He is Favored 5
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Ascended - Genesis 1:35
With these ones there was a holiday/feast-day of the Casters. And Salvation climbed into Foundations of Peace ("Jerusalems").Conceived
There is now within those ones of Foundation of Peace ("pl. The Jerusalemites"), upon the sheep swimming pool, the one, she who is called 'Beyond/Across, House of Kindness' ("Hebrew Bethesda"), she who holds five pillars.
Foundation of Peace ("Jerusalem") Above.
The Barren Woman, with five pillars "covered porches"
"Before yet she is whirling around, she has begotten. Before yet he has come in, a rope/cord is to herself, and she has caused a male to escape. Who has heard like this one? Who has perceived like these ones? Is the earth whirled around in a day of One? If a nation is being begotten in one foot-strike, then she has whirled around, and also Monument ("Zion") has begotten her eternal self sons!" (Isaiah 66:7-8 RBT)
In these ones were lying down a multitude of ones, those who are weak, blind ones, lame ones, withered ones, those who are expecting the movement of the water.
In and Out of Time
For an angel, climbed down to time, within the Pool and stirred the Water. The First one therefore, he who has stepped in, in company with the Stirring of the Water became sound/whole from whatever disease he was hindered/held back by at whatever time.In that place there was now a man, anyone who is holding within the the weak one of himself, thirty and eight years.
The Salvation, he who has seen this one, he who is lying down, and he who has known that he has held already much time, is saying to himself, "Do you desire to become whole?"
A master separated to himself, the one who is weak, "I am not holding a man, so that when the Water has been stirred, he might cast myself into the Pool. But within whomever I am coming, myself, another one in front of myself is climbing down."
The Salvation is saying to himself, "Wake up, lift up the bed of yourself, and tread around!"
And straightly [at once] the man became whole/sound, and he lifted up the bed of himself and tread around. And he was an inner cessation ("Sabbaton") within that one, the Day.
Therefore said the Casters to the one, he who has been treated, "It is the Inner Cessation, and not allowed for yourself to lift up the bed of yourself."
And whoever separated to themselves, "The one who made myself whole, that one there said to myself, 'Lift up the bed of yourself and tread around!'"
They requested therefore himself, 'Who is the man, the one who separated to yourself, 'Lift up and tread around'?"
And the one, he who has been healed, did not see who he is, for the Salvation had nodded out [the head] of a multitude of him who is within in the Place.
With these ones the Salvation is finding himself in the Holy Place, and he said to himself, "Behold! You have become whole/sound! Miss no longer, so that someone worse does not become to yourself!"
The man came away, and announced [like an angel] to the Casters that he is Salvation, the one who made himself whole.
Cut Out to Make in the Day of Cessation - Genesis 2:3
And across to this one the Casters were pursuing the Salvation, because he was making these ones in Cessation.And the Salvation separated to themselves, "The Father of myself, until this moment, is working, even myself, I am working."

The Sabbaton.
The inner sweet spot of Rest where movement ceases. The center of All makes work "rest". Being out of it makes work "toilsome".
The inner sweet spot of Rest where movement ceases. The center of All makes work "rest". Being out of it makes work "toilsome".
Across to this one therefore, the Casters were searching more to kill away himself, because not only was he loosing/releasing the Inner Cessation, but also he was calling the Father of his own self 'the God', he who makes himself equal to the God.
Separated therefore the Salvation and said to themselves, "Amen Amen I am saying to yourselves the Son has no power to make anything away from himself [i.e. the rib...], unless he is looking at the Father, he who is making anyone. For whoever he might make, these ones also the Son likewise is making.

For the father is philo-loving the son, and is showing everything to himself, whatsoever himself, he is making. And he will show himself more mega works than these ones, so that yourselves should marvel!
For even as the father awakens the dead ones and makes alive, thus also the son makes alive whomever he is desiring.
For neither does the father pick-out/separate anyone, except the whole decision he has given to the son,
Honor Thyself
so that the whole may honor/value the Son, according to how they honor/value the Father. He who does not honor/value the Son does not honor/value the Father, the one who has sent himself.Stepping Over from one Base to another Base
Amen Amen, I am speaking to yourselves because the One Who Hears the word of myself, and Who Trusts the one who has sent myself, he holds an eternal zoe-life and comes not into separation but rather has stepped over73d from out of the Death, into the Zoe-life.Amen Amen, I am saying to yourselves because the Hour is coming and is , when the dead ones will hear the Voice of the Son of the God, and those who have heard will live.
She is Zoe-Life Within
For even as the Father is holding zoe-life within himself, in this way he also gave zoe-life to the Son to hold within himself.And he gave authority to himself to make a separation, because he is a son of a man.
Marvel not at this one, for an hour is coming within whomever all of those ones within the Monuments/Memorials will hear the Voice of himself,
and those ones will lead out, those who have made the good ones, into a standing up of zoe-life, and the ones having practiced foul things into a standing up of separation.
Repeat after me...
Myself is not able to make anything away from myself. I am separating according to what I hear, and the Separation of mine is just, because I am not searching for the Desire of mine, but for the Desire of the one who has sent myself.If myself is bearing witness around to myself, the Testament of myself is not a real/true one.
The True Testament
He is another one, the one who is bearing witness around to myself, and I am seeing that she is a true/real one, the Testament, whomever is bearing witness around to myself.Yourselves have sent away toward Favored and he has borne witness to the Real/True one.
And myself, I am not taking hold of the Testament from close beside a man, but these ones I am speaking, so that yourselves may be delivered.
That one there was the Candle-Lamp, the one who ignites/kindles and the one who brings to light. Yourselves, then, were desiring to leap for joy toward an hour within the Light of himself.

"And a firebrand is climbing from the earth and he has given drink to the eternal self whole of the faces of the Land of Adam." (Genesis 2:6 RBT)
Completing the work he began within
And myself, I am holding the Testament more mega than of the Favored, for the Works whatever ones the Father has given to myself, so that I should make perfect themselves themselves, the Works, whomever I am making, they are bearing witness around to myself because the Father has sent away myself.Deaf, Dull, Blind
And the one who has sent myself, a father, that one there has borne witness around to myself. Neither have you heard at any point in time a voice of himself, nor have you perceived a visible appearance of himself.And you are not holding the Logos/Word of Himself within yourselves, he who is staying, because whomever that one has sent away, yourselves are not trusting.
You are thoroughly examining the Writings because yourselves are supposing to hold within themselves an eternal zoe-life, and those ones are the ones who bear witness around to myself.
and you are not desiring to come toward myself so that you may hold zoe-life.
I am not taking hold of a glory from beside men.
but I have known yourselves, that the agape-love of the God you do not hold within yourselves.
I, Myself have come within the name of the father of myself, and you are not taking hold of myself. If a different one should come within the Name of his own, that one there you will take hold of.
Taking hold of her, The Glory of Himself
How are yourselves able to trust, those who take hold of a glory from close beside one another? And the Glory of the one from close beside the only God, you are not searching for?Do not think that myself will accuse yourselves toward the Father! Drawn-out ("Moses") is the one who is accusing yourselves into whomever yourselves have hoped in!
Moses Wrote Around 'Myself'
For if you were trusting Drawn-out ("Moses"), you would have trusted myself. For around to myself that one wrote.And if you don't trust the Letters of that one, how will you trust the Sayings of myself?