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Genesis 1:20

And he is saying elohim, the Dual-Water is swarming with a swarming-one of the Breath of Life,36 and a flyer is flying upon the Earth upon the faces of the crafted-space of the Dual-Heavenly-ones.



Breath of Life

Strong’s #5135, nepheshBreath. Out of 754 instances in the Bible, the NASB translates this word as breath 238 times, as person or self about 140 times, and as life 146 times. This word is often made complicated when interpreted into the abstract languages (Greek, English, etc.) and thus the definitions provided in concordances are long. The Hebrews didn’t think of the breath as an absract concept, but as objective substance, i.e. the physical body or blood. The nephesh is associated with the blood:

 “for the breath [nephesh] of the flesh is in the blood” (Genesis 9:4-5, Leviticus 17:11)

“the blood is the breath [nephesh]” (Deuteronomy 12:23)