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Names 37
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RBT Hebrew Literal
and he is making in the hand את-self eternalgold from the house and he is making to himself gold circling
to himself four in the hand gold upon/against/yoke four upon/against/yoke upon/against/yoke
and he is making their eternal selves gold
and he is coming in את-self eternal upon/against/yoke to carry את-self eternal
and he is making gold
and he is making two gold turned top bun he has made their eternal selves
one from this one one from this one from out of he has made את-self eternal
and they are becoming dual wings to the upside within the dual-wings of themselves upon/against/yoke a man/each one a god/dont/toward brother of himself a god/dont/toward they have become faces
and he is making את-self eternal
his eternal self gold and he is making to himself gold circling
and he is making to himself circling and he is making gold circling
to himself four in the hand gold and he is giving את-self eternal upon/against/yoke four which the feet of himself
they have become to carry את-self eternal
and he is making את-self eternal their eternal selves gold to carry את-self eternal
and he is making את-self eternal the Vessels which upon/against/yoke את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal which gold
and he is making את-self eternal gold turned top bun he has made את-self eternal they have become
three and three the Second One
three and three in the hand one an upright one from out of
below two below two below two
they have become complete one/bride/daughter-in-law turned top bun one gold
and he is making את-self eternal candles of herself she has sevened/seven gold
a round gold he has made your/her eternal self and אֵת-self eternal all
and he is making את-self eternal place of slaughter/sacrifice from the manna of himself they have become
his eternal self gold את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal circling and אֵת-self eternal and he is making to himself gold circling
in the hand gold he has made to himself from below upon/against/yoke pair/two upon/against/yoke two to carry his eternal self
and he is making את-self eternal their eternal selves gold
and he is making את-self eternal holy and אֵת-self eternal smoke/incense a work