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He is a Gift 6

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Hold then toward the Just one of yourselves, not to make in front of men toward the Spectating by themselves. Otherwise you all are not holding wages close beside the Father of yourselves, the one within the Heavenly Ones.
τὸ θεάομαι (the theáomai) is the root of théatron ("spectacle in a theatre"), the root of the English term, "theatre."

(cf. Strong's #G2300)

Whenever therefore yourself is making charity, don't blast a trumpet in front of yourself just as the Hypocrites, those who are making within the Assemblies, and within the Rushings/Chargings, so that they may be glorified underneath men. Amen, I am speaking to yourselves, they are holding back the Wage of themselves!
And yourself, he who is making a charity, don't let her, the Left-side of yourself, know who it is making the Right-side of yourself.
so that she may be, the Charity of yourself, in the Secret, and the Father of yourself, the one who is looking within the Secret, will give back to yourself.
And whenever you offer prayers, you will not be like the Hypocrites, because they are philo-loving within the Assemblies and in the Angles of the Broadways, those standing ready to offer prayers so that they might be visible to the men. Amen, I am saying to yourselves they are holding back the Wage of themselves!
Two Fathers
And whenever you, yourself offer prayers, come into the Inner Chamber of yourself. And he who has shut/barred the Door of yourself, offer prayers to the Father of yourself, the one within the Secret, and the Father of yourself, the one who is looking within the Secret, will give back to yourself.
And those who are offering prayers, do not stammer-speak14 just as the Nationals, for they are those who think that in the Much-Speaking of themselves they will be listened to.
Therefore do not be likened to themselves, for the Father of yourselves has seen whichever ones you are holding a need of in front of the Asking yourselves himself.
In this way therefore yourselves offer prayers, Father of ourselves, the one among the Heavenly Ones, make holy the Name of Yourself. May she come the Queen of yourself, may the Desire of yourself become, even as within a heavenly one, and upon an earth. The Coming-Day's Loaf of ourselves, give to ourselves, today.15
"the bread of today"

ἄφες - Throw/Hurl
And hurl away to ourselves the debts of ourselves, even as ourselves have also hurled away to the indebted ones of ourselves.16 And do not bring inward ourselves into a temptation, but rather draw ourselves out away from the Pain-ridden one.
Throwing back the Thirty Silver
For if you hurl to the Men the Deviations/Missteps of themselves, he the Father of yourselves, the Heavenly one, will hurl to yourselves.
And if you do not hurl to the men, neither will the Father of yourselves hurl the Deviations/Missteps of yourselves.
And whenever you fast do not become as the gloomy Hypocrites, for they are putting out of view/disfiguring the faces of themselves so that they might appear to the men as those who are fasting. Amen, I am saying to yourselves they are holding back the Wage of themselves!
Anoint and wash her
And yourself, he who is fasting, anoint the Head of yourself, and wash the Face of yourself,
so that you should not appear to the Men as one who is fasting, but to the Father of yourself, to the one within the Secret and the Father of yourself, the one who is looking within the Secret will give back to yourself.
Where the Bookworm Disfigures
Don't store up to yourselves treasures upon the Earth where bookworm and feeding disfigure/put out of view and where thieves dig through, and steal.17
Store up then to yourselves treasures within a heavenly one where neither bookworm nor feeding disfigure/put out of view and where thieves do not dig through, nor steal.
"Dual waters of thieves, they are being sweet; and a loaf of secret hiding places, he is being agreeable/pleasant." (Proverbs 9:17 RBT)

Which Heart is your Heart?
For where the Treasure of Yourself is, there she will be also, the Heart of yourself.
The lamp of the Body is the Eye. If therefore the Eye of Yourself is without folds the entire whole of the Body of yourself will be luminous!
"the Body"

The Great Luminary
If then the Eye of yourself should be pain-ridden, the whole entire Body of Yourself will be dark! If therefore the Luminary, the one within yourself, is dark—how Great is the Darkness!
Lord of Buried Treasure
No one is able to be enslaved to two masters, for either he will hate the One and will agape-love the other one, or he will hold anti of one,18 and he will think down of the other one. Yourselves are not are able to be enslaved to God and Buried Treasure.19
Across to this one I am speaking to yourselves don't be worried about the Soul-life of yourselves: who you all may eat or who you all may drink, neither for the Body of yourselves: who you all will sink [as the sun] into; Is not the Soul-life greater than the Nourishment, and the Body than the Outer Garment?
Look closely into the Birds of the Heavenly one, that they don't sow, nor reap, nor lead together into storehouses, and the Father of yourselves, the heavenly one, is nourishing themselves; are you not carrying through more than them?
Who then from out yourselves, who is worrying, is able to add to the Stature of himself one forearm/cubit?
And around an outer garment why be worried? Examine closely the Lilies of the Field, how they are growing. They don't grow weary, nor do they spin.
Lily of the Field.

And I am speaking to yourselves, that not even Solomon within all the Glory of himself was cast around as one of these ones!
The God Thus is Enrobing Himself with yourselves
And if the God is in this way is putting on the Pasture of the Field, he who is today and tomorrow he who is cast into an oven, , is he not multitudinously more so yourselves, little-trusts?20
The Eat + The Drink + The Wear
Therefore don't worry, those who say, 'Who should we eat or who should we drink or who shall we cast around about?'
περιβάλλω periballó - Cast around about, throw all around.

"In the sea, he was fishing, thinking that they (the fish) would come out to land; but when this hope was disappointed, he took a net, cast it around [periballó] a great number of fish, and drew them up."

(Herodotus' Histories)

for the Companies of people are seeking after all these, for the Father of yourselves, the heavenly one, sees that you hold need of all these together.
And search first for the Queen and the Just one of himself and all these ones will be set toward yourselves.
Therefore don't worry into the Tomorrow, for Tomorrow will worry for her own self; enough for the Day is the malicious evil of herself.
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