX translates the Hebrew rosh, head, as arché in the Greek. There is some mystery hidden in these words. These words seem to reflect a process of Yahweh’s “ordered word” being manifested, Light to Light, Image to Image, Word to Word. Hence the “mirror” into which we look as a “riddle”.

it is necessary to him who is going towards [proserchomai #4334] God to believe that he is, and to those ones seeking him he becomes a rewarder.” (Hebrews 11:6 RBT)

He is not the Father of a light, but of lights. “the whole of you are sons of light, sons of hot-one, we are not [born] of night or dark” 1 Thes. 5:5 literal. This mystery is somehow imbedded in the word for noon which is tsoharayyim, a dual noun literally meaning dual-light or double-light.

Cause to come in counsel, make judgement, make-thee your shadow as the night in the middle of the double-light [tsoharayyim], hide-thee the outcasts, him-who-wanders do not uncover.” (Isa. 16:3 RBT)

and Amos 8:9, “And he HAS BECOME the Day of Himself, an oracle of master Yahweh, and I have caused to come the Sun in the dual light [tsoharayyim, double-light]; and I have caused a dark-one to the Earth in the day of light.” Additionally, Strong’s #6671, tsahar, the root verb means to press out oil.