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He is Favored 10

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Enter Through the East/Right Side
Amen Amen, I am saying to yourselves, the one who does not come across from the Door into the Courtyard of the Sheep [Forward-walkers], but who climbs up from another place/source, that one is a thief and a plunderer.
"The Revolving Door." The East side of the Dawn/Sunrise vs. The West side Shadow.

And the one who comes across through the Door is a shepherd of the Sheep.
To this one the Gatekeeper opens up and the Sheep hear the Voice of himself, and he is crowing a name down to his own sheep, and he is leading themselves out.
He Transfering Across to the Right
When he has cast out the own self whole in front of themselves, he is ferrying across, and the Sheep accompany himself.
And they will not ever follow a stranger, but will flee/escape away from himself, because they have not perceived the Voice of the Strangers."
Fleeing the Evil one.

This one, the Figure of Speech, the Salvation spoke to themselves. Those ones there however did not recognize those who he was being, whichever ones he was chirping to themselves.
I, myself Am The (Dual) Door
The Salvation therefore spoke backwards, "Amen Amen, I am saying to yourselves that I, Myself am the Door of the Sheep. Everyone, as much as have come in front of myself, they are thieves and plunderers, but rather the Sheep did not hear themselves.
ד ו ד - David, A Revolving Door
I am Myself, the Door across from myself. If anyone is coming in he will be saved/rescued, and he will come in and he will go out, and will find pasture [to feed].
"A melody into Beloved. He is the one who shepherds myself. I am not wanting. Within the pasture of green/tender sprout he is making me lie stretched out. Upon the water of resting places, he is leading/guiding myself." (Psalm 23:1-2 RBT)

The Thief does not come except that he might steal and offer in sacrifice and destroy away. Myself has come so that they might hold zoe-life, and hold all the way around.91b
Sets his soul beyond
I, Myself am the Good Shepherd, the Good Shepherd,the Soul-life of himself he is setting beyond from the Sheep. The Hired one, who is not even a shepherd, of whom the Sheep are not his own, is gazing attentively at the Wolf, he who is coming, and he is letting go of the Sheep and fleeing, and the Wolf is snatching/seizing themselves and scattering.
"Son/Builder of the Right ("Benjamin") is a wolf, he is tearing to pieces. In the Dawn he is eating a perpetual witness, and he is dividing the Dusk into plunder." (Genesis 49:27 RBT)

Because he is a hired one, he is not even caring for himself around to the Sheep.
I, Myself am the Shepherd, the Good One, and I know the ones of Mine.
According as the father is knowing myself, even I am knowing the father, and the soul-life of myself I am setting beyond from the Sheep.
And other sheep I am holding, whichever ones are not from out of the Courtyard of this one, even those ones myself must lead and the Voice of myself they will hear, and they will become one Flock, one Shepherd.
The Heart
Across to this one, the father agape-loves myself, because myself is setting the Soul-life of myself, so that I might again take hold of herself.
She is the Commandment, the Soul
No one lifts herself away from myself, but myself is setting herself away from myself. I hold power to set herself, and power to take hold of herself again. This one, the Commandment, I have taken hold of from close beside the Father of myself."
"And mighty ones say, the dual water is swarming with a swarming one of the Breath of Life" (Genesis 1:20 RBT)

Split/Tear #3 - The Casters
A split/tear backward has become within the Casters across the other side to the Words/Logos of these ones.
Piercing the side, making straight the way, tearing the curtains/veil, etc.

And multitudes from out of themselves were saying, "He is holding a divinity/demon and is raging. What are you hearing of himself?"
Others were saying, "These ones, the Sayings, are not of him who is demonized. An divinity is not able to open eyes of smoke-blind ones!"
A Storm of White Snow
The Renewed Ones have become at that time within the Foundations of Peace. It was a winter-tempest/storm.92
And the Salvation was treading around within the holy place within the Pillar Colonnade of Complete One ("Solomon").
The Casters therefore encircled himself, and they were saying to himself, "How long until you lift up the Soul-life of ourselves? If yourself is the Anointed, speak to ourselves in bold confidence!"
"The Works"
The Salvation separated themselves, "I spoke yourselves, and you do not trust. The Works, whichever ones myself, I am making within the Name of the Father of myself, these one are bearing witness around to myself.
But yourselves do not trust because you are not from out of the Sheep of Myself.
The Sheep of Mine hear the Voice of myself, and those who are hearing, even myself, I recognize these ones, and they accompany myself.
and even I myself am giving themselves an eternal zoe-life. And they should not ever be destroyed away into the Eternal One, and never will anyone catch/pluck themselves from out of the Hand of myself.
The Father of myself, who has given to myself, he is more mega than all, and no one is able to catch/pluck from out of the Hand of the Father.
Myself and the Father are one." The Casters therefore carried back stones, that they might stone himself.
The Salvation separated themselves, "Many works I have shown yourselves, good ones from out of the father. Across to which work of themselves are you stoning myself?"
The Casters separated himself, "We are not stoning you around to a good work, but around to a blasphemy, and because you, he who is a man, are making yourself a god."
Myself has spoken: 'Your eternal (את) Self is Elohim...' - Psalms 82
The Salvation separated themselves, "Is it not written within the Law of Yourselves that 'Myself spoke: yourselves are gods'?
I am who I Am
If those ones he spoke 'gods' toward whomever the Word/Logos of the God has become, and she is not able to be loosed/untied, the Writing,
Whosoever the Father has made holy and sent away into the Order, you yourselves are speaking that 'you are blaspheming' because I have spoken, 'A son of the God I am.'93 If I am not making the Works of the Father of Myself, do not trust myself.
If however I am making, even if you might not trust myself, trust the Works, so that you might know and be knowingthat within myself the Father, even myself within the Father.
Wrong Hand - "And Darkness Grasped Him Not"
They were searching therefore to hold tight back himself, and he came out from out of the Hand of themselves.
And he came away back to the other side of the Descent ("Jordan"), into the Place where Favored was, the First, he who submerges. And he remained there.
And many had come toward himself, and they were saying that Favored indeed made no sign, and everything, as much as Favored spoke around to this one, true/real ones, he had been.
And multitudes trusted into himself there.
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