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RBT Paraphrase

She's myself
And mighty ones is ordering the self eternal whole of the Words of the Mighty One,1 to speak:
He Is Myself,2 mighty ones of yourself. Straightly I have caused yourself to go out from the earth of Dual-Siege ("Egypt"), from the house of slaves.
The Mighty Ones is not behind3 yourself upon the faces of myself.
You are not making4 for yourself a carved out image; and the whole embodiment/form5 is straightly within the dual Heavenly ones from above and straightly within the Earth from below and straightly within the dual Waters from below to the earth.
You are not bowing yourself down to themselves and you are not serving themselves for He Is Myself, mighty ones of yourself, a mighty one of jealousy, he who visits/looks after the guilty one of the fathers, upon the builders/sons, upon thirty, and upon forty, to those who are hated.6
And he who makes a kind one into a thousand for the loved one of mine, and for those who keep watch over the commandments of mine.
Dual Tables of the One Heart

Carry the Name "I Am"
Yourself is not carrying the self eternal Name, He Is, mighty ones of yourself, in vain. For He Is is not clearing of guilt the self eternal one whom is carrying the self eternal name of himself in vain.
Remember the self eternal day of The Still One,7 to make him holy.
Yourself is working six days, and yourself has made the whole angelic-mission of yourself.8
And the day the Seventh one is a still one for He is, mighty ones of yourself. She is not making9 the whole angelic-mission of your eternal self, and son/builder of yourself, and daughter/built one of yourself, and servant of yourself, and maidservant of yourself, and beast of yourself, and traveler of yourself, who are within the gates of yourself.
For six days He Is has made the self eternal dual-Heavenly ones and the self eternal Earth and the self eternal Sea and the self eternal whole who are within themselves, and he is resting within the Day of the Seventh one. Upon a stand He Is has blessed the self eternal day of The Still One and he is making him holy.
Honor the self eternal father of yourself and self eternal mother of yourself just as He Is, mighty ones of yourself commanded yourself, in order that the days of yourself are inwardly slowing upon the Ground of Adam whom He Is, mighty ones of yourself has given to yourself.
Become one with yourself
Yourself is not dashing to pieces.9
Yourself is not committing adultery.
Yourself is not stealing.10
Yourself is not eyeing within the evil one of yourself, a false Witness.
Yourself is not desiring the house of the evil one of yourself, yourself is not desiring the woman of the evil one of yourself, and the slave of himself, and the maidservant of himself, and the traveler ("bull") of himself, and the foaming one ("he-ass") of himself, and anything which is to the evil one of yourself.
In the Land of Wandering
And the whole of the Gathered People are seeing ones of the self eternal Voices, and the self eternal Torches and the self eternal voice of the Horn, and the self eternal Mount of Smoke. And the Gathered People is seeing, and they are moving back and forth, and they are standing in place from a remote place/time.
And they are speaking toward Drawn Out ("Moses"), "He has ordered words of your eternal self in company with ourselves, and she is being heard11 but let mighty ones not order words in company with ourselves, lest we die."
And Drawn Out ("Moses") is saying toward the Gathered People, "Don't fear, for the Mighty Ones came for the purpose of trying your eternal selves, and for the purpose that she is becoming, his fear, upon the faces of yourselves unless you all have missed."
And the Gathered People is standing firm from a remote time/place and Drawn Out drew near toward the Drooping Gloom which is the name of the Mighty Ones.

Wisdom Cries Out
And He Is is saying toward Drawn Out ("Moses"), "Thus she is speaking toward the son of myself, 'God is Straight is your eternal selves! You all are seeing, for from out the dual-Heavenly ones I have ordered words in company with yourselves. Your inner selves are not making my eternal self! You are not making for yourselves mighty ones of silver and mighty ones of gold! You are making myself, the ground of Adam, a place of slaughter! You are slaughtering upon himself the self eternal stairway of yourself and the self eternal peaceful ones of yourself of the self eternal flock of yourself, and the self eternal seeker of yourself within the whole the Standing Place. I am causing to remember straightly the self eternal name of myself, I am coming upon yourself and I have blessed yourself! And if you are making myself a place of slaughter out of stones, you are not building their eternal selves out of shaped stones, for you are swinging the sword of yourself upon herself and you are desecrating her! And you are not ascending in the stairway upon the place of slaughter of myself, whom you are not uncovering the nakedness of yourself upon himself."

