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Unveiling 9

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φρέατος - Into a Man-Made Dug Pit
And the Fifth Angel trumpeted and I perceived a star from out of the Heavenly One, he who has fallen into the Earth, and she was given to himself, the Key of the Dug-Pit of the Abyss,
and he opened the Dug-Pit of the Abyss, and smoke climbed up from out of the Dug-Pit, as smoke from a mega oven, and the Sun and the Mist were blinded,14 from out of the Smoke of the Dug-Pit.
Furnace Oven of Affliction

The sun and mist blinded, obscured, prevented from seeing...

deep abyss toward deep abyss

A swarm of Hell
And from out of the Smoke went out locusts into the Earth, and an authority was given to themselves, just as the Scorpions of the Earth are holding an authority.
Mega Cloud of Witnesses....
blinding smoke and locusts devouring

Don't Touch the God's Book, μέτωπον = "after eye/brow"
And it was spoken to themselves so that they will not do wrong to the Pasture of the Earth, nor any tender-shoot colored one, nor any tree, except only to any of the Men who are not holding the Signet-Seal of the God on the Brow.
Signet Ring Seal of Approval on the "After-Eye"

"And within the Sleeping, the Hated One came upon the Men of himself, and he sowed darnel upward middle of the Wheat and he went away."

"Hurl away both to grow together until the Harvest and within a time of the Harvest, I will tell the Reapers, 'Gather together first the Darnel and chain themselves into bundles toward the Burning of themselves, then lead together wheat into the Storehouse of myself.'"

(Matthew 13:25,30 RBT)
"this tastes like—" "do not murmer" "yes Lord"        "yes Lord"

And it was given to themselves so that they would not kill away themselves but instead that they will be touchstone-tortured for five moons, and the Torture of themselves just like the torture of a scorpion, whenever he might strike a man.
woe! woe! woe!

Praying they might Die
And within the Days of those ones, the Men will search for the Death, and they will never find himself, and they will covet/long to die away and the Death will escape away from themselves.
One Kind, Face for Face
And the Copies of the Locusts are likened to horses, those who have been prepared into a war, and upon the Heads of themselves, just like crowns compared to gold, and the Faces of themselves just like the Faces of men.
Compared with gold, like gold, but not real gold."That's a king's crown, you can't wear that..." Brother | Sister "Yes I can..."

And they were holding hairs just like hairs of women, and the Teeth of themselves, they were just like lions.

"And Humiliator ("Delilah") is saying toward Inner Sunlight ("Samson"), 'Expose to myself, pray!, within what is the mega strength of yourself? And, within what are you bound, to subdue yourself?'"

(Judges 16:6 RBT)
Teeth just like lions... devouring their own kind

The Voice of the Abyss
And they were holding breastplates just like breastplates of iron ones, and the Voice of the Wings of themselves just like a voice of war-chariots of horses multitudinous, those who are running into a war.
Quartered flyer, two pairs of wings
Horses prepared into a War

"And he is taking six hundred of a chariot of a chosen young man, and every chariot of Dual-Siege ("Mitzrayyim"), and third ranking ones against all of himself."

(Exodus 14:7 RBT)

Tail vs. Head
And they are holding tails compared to scorpions and horse-goads, and within the Tails of themselves the Authority of themselves to do unjustly to the Men for five moons.
Locusts and the Horses of themselves

A κέντρον (kentron) refers to a goad, typically used for driving horses, as seen in Iliad 23.387 and other classical texts. It also appears as a symbol of authority or punishment, such as an ox-goad in post-Homeric texts (Hdt. 3.130), and is used proverbially, e.g., “to kick against the goads” (Pl. Laws 777a). It symbolizes control or torture in various contexts, including sovereignty, as in Sophocles (Fr. 683).

(cf. LSJ)
"Five Moons"Five fingers/books of the Law torturing vs. the five fingers/books of Torah
Five moons (tail) torturing, vs. five moons (head)...

Wrong King Holding the Wrong King
They are holding a king over themselves, the Angel of the Abyss, the name to himself in Hebrew is Abaddon, and within the Greek he is holding the name Apollyon.
"Inner Destroyer"
"The Destroyer"
Apollyon | Abbadon

The Pantokrator holds the Book in the Left Hand...

(cf. Wikipedia Christ Pantokrator)

The First Woe, she went away. Behold! she is yet coming, two Woes in company with these ones!
And the Sixth Angel trumpeted, and I heard one voice from out of the Four horns of the Golden Altar face to face with the God,
he who is saying to the Sixth Angel, the one who is holding the Trumpet, "Loose the Four Angels the ones who have been tied up upon the Great River Sweet Water ("Euphrates")."
"One Should Die for the Sake of the Nation"
And the Four Angels were loosed, the ones who have been prepared into the Hour and day and moon and annual cycle, so that they might kill off the Third One of the Men.
The Third One Killed Off
"And therefore he has become within each man a miss of a judgement of death, and he was caused to die, and yourself has hung his eternal self upon a tree. You are not lodging overnight the drooping-carcass of himself upon the Tree.

He who is buried, you are burying ourselves within the Day of Himself, for a cursed one of Mighty Ones is him who hangs..."

(Deuteronomy 21:22-23 RBT)

And the Number of the military campaigns of the Cavalry, twice myriads of myriads; I heard the Number of themselves.
And thus I perceived the Horses within the Vision, and the ones who are sitting down upon themselves, those who are holding fiery breastplates of purple hyacinthine and sulfurous, and the Heads of the Horses just like heads of lions, and from out of the Mouths of themselves a fire and smoke and brimstone is leading forth.
Preaching Fire and Brimstone

Not giving drink and nourishment from the Mouth, but burning all to Hell

The "Heads" of the "Horses"

The Result of the Mouth: "Her Slain Men are Multitudinous"
Away from the Three Blows/Wounds of these ones, they were killed off, the Third One of the Men, from out of the Fire and the Smoke and the Brimstone of the one that is leading forth from out of the Mouths of themselves.
Crafty Serpents Deceiving Their Heads
For the Authority of the Horses is within the Mouth of themselves, and within the Tails of themselves, for the Tails of themselves are compared to serpents, those who are holding heads, and they are doing unjustly/wronging within themselves.
And the Remaining Ones of the Men, they who were not killed off within the Blows/Wounds of these ones, neither did they change the mind from out of the Works of the Hands of themselves so that they will not kiss toward the Divinities/Demons and the Golden Phantom Images, and the Silver and the Bronze and the Stone and the Wooden ones which are not able to see, nor hear, nor tread around.
εἴδωλα - Phantoms/Ghost Images
Kissing toward δαιμόνια divinities/demons

And they did not change the mind from out of the Murderings of themselves, nor from out of the Magic Arts of themselves, nor from out the Prostitution of themselves, nor from out of the Thefts of themselves.
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