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He is a Gift 24

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οἰκοδομή - home building
And the Salvation, he who has gone out away from the Holy Place, ferried across and the Learners of himself drew near to show to himself the Home-buildings of the Holy Place.
And the one who has been separated said to themselves, "Do you not look upon all of these ones? Amen, I am saying to yourselves, not a stone in here will be left be upon a stone, whosoever which will not be overthrown/abolished.

καταλύω (katalýō) "to dissolve" or "to destroy." Used to describe the physical destruction of cities and walls, the overthrow of political powers and institutions, and the cessation of activities such as voyages, life, or war. It also means "to dismiss" or "to let go" of people like armies or fleets, and "to loosen" or "to detach" in the context of unharnessing horses or stopping for lodging.

( cf. Strong's #G2647)

The Presence of Yourself
And of him who is sitting of himself upon the Mount of the Olive Trees, the Learners drew near to himself each on their own, those who say, 'Tell ourselves when will these ones will be, and what is the Sign of the Presence of Yourself,45 and of a joint-consummation of the Eternal One?'
And the Salvation, he who has separated said to themselves, "Watch out that no one makes yourselves wander!
For they will come, multitudinous, upon the Name of myself, those who are saying, "I, Myself am the Anointed One" and they will make wander multitudinous.
You are destined to hear wars, and hearings of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for it is necessary to become, but the Tele-aim is not yet.
τέλος - End (Tele) Aim.

For a company of people will wake up upon a company of people, and a queen upon a queen, and there will be hungers, and earthquakes down in places.
But all of these— the origin of childbirth travails.
At that time, they will hand over yourselves into a pressing, and they will kill off yourselves, and you will be those who are hated under all the Companies of people across to the Name of myself.
And at that time, multitudes will be scandalized, and they will hand over one another, and they will hate one another.
And multitudinous false prophets will be woken up, and they will mislead multitudinous.
And across the other side to the Multiplying of the Lawless one, she will be cooled down, the Agape-love of the Many.
Breath of Life.

"And mighty ones is remembering self eternal Rest, and the self eternal whole of the Life, and self eternal whole of the Beast who is eternally with himself in the Chest, and mighty ones is causing a spirit to cross over upon the Earth, and the Dual Waters are being calmed..."

(Genesis 8:1 RBT)

And the one who has stayed under into tele-aim, this one will be saved.
And this one, the Good News of the Queen, will be proclaimed within the entire Inhabited World into a testament to all the Companies of people, and at that time the Tele-aim will arrive.
When therefore you should perceive the Abomination of the Devastation, the one which was spoken of across the other side from My Judge is God ("Daniel") the Prophet, that which has been standing ready within a holy place, the one who is recognizing, let him understand,
at that time, the ones within the Land of Casters, let them flee into the Mountains.
The one upon the Roof let him not climb down to lift up the one from out of the House of himself.
And the one within the Field, let him not turn back around behind to lift up the Outer Garment of himself.
"Take off that Outer Garment and put it away..."

And woe to the ones who are holding within a belly! And those who are nursing within those ones, the Days!
And the Woman Fled - Revelation 12:6
And offer prayers, so that the Fleeing of yourselves might not become of a winter-tempest nor in Cessation.
A "Wink" of an Eye, The "Birth in a Moment"
For at that time, there will be a mega pressing, such as has not become away from the origin of an order, as far as the
, nor ever should become!
And if the Days of those ones had not been amputated, all flesh would not have been saved, but across to the Selected ones the Days will be amputated.
At that time, if anyone should say to yourselves, 'Behold here, the Anointed One," or "Here! Do not trust.
See, I told you so!
For false Anointed Ones and false prophets will be awakened, and they will give mega signs, and wonders so as to mislead if possible even the Selected Ones.
Behold! I had foretold it to yourselves!
"God is in this place"
If therefore they should speak to yourselves, 'Look, he is within the Desolate one, do not go out!' Look within the Inner Chambers, do not trust!
For indeed just as the Lightning goes out away from rising ones, and appears as far as the sinking ones, in this way the Presence of the Son of the Man will be.
Fired From A Remote Place/Time

"And He Is being seen upon themselves, and the arrow of himself is going out like lightning, and the lords of He Is within the trumpet he is blasting, and he has walked within the whirlwinds of the south."

