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He is Favored 19

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Scourged Everyone
At that time therefore the Javelin took hold of the Salvation and scourged.
The Left Hand taking hold.

And the Soldiers, those who braided/plaited together a wreath-crown from out of thorn bushes, assaulted upon the Head of himself, and are casting all around himself a purple outer garment.117b
Slapping Himself with the Left
and they were coming toward himself, and were saying, "Rejoice! The King of the Casters!" And they were giving to himself slaps with the palm.
And the Javelin came back outside, and he is speaking to themselves, "Behold! I am leading himself to yourselves outside so that you might know that I am finding not even one cause within himself.
Look at Yourself!
Therefore the Salvation came out outside, he who bears habitually the Thorny Wreath and the Purple Cloak. And he is speaking to themselves, "Behold the Man!"
Braided Together.
"For what cause is your clothing red? And the garments of yourself like he who treads within the Winepress?" (Isaiah 63:2 RBT)
"Walk now, and we are arguing (not agreeing). He Is saying, 'If the Misses of yourselves are becoming like scarlet ones, they are whitening as the snow... " (Isaiah 1:18 RBT)

When therefore the High Priests saw himself, and the Under-rowers, they clamored [the loud bay of animals], those who speak, Stake! Stake!
To Drive Stakes.

σταυρόω, to fence with stakes, drive down stakes, fortify with stakes, palisade. Cf. Strongs #4717.

The Javelin is saying to themselves, "Take hold of himself yourselves, and stake, for myself, I am not finding a cause within himself."
Stake! Stake!

We Hold...a Law
The Casters separated to himself, "Ourselves are holding a law. And down to the Law he is indebted to die away because he made himself a son of a God."
When therefore the Javelin heard this one, the Logos/Word, he was put to flight even more.
And he went back into the Praetorium and is speaking to the Salvation, "From where are you?" And the Salvation did not give an answer to himself.
To Be or not To Be, To Live or Not to Live
The Javelin is saying therefore to himself, "You are not chirping to myself. Do you not see that I am holding power to set you free and I am holding power to stake you?"
A valley of decision.

Salvation separated to himself, "You would not hold power down from myself, not any, unless it was that which is given to yourself from above. Across to this one, the one who hands over myself to yourself, he is holding a more mega miss.
Holding the More Mega Miss.
Hand the Left over to the Right, not the Right over to the Left.

"You must not Let this one Be His own King!"
From out of this one the Javelin was searching to set free himself, and the Casters clamored [loud bay of animals], those who are saying, "If you set this one free, you are not a friend of the Dictator in Perpetuity ("Caesar")! Everyone who makes himself a king, is speaking anti to the Dictator in Perpetuity!
The Ruling Caesar.

Listening to "the Words" of Animals
Therefore the Javelin, he who has listened the Words of these ones, led the Salvation outside and sat down on a raised step into a place, that which is called, 'Stone Pavement', and in Hebrew, 'Lofty Place' ("Gabbatha").
"Sitting down" on a raised platform, lofty place, paved with stones "not living."

And she was a preparation of the Pass-over, she was an hour like the sixth, and he is speaking to the Casters "Behold the King of Yourselves!"
A Worship Service
Therefore they clamored [like animals] to those ones, Lift Up! Lift Up! Stake himself! The Javelin is saying to themselves "Will I stake the King of Yourselves?"118The High Priests separated, "We are not holding a king except Caesar ("Dictator in Perpetuity").
The Left Hand takes hold
Therefore, at that time, he handed over himself to themselves so that he might be staked. Therefore, they took hold beside the Salvation.
And he who is carrying the Stake to himself,119 has come out into the one who is called 'the Place of the Skull' whatever one is spoken in Hebrew, 'Rolling-Skull,'
where they staked himself, and with himself two others, from this side and from this side and the Salvation in the middle.
Carrying the Stake of himself, driven down into the earth, a stillborn, a seed.
Netzer - Nazareth.

"And he has gone out, a rod from the Stump of Jesse, a branch [netser] from out of the roots of himself is bearing fruit." (Isaiah 11:1 RBT)

And the Javelin also wrote/drew a title/punitive tattoo, and he placed on the Stake. And he was that which has been written/drawn, 'Salvation,the Sproutling ("Nazarene"), the King of the Casters.'
The Place of the City
Therefore many of the Casters read out/aloud [with certainty] this one, the Title/Punitive Tattoo, because the Place of the City where the Salvation was staked was close, and it was that which has been written in Hebrew, in Roman,121 in Greek.
A Mark of Punishment

In Hebrew.
In Roman.
In Greek.

τίτλος, ου (ὁ): Title or Punitive Tattoo.
Slaves and Criminals: In ancient Rome, criminals, especially slaves, might be branded with a tattoo or physical inscription (such as a titulus) indicating their crime or status. This could be done to mark them for life, so they could not escape identification. For example, a slave who escaped might be marked with the letters "FUG" (for "fugitivus" meaning runaway), or a criminal could be branded with the crime they committed.
Punitive Tattoos: There are references in literature, such as in the Rhetoric of Hermogenes (Rhét. 7.1), that suggest the use of tattoos or physical marks as a form of punishment. In some cases, these marks were meant to visibly brand the individual for life as a reminder of their crime or transgression.
Public Branding: Some ancient societies used public markings as a way to humiliate or ensure compliance. For example, Roman soldiers might have been marked with a titulus on their arms or foreheads to display loyalty or identify them as a part of a particular legion or group.

