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He is Favored 4

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Therefore even as the Salvation has known that the Separatists heard that the Salvation is making and submerging more learners than Favored,
And yet actually the Salvation himself was not submerging, but rather the Learners of himself,
he sent away the Land of Casters, and came away again into the Land of the Circuit.71b
And it was necessary for himself to go across the other side from the Guard Tower ("Samaria").
Fortified Guard Tower.

Samaria comes from the Hebrew word "Shomron" (שֹׁמְרוֹן) and its root "shamar" (שָׁמַר), which means "to guard," "to keep," or "to watch over." This root conveys the idea of preservation, protection, or vigilance. "Shomron" is the name of a region and later a city in Israel, which eventually became the capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel.

"A thorn in my side"
Also related: שָׁמִיר "shamir" a thorn, a point. "Perhaps the two significations (No. I., II.) may be reconciled from the sense of guarding, coming from that of shutting up, making fast with nails." (cf. Gesenius)

She's a Drunk Lie
He therefore is coming into a city of Guard Tower, she who is called Drunk Lie ("Sychar"), near the plot of ground that Heel Chaser ("Jacob") had given to He Adds ("Joseph"), the son of himself.
She's a Drunk Lie, a Guard Tower, Prison, Pit. No Peace to be found.

Dead at the Bottom, a Fountain of the Deep
Now the fountain of Heel Chaser was there. Therefore the Salvation, being worn out from the Way-making/leveling, was in this manner sitting upon the Fountain. An hour was like the sixth.

There are twelve hours in a day. The Day of God is six steps up (dawn) and six steps down (dusk)

The Woman kisses/washes with her hair and tears "behind" the feet of the Man because he is born upside down, inert, of the Night, his head in the sleep of death, in the Belly of Sheol.

Myself is Herself
A woman is coming out of the Watch Tower, to draw-out water. The Salvation is saying to herself, "Give to myself to drink."

"He sent forth from above, and took myself, and drew me out from the many dual-waters." (Psalm 18:16 RBT)

He caused me to climb up from the pit-hole of the uproar, from the mud of the Mire, and stood my feet upon a rock, and made firm my steps." (Psalm 40:2 RBT)

"He drank dual water from the pit hole of yourself, but flowing drops from inside the well of yourself. They are spreading abroad from the eye-springs of yourself on the outside; channels of water within the broad places. They are for yourself for your separation, and not for strangers of your eternal self. He is a wellspring/source of yourself, he who is blessed, and he has rejoiced from the woman of the shaken-out one ("youth") of yourself!"

(Proverbs 5:15-18 RBT)

For the Learners of himself had gone away into the City, so that they might buy in the market food.
Buying food in the marketplace.

Dual Waters: We don't use the same One
The Woman, The Watchwoman, is saying therefore to himself, "How, yourself, he who is being a Caster from close beside myself, ask to drink from a woman, she who is being a Watchwoman? For Casters do not use together with Watchmen."
Separated the Salvation and said to herself, "If you should have seen the Gift of the God, and who he is, the one speaking to yourself, 'Give to myself to drink,' yourself would have begged himself and he would have given to yourself that which is living water.
"This Pit Well is Profound and Complex"
The woman is saying to himself, "Master, you hold neither a drawing [of water], and the Pit is deep. From where therefore do you hold the Water, that which is living?"
"Heel Gave us this Word"
Yourself is not greater than the father of ourselves, Heel, who gave ourselves the pit, and himself drank of himself, and the sons of himself, and the nurselings [cattle] of himself."
That Book is Salt Water
The Salvation separated and said to herself, 'All who drink from the Water of this one, will thirst backward.
The Word of Myself - Luke 1:41
But whoever might drink from the Water which I myself will give to himself, he will not ever thirst into the Eternal one, but rather the Water which I will give to himself will become within himself a spring of water leaping up into zoe-life eternal.
The Woman is saying toward himself, "Master, give to myself This Water so that I may not thirst, nor go across within here to draw!"
Her Maker is Her Man, "I will Betroth you Eternally"
He is saying to herself, "Lead under, call out the Man of yourself, and come within here."

Two Contenders, Twins.

"In Here" and "In Here"Contend within the Mother of yourselves contend.

For herself is not my woman and myself is not her man. And she is turning aside/removing the harlotries of herself from the faces of herself, and the adulterous ones of herself from between her breasts." (Hosea 2:2 RBT)

"And he has become in the Day of Himself a whisper of He Is. You are calling out, 'My man!' and you are not calling out to myself constantly 'My Baal/Master!'" (Hosea 2:16 RBT)

Indeed I am not!
The Woman separated and said to himself, "I am not holding a man." The Salvation is speaking to herself, "Nobly/excellently you have spoken that I am not holding man!"
The Sixth
For you have held five men and,
, him whom you are holding, is not a man of yourself. This real/true one you have spoken!"
In Here and In Here
Bearing false witness of yourself "there", comprehended in time, and bearing true witness of yourself "Here/Now".
Your self.
Born "Inclining Down." The "Heel Chaser." Agape-love yourself = hand yourself over.

