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Acts 5
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And he embezzled from the honor of conscience and from the Woman, and he who was carrying a particular portion set it close beside the Feet of the Sent-Away ones.
And the Small Stone spoke, "Favored of Yah, across to what has the Adversary completely filled the Heart of yourself to lie to yourself, the Set Apart Spirit, and to embezzle from the honor of the Land?
Selling His Birth Right - Bartering the Spirit
Not remaining with you it remained, and that which is sold, began below under your authority. Why? Because you set this Deed within the Heart of yourself. You have not lied to men, but to the God.And the Favored of Yah, he who hears those Words, he who has fallen, breathed out, and a mega fear has become upon everyone of those who are hearing.
Let the Dead Bury Themselves - Matt. 8:22
And those who have stood up, the Newer ones, shrunk himself. And those who have carried out, buried.And it has become even as a three hour period, and the Woman of himself, she who has not seen the one who has become, came in.
Prostituting the Land
And Small Stone separated away toward herself, "Speak to myself if you sold the Land for so much." And she spoke, "Yes for so much."And the Small Stone toward herself, "What about that which was agreed upon for yourselves to try the Spirit of Master? Behold the Feet of those who have buried the Man of yourself upon the Door! and they will carry out yourself."
And she fell instantly toward the Feet of himself and she breathed out, and the Youth, those who have come in, found herself dead, and those who have carried out buried toward the Man of herself.
And a mega fear has become upon the entire Called-Out-Assembly and upon everyone of those who are hearing these ones.
And multitudinous signs and wonders were becoming across through the Hands of the Sent Ones among the People and all were unanimous with one accord within the Pillar Colonnade of Complete One ("Solomon").
And of the remaining ones, no one had courage to glue to themselves, but rather the People were magnifying themselves.
And so much more were added, those who are trusting, to the Master, multitudes of both men and women,
that even to carry out Weak into the streets, and to set upon couches and beds so that he who is coming, Small Stone, if even the Shadow might overshadow one of themselves.
And they were coming together and the Multitude of the surrounding Cities of Foundation of Peace, those who are carrying weak ones, and those who are mobbed/pressed upon underneath unclean spirits, all whatsoever were being healed.
And he who has stood up, the High Priest and everyone of those identified with himself, she who is being the Choice of the Tsadokian ("Just/Righteous ones") they were full of zeal/ardor.
And they cast upon the Hands, upon the Sent-Away ones and they set themselves in public watching.
And an angel of Master across the other side from Night, having opened the Doors of the Prison, both having led out themselves, said
"Lead under, and those who have stood up, chirp within the Temple to the People all of the Sayings of the Zoe-Life of this one."
And those who have heard came in under the Daybreak into the Temple, and they were teaching, and he who has become close beside, the High Priest and those identified with himself, called together the Council and the whole Senate of the Sons of God-Straightened, "And they sent away into the prison, to be brought/carried away themselves."
And those who have become close beside, under-rowers did not find themselves within the Prison, and those who have turned-up [right side up] announced,
The Door Within
those who speak that, "We found the Prison, that which has been shut up within all certainty, and the Watchers, those who have stood upon the Doors, and those who have opened inwardly, we found no one.And even as they heard those Words, both the General of the Temple and the High Priests were at a total loss around themselves as to what this might become.
And he who has become close beside, someone announced to themselves that "Behold! the Men whom you set within the Prison are within the Temple, those who have stood up and those who are teaching the People."
Then the General who has gone away, identified with the under-rowers, was leading themselves not with violence, for they feared the People, lest they be stoned.
And those who have led themselves stood within the Council and the High Priest questioned themselves.
He who is saying, "We transmitted a message to yourselves by announcement not to teach upon the Name of this one. And behold! you have filled up the Foundation of Peace with the Doctrine of yourselves and you desire to to bring upon ourselves the Blood the of the Man of this one!"
And he who has separated, Small Stone and the Sent Away ones, they said "It is necessary to obey God more than men."
the God the Fathers of ourselves woke up Salvation whom yourselves laid hands on across, those who have hung upon a tree.
The God exalted this one a leader and savior exalted to the Right of himself, the one to give the change of mind to the God-Straightened ("Israel") and the releasing of misses.
And ourselves are witnesses of the Sayings of these, and the Spirit the Holy one which the God gave to those who are obeying himself.
"To take up as to value"
And those ones who have heard were sawn asunder and were desiring to take up themselves.
ἀναιρέω - to take up. #337.
Apparently a word that can be used as an idiom, but this author provides the sense just two chapters later:
"He who has been exposed of himself, the daughter of Pharaoh took up [ἀναιρέω] himself, and nourished up himself for herself, into a son." (Acts 7:21 RBT)
Apparently a word that can be used as an idiom, but this author provides the sense just two chapters later:
"He who has been exposed of himself, the daughter of Pharaoh took up [ἀναιρέω] himself, and nourished up himself for herself, into a son." (Acts 7:21 RBT)
And a particular man, who has stood up within the Council, a Separatist named God Has Repaid Me ("Gamaliel"), a Law-Teacher, honored by all the People, ordered to make the men short outside.
He spoke toward both themselves,"Men, God Straightened-ones ("Israelites"), pay attention to themselves upon the Men, these ones which you are destined to practice.
For before these ones, the Days, Theudas ("Godly") stood up, the one who speaks himself to be someone, to whomsoever males were joined, a number just like four hundred, whoever was taken up. And everyone, as many as were trusting himself, they were broken up and they became into no one/nothing.
With this one stood up again Caster of the Circuit ("Jude the Galilean") within the Days of the Registration, and he stood people away behind himself, even that one destroyed away and everyone as many as were trusting himself were scattered across.
And the ones I am speaking to yourselves, stand off away from these Men and hurl away themselves, because if she be from out of men, the Purpose, she or this Work will be broken down/overthrown.
But if she is from out of God, you will not be able to break down/overthrow themselves, not ever, and you all would be found god-fighters ("theomachoi").
And they trusted himself, and those who have summoned toward themselves the Sent Away ones, those who have flayed, they transmitted message not to speak upon the Name of the Salvation and they set free.
The ones indeed therefore were ferrying across, those who are rejoicing away from the face of the Council that they were deemed counterbalancing beyond from the Name, to be dishonored.
All the day, within the Temple and down at home, they did not hinder/stop the Anointed one Salvation, those who teach and those who proclaim good news.