RBT Hebrew Literal

and he is ordering words mighty ones את-self eternal all the Words the Goddess to say
my own self He Is gods of yourself whom/straightly I caused yourself to go out from the earth of Dual-Siege from the house slaves
not he is becoming to yourself mighty ones behind ones upon faces
not she/yourself is making to yourself carved image and the whole embodiment/form whom/straightly in the dual heavenly ones from above and whom/straightly in the earth from below and whom/straightly in the dual waters from below to the earth
not you are bowing yourself down to themselves and not you are working them for my own self He Is gods of yourself god jealousy he has visited guilty one fathers upon builders/sons upon thirty and upon forty for those who are hated
and he who makes a kind one to a thousand for my loved one and to those who keep watch my commandments
not she/yourself is lifting up את-self eternal name He Is gods of yourself for nothing for not he is being purged He Is את-self eternal whom/straightly he is lifting up את-self eternal his name for nothing
Remember את-self eternal day The Still One to make him holy
six days you are working and you have made all angelic-mission of yourself
and the day the Seventh one still one/resting one to He is gods of yourself not she/yourself is making all angelic-mission your eternal self and son/builder of yourself and daughter/built one of yourself and servant of yourself and maid of yourself and beast of yourself and traveler of yourself whom/straightly within the gates of yourself
for six days he has made He Is את-self eternal the Dual-Heavenly ones and אֵת-self eternal the Earth את-self eternal the Sea and אֵת-self eternal all whom/straightly within themselves and he is resting within the Day the Seventh one upon a stand he has blessed/kneeled He Is את-self eternal day The Still One and he is making him holy
make heavy/honor את-self eternal father of yourself and אֵת-self eternal mother of yourself in order that they are inwardly slowing the days of yourself upon the Ground of Adam whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself he has given to yourself
not yourself is dashing to pieces
not yourself is going astray
not yourself is stealing
not you are eyeing in the evil one of yourself until/testimony false
not desiring house evil of yourself not desiring woman evil of yourself slave of himself maidservant of himself traveler/bull foaming one/he-ass of himself and the whole whom/straightly to the evil of yourself
and the whole the Gathered People seeing ones את-self eternal the Voices and אֵת-self eternal Torches and אֵת-self eternal voice the Horn and אֵת-self eternal the Mount smoke and he is seeing the Gathered People and they are moving back and forth and they are standing firm from a remote time/place
and they are speaking toward Drawn Out/Moses he has ordered-words your eternal self in company with ourselves and she is being heard and toward he is ordering words in company with ourselves mighty ones a corner we are dying
and he is saying Drawn Out/Moses toward the Gathered People not yourselves are fearing for to within the crossed one testing/try your eternal selves he has come the Gods and within the crossed one she is becoming the fear of himself upon the faces of yourselves except/unless you all have missed
And he is standing firm the Gathered People from a remote time/place and Drawn Out/Moses has drawn near toward the Drooping Gloom whom/straightly name the Mighty Ones
and he is saying He Is toward Drawn Out/Moses thus she is speaking toward sons/my son God Straightened their eternal selves you all are seeing for from out the Dual-Heavenly ones I have ordered words in company with yourselves
not your inner selves are making my eternal self mighty ones silver gods gold not you are making to yourselves
place of slaughter/sacrifice ground of adam she/yourself is making to myself yourself is slaughtering upon himself את-self eternal stairs of yourself and אֵת-self eternal peaceful ones of yourself את-self eternal flock of yourself and אֵת-self eternal the inquirer of yourself within the whole the Standing Place whom/straightly I am reminding את-self eternal my name I am coming upon yourself and I have blessed yourself
and if place of slaughter/sacrifice building stones she/yourself is making to myself not yourself is building their eternal selves shaped stones for the sword of yourself you are swinging upon herself and you are profaning her!
and not you are ascending within the stairway upon the place of slaughter of myself whom/straightly not yourself is uncovering the nakedness of yourself upon himself