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Unveiling 11

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And he was given to myself, a reed-pen compared to a wand, he who is saying, "Awake! and measure the Sanctuary of the God, also the Altar, and also the ones who are kissing within himself,
The Outer Self, Trampled
and the Outside Courtyard of the Sanctuary cast out, and don't measure herself because she was given to the Companies, and they will trample the City, the Holy One, for forty and two moons.
Her Outer Courts
raised up after three days...
"Cast out the Slave woman and her children"

Two Witnesses of Myself - 3.5 "years" each
And I will give to the Two witnesses of myself, and they will prophesy days, a thousand two hundred sixty, those who have been cast all around in a coarse sackcloth."
Two "Whirling" Menorahs
These ones are the Two olive trees and the Two Lampstands face to face with the Master of the Earth, those who have stood ready.
The Menorah x2

"And he is saying toward myself, "What has your eternal self seen?" And he is saying, "I have seen!" And behold! a menorah of a gold one, a complete one ("bride/daughter-in-law")! And he uncovered upon the head of herself! And she sevened candles of herself, seven. And she sevened poured castings for the Candles who are upon the head of herself!"

(Zechariah 4:2 RBT)

"Therefore we are not rotting out, but rather, if indeed the outside man of ourselves is corrupting across, the inside of ourselves is yet being renewed up, to a day and to a day."

(2 Corinthians 4:16 RBT)

Raised up on the Third Day...

ἐκπορεύω - "to lead out", "to bring out"
And if anyone desires to do unjustly to themselves, a fire is leading out from out of the Mouth of themselves and is devouring down the Hated Ones of themselves. And if anyone desires to do unjustly to themselves, in this way it is necessary for himself to be killed off.
The Enemy: The Hated Ones Holding The Woman of the Writing/Prophecy
These ones are holding the Authority to shut/lock up the Heavenly One, so that a rain shower should not drench the Days of the Prophecy of themselves, and they are holding an authority on the Waters to rotate themselves into blood, and to beat the Earth within every blow, as many times as they should desire.
Story of Job: Hated One vs. Heavenly One
the Old Man Enmity ("Job") holding the Woman hostage, to stone her
an authority | The Authority One stands up, stoops down with the finger......
Rotating the Waters around into Blood
"No way I'm drinking that"

Killing off Job
And whenever they might complete the Testament of themselves, the Wild Animal, the one who is climbing up from out of the Abyss, he will make in company with themselves a war, and he will overcome themselves, and will kill off themselves.
Rahab: "Spread Broad/Wide"
And the Downfall of themselves on the Broad Place of the Mega Cityanyone who is being summoned spiritually,'Scorched ("Sodom") and Dual-Siege ("Egypt")', wherever also the Master of themselves was staked.
The Place Where He Was Staked

Egypt - Mitsrayyim - Dual-Siege/Dual Strait
A mega "pressing"...a mega city spanning ages...

Goliath's Collapse, Let the Dead Bury the Dead
And they are looking from out of the Peoples, and clans, and tongues, and bands of people, at the Corpse of themselves, three days and a half one, and they are not hurling away the Corpses of themselves to be set into a memorial.
The Corpse of Themselves
"Goliath" 3.5 day collapse, in the "Broad Ways" of "Rahab" the Prostitute. "Jannes" and "Jambres" False Prophets standing anti-opposite to "Moses"
The two "False Pillars" of "Philistines" brought down by "Samson" in between.The "Walls of Jericho"
He who holds an ear let him listen...

The Two Prophets
And the ones who are living on the Earth, they are rejoicing over themselves, and they are making merry, and they will send bribes to each other because these ones, the Two Prophets, have touchstone-tormented the ones who are living on the Earth.
And after the Three days and a half one, a spirit of zoe-life from out of the God entered within themselves and they stood ready upon the Feet of themselves, and a mega fear fell upon the ones who are looking attentively at themselves.

3.5 days undersea to the "girdle", 3.5 days hovering in the spirit to the Head/Origin - ראשית reshith

After 3.5 days, dry earth.

The Heavenly One vs. the Hated One of Self
And they heard a mega voice from out of the Heaven, she who is saying to themselves, "Climb up here!" And they climbed into the Heaven within the Cloud, and the hated ones of themselves looked attentively at themselves.
Enmity/Hated One ("Job") and Eli-hu ("God of myself is himself")

And the Walls of Jericho Came Tumbling Down...and the Right God
And within that one, the Hour, he became a mega earthquake, and the Tenth one of the City fell, and they were killed off within the Earthquake, names of men, seven thousand, and the Remaining Ones became filled with fear, and they gave glory to the God of the Heavenly One.
The Woe, the Second One, she went away. Behold! the Woe, the Third one, she is coming swiftly!
"Lady Wisdom"
And the Seventh Angel trumpeted and mega voices became within the Heavenly One, those who say, "She has become the Queen of the Order of the Master of ourselves, and of the Anointed One of himself! and she will reign into the Eternal Ones of the Eternal Ones!"
"Why have your Faces Fallen?"
And the Twenty Four elders, the ones face to face with the God, those who are sitting down upon the Thrones of themselves, they fell upon the faces of themselves, and they kissed toward the God,
those who are saying, "We are thanking yourself, a master, the God, the All-Mighty, the one who is, and the one who was, because You have taken hold of the Mega Powerful one of yourself, and have reigned as a king!
Terrifying Small Ones and Mega Ones
And the Companies were provoked to anger, and the Wrath of yourself came, and the Time of the Dead ones to be separated, and to give the Wage to the Slaves of yourself, the Prophets, and to the Holy one, and to the ones who are being terrified of the Name of yourself, the Small ones and the Mega ones,17 and to corrupt the ones who are corrupting the Earth!"
Sons Provoked to Anger by their Father
"Woe unto thee, wretched sinner; thy deeds shall be revealed!"

The "Ark of the Covenant"
And the Sanctuary of the God was opened up, the one within the Heavenly one, and she was perceived— the Wooden Chest of the Disposition of himself within the Sanctuary of himself, and they became flashes of lightning and voices and thunders and an earthquake, and a mega hailstorm.
"And they have become Cherubim, those who spread out dual wings upwards, those who hedge/defend within the wings of themselves over the Mercy...

"...and the faces of themselves, each one is toward the brother of himself, toward the Mercy..."

(Exodus 25:20 RBT)

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