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RBT Paraphrase
And He Is saying toward Drawn Out ("Moses") and toward Inner Conceived One ("Aaron") within the Earth of Dual-Siege to say,This New One is a head of new ones for yourselves, the inner first one. Himself is for yourselves, for new ones of the duplicate one.
A Lamb for each House
They have ordered words toward every witness of God-Straightened to speak within a rich one to renew this one, and they are taking hold of themselves, each man a lamb, to the house of the fathers a lamb for each house.upon
RBT Hebrew Literal
and he is saying He Is a god/don't/toward Drawn Out ("Moses") and toward/don't Inner Conceived One ("Aaron") in the earth of Dual-Siege to saythe New Moon this one to yourselves head new ones inner first Himself to yourselves to new ones the duplicate
they ordered words a god/don't/toward all witness God Straightened to say within ten/rich one to renew/new moon this one and they are taking hold to themselves a man/each one each lamb to the house fathers each lamb to the house
and if the House Drawn Out ("Moses") Himself a god/don't/toward his house in the hand a man/each one they ate upon/against
each lamb builder/son duplicate he is becoming to yourselves from out of and from out of
and he has become to yourselves for the watch until four ten day to renew/new moon this one his eternal self all assembly witness God Straightened in between
from out of down below upon/against pair/two and upon upon/against which his eternal self
את-self eternal this one fire upon/against
a god/don't/toward you all are eating from the manna of himself pray in the dual waters that if fire the head of himself upon/against and upon
and not from the manna of himself until from the manna of himself until within a fire
you all are eating his eternal self in the hand in the hand his eternal self in the hand Himself to He is
in the earth of Dual-Siege this one and I have struck all in the hand in the earth of Dual-Siege and until in the hand mighty ones of Dual-Siege I am making myself He Is
and he has become down below to yourselves upon/against which their eternal selves name את-self eternal down below and not he is becoming in the hand in the earth of Dual-Siege
and he has become the Day/Today this one to yourselves his eternal self to He is
seven days commandments you all are eating Only within the Day that all he has eaten vinegar Himself until day
and within the day a reading holy and within the day the Seventh one a reading holy he is becoming to yourselves all angelic-mission not he is making Only which to all soul Himself to his separation he is making to yourselves
את-self eternal that in the hand the Day/Today this one את-self eternal from the earth of Dual-Siege את-self eternal the Day/Today this one
in the hand ten day to renew/new moon you all are eating until day to renew/new moon
seven days not he is finding in the hand that all he has eaten Himself God Straightened the Earth
all not you all are eating within the whole you all are eating
and he is summoning/reading Drawn Out ("Moses") to all elders God Straightened and he is saying toward themselves to yourselves flock
in blood which a god/don't/toward and toward/don't pair/two from out of down below which not a man/each one his house until
He Is את-self eternal of Dual-Siege he has seen/see את-self eternal down below upon/against and upon pair/two He Is upon/against and not he is giving a god/don't/toward
את-self eternal The Word this one to yourself/walk until
and he has become that you come a god/don't/toward the Earth which he is giving He Is to yourselves as when has ordered-words את-self eternal this one
and he has become that they are saying toward yourselves your sons what/how this one to yourselves
and you have said he has sacrificed/sacrifce Himself to He is which upon/against sons/my son God Straightened within Dual Siege in the hand את-self eternal of Dual-Siege and אֵת-self eternal the Gathered People
sons/my son God Straightened as when He Is את-self eternal Drawn Out ("Moses") and Inner Light an upright one
and he is and He Is all in the hand in the earth of Dual-Siege Pharaoh upon/against until in the hand which within house and every/all in the hand in the hand
and he is standing Pharaoh her night Himself and every/all and every/all of Dual-Siege and she has become within Dual Siege that there is not house which there is not name
and he is summoning/reading her night and he is saying from the center my Gathered/with me also their eternal selves also sons/my son God Straightened את-self eternal He Is
also also in the hand as when also my eternal self
of Dual-Siege upon/against the Gathered People from out of the Earth that all of ourselves
and he is lifting the Gathered People את-self eternal in the hand in the hand upon/against
and sons God Straightened they have made as a word Drawn Out ("Moses") from Dual-Siege a vessel silver and a vessel gold and mantles
and He Is he has given את-self eternal favor/graciousness the Gathered People in the hand of Dual-Siege את-self eternal
sons/my son God Straightened a thousand the foot of myself
and also multiplying one climbing one their eternal selves livestock make heavy/honor very much
את-self eternal which from Dual-Siege commandments that not vinegar that from Dual-Siege and not they are finished/able and also not they have made to themselves
sons/my son God Straightened which within Dual Siege thirty duplicate and four duplicate
and he is thirty duplicate and four duplicate and he is in the hand the Day/Today this one all armies He Is from the earth of Dual-Siege
Himself to He is from the earth of Dual-Siege Himself this one to He is to all sons/my son God Straightened
and he is saying He Is a god/don't/toward Drawn Out ("Moses") and Inner Light this one all builder/son not in himself
and every/all male-servant a man/each one silver his eternal self at that time in himself
not in himself
within house one not from out of the House from out of on the outside not in the hand in himself
all witness God Straightened his eternal self
and that your eternal self and he who makes to He is to himself all and he has become the Earth and every/all not in himself
torah one he is becoming in the hand
all sons/my son God Straightened as when He Is את-self eternal Drawn Out ("Moses") and אֵת-self eternal Inner Conceived One ("Aaron") an upright one
and he is in the hand the Day/Today this one He Is את-self eternal sons/my son God Straightened from the earth of Dual-Siege upon/against