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RBT Paraphrase


RBT Hebrew Literal

and he is ordering words He Is a god/don't/toward Drawn Out ("Moses") to yourself/walk climbing one from this one your eternal self which from the earth of Dual-Siege a god/don't/toward the Earth which I have been sevened to Father of Multitude to He Laughs and to Heel Chaser to say to the seed of yourself I am giving herself
and I have sent forth an angel את-self eternal the Humiliated and the Terrifier and the Unwalled and the Trodden
a god/don't/toward an earth she who flows milk and honey that not I am climbing up in the hand that together with/a people hard/severe your eternal self a corner within a road
and he is hearing the Gathered People את-self eternal The Word causing evil this one and not they drank a man/each one upon himself
and he is saying He Is a god/don't/toward Drawn Out ("Moses") he has said a god/don't/toward sons/my son God Straightened their eternal selves together with/a people hard/severe one I am climbing up and
what/how I am making to yourself/walk
sons/my son God Straightened את-self eternal from a mountain
and Drawn Out/Moses he is taking את-self eternal the Tent to himself from out of the Camp and read/summon to himself and he has become all He Is he came out a god/don't/toward which
and he has become Drawn Out ("Moses") a god/don't/toward the Tent all the Gathered People a man/each one the behind one Drawn Out ("Moses") until they have come in
and he has become Drawn Out ("Moses") has climbed down the Tent and he has ordered words together with/a people Drawn Out ("Moses")
he has seen/see all the Gathered People את-self eternal he stood the Tent all the Gathered People a man/each one
and he has ordered words He Is a god/don't/toward Drawn Out ("Moses") faces a god/don't/toward faces as when he is ordering words a man/each one a god/don't/toward neighbor of himself and he has turned back a god/don't/toward the Camp He is Salvation builder/son a boy not from the center
and he is saying Drawn Out ("Moses") a god/don't/toward He Is he has seen your eternal self he has said toward myself את-self eternal the Gathered People this one and your eternal self not את-self eternal which my Gathered/with me and your eternal self spice and also favor/graciousness in the hand
if pray favor/graciousness in the eyes of yourself pray את-self eternal in order that favor/graciousness in the eyes of yourself he has seen/see that in company with you this one
and he is saying faces to yourself/walk
and he is saying toward himself if there is not the faces of yourself a god/don't/toward from this one
he who sees then that favor/graciousness in the eyes of yourself myself Is not in the hand in company with ourselves myself from all/every the Gathered People which upon/against faces
and he is saying He Is a god/don't/toward Drawn Out ("Moses") also את-self eternal The Word this one which I am making that favor/graciousness in the hand spice
and he is saying pray את-self eternal
and he is saying myself all upon/against the faces of yourself And I have summoned spice He Is את-self eternal which את-self eternal which
and he is saying not is able את-self eternal faces that not the Man
and he is saying He Is Behold a standing-place my eternal self upon/against
and he has become in the hand upon yourself until Beyond One
את-self eternal את-self eternal the behind one and a face not