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He is a Gift 4

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The False Accuser
Then, the Salvation was led up into the Desolate one under the Spirit to be tried under the Accuser.
And he who has fasted forty days and forty nights, was finally hungry.
And he who has drawn near, the one who is putting him to the test, said to himself, "If a son you are, of the God—speak so that These Stones would become bread-loaves."
And the one, he who has been separated, said, "It has been written: Not upon an alone/solitary loaf, will the Man live, but rather upon every saying—that which goes forth across the other side of the mouth of God."
Then, the Accuser is taking from himself, into the Holy City and he stood himself ready upon the Little Wing of the Holy Place.
Bad Faith
And he is speaking to himself, "If a son you are, of the God, cast yourself down, for it has been written that he will enjoin the Angels of himself around you, and they will lift up yourself upon hands lest ever you should strike toward a stone the Foot of yourself."
The Salvation brought to light to himself, "It is written back, You will not thoroughly try master, the God of yourself."
The Accuser is taking back from himself into an exceedingly exalted Mountain, and he is pointing out to himself all of the Queens of the Order, and the Glory of themselves.
And he said to himself, "These ones I will give to yourself all, if he who has fallen, you will kiss to myself."
Then, he is speaking to himself, the Salvation, "Lead under Adversary ("Satan"), for it is written You will kiss to master, the God of yourself, and to himself alone you will serve."
Then, the Accuser is sending away himself—and behold! angels drew near and they were serving to himself!
And he who has heard that Favored was handed over withdrew into the Land of Circuit.
And he who has left behind the Sprouting Place, he who has come, he settled down into Comfort Cover ("Capernaum"), the Seaside within the boundaries of Inner Honor ("Zebulun") and of Twistings ("Naphtali").
So that which was spoken of across the other side from He Is Liberates Him ("Isaiah") the Prophet might be filled up, him who is speaking,
ἔθνος ethnos - body of people joined by practicing similar customs or common culture
"Earth of Inner Honor ("Zebulun") and earth of Twistings ("Naphtali"), a road of the sea, on the other side of the Descent, Land of Circuit of the Bands of People,9b
the People, the one who is sitting down within darkness, has perceived a great luminary, and those ones who are seated within a region and shadow of death, a luminary has risen to themselves."

Away from that time, the Salvation started to herald and to say, "Change your mind! For the Queen of the Heavenly Ones has drawn near!"
And he who is treading around beside the Sea of the Land of Circuit perceived two brothers— Hearing ("Simon"), the one who is called 'Small Stone' ("Peter"), and Manhood ("Andrew") the brother of himself, those who are casting a surrounding casting-net into the Sea, for they were fishermen.
And he is speaking to themselves, "Come here behind myself and I will make yourselves fishermen of men!"
Behind In Front

And the ones who have sent away straightly the Nets, followed himself.
Broken Nets
And he who has stepped forward from that place, perceived two other brothers, Heel Catcher ("James") the one of the Dowry ("Zebedee") and Favored the brother himself, within the Ship with Dowry ("Zebedee") the Father of themselves, those who are perfecting the Nets of themselves, and he summoned themselves.
And the ones those who have sent away straightly the Ship and the Father of themselves, followed himself.
Softness Cured
And he was leading around within the entire Land of Circuit, he who is teaching within the Congregations of themselves, and he who is heralding the glad tidings of the Queen, and he who is treating every sickness and every softness within the People.10
And the Hearing of himself went out into the entire Syria, and they are bringing to himself every one of those who are evilly holding many-colored plagues and torture touchstones, those who are being pressed on all sides, those who are being demonized, and those who are moonstruck/lunatics, and paralyzed ones, and he treated themselves.11
And a great Multitude followed to himself, away from the Land of Circuit, and from Ten-Cities ("Decapolis"), and Foundation of Peace, and Land of Casters, and on the other side of Descent.
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