"These ones have turned the inhabited land right-side-up [ἀναστατώσαντες]..." (Acts 17:6 RBT)

The Woman is saying to himself, "Master, I am looking attentively because you are a prophet."
Kissing in Sinai
The Fathers of ourselves within the Mountain of this one kissed [worshiped],72 and yourselves are saying that within Foundation of Peace is the Place where it is necessary to kiss.
As an hour of the Day, so a woman of the man.
The Salvation is saying to herself, "Trust myself, a woman, because she is coming,72b an hour, when neither within this Mount nor within Foundation of Peace will you kiss the Father.
"Kiss the son, a corner, he is breathing-through-nostrils, and yourselves are perishing in the Road, for as a little one his nostril is consuming, straight is everyone of those who seek refuge in himself." (Psalm 2:12 RBT)

Yourselves kiss the one you don't see. Ourselves kiss the one we see, for the Deliverance, she is from out of the Casters.
She Exists, Now
But the Hour is coming, and she is
, when the real/true kissing ones will kiss towards the Father within a spirit and a real/true one. For also the Father is searching for such ones, those who kiss towards himself,
a spirit, the God, and it is necessary to kiss those ones who kiss himself within a spirit and a real/true one.
The woman is saying to himself, "I see that an anointed one is coming, the one who is being spoken 'Christ'. When he comes, that one will announce to ourselves all things."
The Salvation is saying to herself, "Myself, I am the one who chirps to yourself."
And upon this one, the Learners of himself came and marveled, because he was chirping with a woman. Nevertheless no one is saying, "What do you seek" or "Why are you chirping with herself."
The woman therefore sent away the Water Pot of herself and went away into the City, and is saying to the men,
The Water Pot of Herself.

See how much you have made!
"Come! Perceive a man, whom he has spoken to myself all, as many as I have made, whether this one is the Anointed One!"
They came out from the city and were coming toward himself.
Questioning Himself
Within the Between, the Learners were questioning himself, those who say, "My Teacher, eat."
The one then said to themselves, "Myself holds food to eat that you see not."
Therefore the Learners were saying to each other, "Not anyone carried himself to eat."
Make the Desire - Song of Songs 7:10
The Salvation is saying to themselves, "It is myself, food, so that I may make the Desire73 of the one, he who has sent myself, and make perfect the Work of himself.
Do yourselves not say that, 'He is still four months, and the Harvest is coming'? Look on! I am speaking to yourselves, Lift up the Eyes of Yourselves and look attentively at the Fields, because they are bright white ones toward the Harvest already!
The First and the Last
The one who reaps is taking hold of a wage and is leading together fruit into zoe-life eternal, so that the one who sows, and the one who reaps, may rejoice together.
For within this one, he is the true/real Word, because a different one is the one who sows/scatters, and a different one is the one who reaps.
You sowed yourself, you reap yourself
Myself sent away yourselves to reap the one yourselves did not wear out for. Others have worn out, and yourselves have come into the Striking of themselves.
The Word of the Woman
And from out of the City of that one, many of the Watchmen ("Samaritans") trusted into himself across to the Logos/Word of the Woman, she who is bearing witness that he spoke to myself everyone of those whom I have made.
The Word of The Woman.

When therefore the Watchmen came to himself, they were asking himself to abide close beside themselves, and in that place he waited for two days.
Many Trusted the Word of Himself
And many more trusted across to the Word of Himself.
Her Babble
And to the Woman both they were saying that, We are no longer trusting across to the Babble of yours, for we ourselves have heard, and we have perceived that this one is truly the Savior of the World.
The Dual Light
And with the Two Days, he came out from that side into the Land of the Circuit ("Galilee").

For himself, the Salvation, has borne witness that a prophet in his own Fatherland is not holding value/honor.
When therefore he came into the Land of the Circuit, the Circular-ones ("Galileans") welcomed himself, those who have perceived how much he had made in Foundation of Peace within the Feast-day, for even they themselves had come into the Feast-day.
He came back therefore to Reed-brook of the Land of the Circuit, where he had made water wine. And he was someone royal, the son of whom was weak in Comfort-Cover ("Capernaum").
Weak and Ready to Die Away
This one, he who has heard that the Salvation had arrived out the Land of the Casters ("Judea") into the Land of the Circuit, went to himself and was questioning that he might descend and heal the son of himself, for he was ready to die away.73b
Said therefore the Salvation toward himself, "Unless you all perceive signs and wonders, you will by no means trust."
He is saying toward himself, the Royal one, "Master, descend before the infant-child of myself dies away."
The Salvation is saying to himself, "Lead across, the son of yourself is living." The man trusted the Logos/Word who the Salvation said to himself, and he led across.
Already then of himself, he who descends, the Slaves of himself face-to-face-encountered73c himself, those who say that the Male Child of himself is living.
Coming out of the Fiery Trial within the Seventh
He inquired therefore the Hour from close beside themselves within her whom he held a nicer/better one. They said therefore to himself that yesterday at the seventh hour, the Inflamed sent away himself.
Seventh Hour of the Day.

"He lives"

"For he has known the road with myself, he has tested myself, I am going out as the Gold." (Job 23:10 RBT)

Speaking from the Womb: "The Son of Yourself Lives!"
Therefore the Father recognized that that one is the hour within her whom the Salvation spoke to himself, "The son of yourself is living." And he trusted himself and the entire House of himself.
The Salvation now once again made this one a second sign, he who has come from out of the Land of the Casters into the Land of the Circuit.
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