"You are a King"
Therefore the High Priests of the Casters were saying to the Javelin, "Do not write/draw 'The King of the Casters' but instead that "That one said I am a king of the Casters.'"
The Javelin separated, Whatever I have written, I have written.
"If the right hand of yourself causes you to miss, cut it OFF"

What the Soldiers Made
Therefore the Soldiers, when they staked the Salvation, took hold of the Cloaks/Outer Garments of himself and made four portions, a portion to each soldier, and also the Tunic/Undergarment. And the Tunic was seamless/one-piece from out of the Above, woven entirely across.
The Soldiers Cast for Their Portion of Her
Therefore they said toward one another, "Let us not split up himself but let us obtain by casting lots around himself, of whom she will be." so that the Writing might be filled up, she who is saying, "They divided the Cloaks of myself to themselves, and upon the Attire/Outfit of myself they cast a lot/allotment." The ones indeed therefore, the Soldiers, they made these ones.

And they had been standing close beside the Stake of the Salvation: the Mother of himself and the Sister of the Mother himself, Bitter-Rebel, the one of the Thief-of-the-Whole ("Clopas"),120 and Bitter-Rebel the Tower-ene ("Magdalene").

Behold the Mother of Yourself
Therefore Salvation, he who has perceived the Mother and the Learner, he who has stood close by, whomever he has agape-loved, is speaking to the Mother, "Woman, behold the Son of yourself!"
Away from the "Sixth Hour".
"Woman, behold the Son of yourself!"

Next he is speaking to the Learner, "Behold! the Mother of yourself!" And away from that one, the Hour, the Learner took hold of herself into his Own.
"Behold! the Mother of yourself!"

Beyond this one, the Salvation, he who has seen that by now everyone has been completed, so that she might be made perfect, the Writing, he is saying, "I am thirsting."
A vessel was lying stretched out, full of vinegar. Therefore, those who have set hyssop around a sponge full of the Vinegar, brought toward the Mouth of himself.
"Bitter Rebel"

"And Strength Within ("Bo-az") is saying to herself, 'At the time of the Meal, draw near here, and you have eaten from out of the Bread-Loaf, and you have dipped a portion of yourself within the Vinegar.' And she is sitting down from the side of the ones who cut short, and he is squeezing herself, a roasted kernel/dishonored one. And she is eating, and she is sevening, and she is remaining over."

(Ruth 2:14 RBT)

"And they are putting poison in the feed of myself, and for the thirst of myself they are making myself drink vinegar!"

(Psalm 69:21 RBT)

The Sour Vinegar Finished. Now he has somewhere to lay his head
Therefore at the time when he took hold of the Vinegar, the Salvation said, "It is finished/done!" And he who has reclined the Head, handed over the Spirit.121a
"when he took hold of the vinegar..."
Squeezing the bad portion of her out

Therefore the Casters, since she was a preparation, so that the Bodies within the Inner Cessation would not remain on the Stake, for the Day of that one was mega, they questioned the Javelin so that the Legs [lower body] of themselves should be shattered in pieces and be lifted up.
"Small Stone" Peter staked in Rome

Legs of the body "lifted up" and fractured/factions.

(Jacopo di Cione 1370-71)

Jointly Crucified
Therefore the Soldiers have come and indeed of the First one they broke down in pieces the Legs and of the Other one, the one who has been jointly-crucified/staked to himself.
And those who have come upon the Salvation, as they saw already himself, he who has been dead, they did not break down to pieces of himself the Legs.
But one of the Soldiers with a spear-head of himself pricked the Side and he came out straightly, blood and water.
And the One Who has Seen has borne witness, and a true/real one of himself is the Testament, and that one is seeing that he is speaking true ones, so that also yourselves, you may trust.
For these ones have become so that the Writing may be filled up, "A bone of himself, will not be crushed." And another writing is speaking back, "They will perceive into him whomever they have stung out/stabbed through." And with these ones He Adds ("Joseph") away from High Place, he who is a learner of the Salvation and who has been hidden across to the Fear of the Casters, questioned the Javelin, in order that he might lift up the Body of the Salvation, and the Javelin turned over. Therefore he came and lifted up the Body of himself.
And came also Conqueror of the People, the one who has come toward himself from night, the First one, he who is carrying a mixture of myrhh and aloes like as a hundred Roman-pounds.
Wrapping the Body in Linen Cloths
They took hold therefore of the Body the Salvation, and they bound self in linen cloths with the Spices just as is a custom for the Casters to prepare for burial.
A New Monument, An Empty Place
And a garden was within the Place where he was staked, and within the Garden was a new monument within whomever no one has been yet placed.
Therefore there, across to the Preparation of the Casters, because the Monument was near by, they set the Salvation.
Setting the First Stone upon herself.
The Monument was nigh at hand.

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