(Zechariah 9:14 RBT)

And the Day of Master, she will have arrived just like a thief, within her whom the Heavenly ones will pass by whizzing, and elements of a row, those which are being kindled aflame will be untied, and an earth, even the Works within herself, she will be discovered.

(2 Peter 3:10 RBT)

Walls Of Jericho
Wherever the Collapse may be, there the Eagles will be led together.
And straightly after the Pressing of the Days of those ones, the Sun, he will be darkened, and the Moon, she will not give the Brightness of herself, and the Stars, they will fall away from the Heavenly one, and the Powerful ones of the Heavenly ones, they will be shaken back and forth.
κόπτω - Chop off, Strike, Cut Down
And at that time the Sign of the Son of the Man will appear within a heavenly one. And at that time all the Tribes/Branches of the Earth will cut down, and they will perceive the Son of the Man, he who is coming on the Clouds of the Heaven, in company with a Powerful one and a glory multitudinous.
And he will send away the Angels of himself in company with a mega war-trumpet, and they will gather together the Selected of himself from out of the Four winds, away from extremities of heavenly ones, until extremities of themselves.
A mega war-trumpet.
Shofar horn.

And away from the Fig Tree learn the Comparison! When the Young Shoot of herself is already become a soft one, and should grow out the Leaves, you are recognizing that the Summer is close at hand.
In this way also when you, yourselves, should see all these things, you are recognizing that she is close at hand, upon the doors.
Amen, I am saying to yourselves that she, the Generation, will not ever pass by until all of these ones should become.
The Heaven and the Earth will pass by, but the Words of myself they will not ever pass by.
No one Saw
And around to the Days of that one, and of an hour, no one has perceived, neither the Angels of the Heavenly ones, neither the Son, if not the Father alone!46
For just like the Days of the Rest ("Noah") in this way will be the Presence of the Son of the Man.
κιβωτόν - Wooden Chest
For just as the Days of that one were being in front the Flood, those who are chewing and those who are drinking, those who are marrying and those who are giving in marriage, until whomever of a day, Noah came into the Wooden Chest.
And they did not recognized until the Flood came, and he lifted up all together, in this way also the Presence of the Son of the Man will be.
Casting Forward, Ahead of Time
At that time they will be two within the Field, one is taken close and one is hurled away.
Two, those who are grinding within the Mill, one is received and one is hurled away.
Keep awake therefore because you have not perceived to what kind of day the Master of yourselves is coming!
And recognize that one, because if the Household-master had perceived what sort of watching the Thief is coming to, he would have stayed awake, and he would not have allowed the House of himself to be dug through!
Across to this one yourselves also become ready because to an hour, whosoever whom you are not expecting, the Son of the Man is coming.
Who then is the Trustworthy slave and prudent/right-minded one, whosoever the Master set down upon the Household of himself, of the Giving Nourishment to themselves the within a time?
Blessed is that Slave whomsoever the Master of himself, he who has come, will find, he who is making in this way.
Amen, I am saying to yourselves that upon everyone, the Present Things Below himself, he will set down himself.
And if that Evil slave should say within the Heart of himself, 'He lingers, the Master of myself."
And he should begin to strike the fellow slaves of himself, and should also eat and drink in company with the ones who are drunk,
The Master of that Slave will come within a day, whomever he is not expecting, and within an hour, whomever he is not recognizing,
What you do to yourself, a Heel Biter
And he will cut in two himself, and he will set down the Portion of himself with the Interpreters, there he will be the Lamenting One and the Biting One of the Teeth!
The Inner and Outer Man

"And He Is mighty ones is saying, "The Man, to be separated from himself [לבדו le-bad-o] is not good, I am making for himself a surrounding help according to his anti-side."

(Genesis 2:18 RBT)

"They opened upon yourself the Mouth of themselves, those who hate yourself, they have hissed, and they are gnashing a tooth. They said, 'We have swallowed, surely this one the Day, him whom we have hoped in, we have found, we have seen!'"

(Lamentations 2:16 RBT)

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