Unveiling 12
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Encompassed by the Sun
And a mega sign was perceived within the Heavenly one— A woman, she who has been cast all around with the Sun, and the Moon below the Feet of herself, and upon the Head of herself, a crown of twelve stars.Subordinate moon ...to the Head of Herself
Crown of twelve, Wheel of Genesis
"Within the Head, mighty ones has cut out..."
(Genesis 1:1 RBT)The Moon
And she who is holding within a belly she is also cawing, her who is in childbirth pains, and she who is being touchstone-tormented to bring forth."The Great Tannanim"
And a different sign was perceived within the Heaven; and behold! a mega fire-colored dragon, he who is holding seven heads and ten horns, and upon the Heads of himself seven royal diadems.Watching over the Treasure.
"And mighty ones is cutting out the self eternal Great Dragons and every self eternal Soul of Life, she who glides swiftly..."
(Genesis 1:21 RBT)Queen of Seven ("Sheba").
Dragged into Captivity
And the Tail of himself, she is dragging away the Third One of the Stars of the Heaven, and she is casting themselves into the Earth. And the Dragon, he has stood in the eye of the Woman, the one who is destined to bring forth, so that whenever she should bring forth the Child of herself he would devour down.The Tail of Himself
The Child of Herself stood in the eye of the Woman.
The Child of Herself, devouring down the Tail.
a.k.a "swallow (down) death"
a.k.a. "be wise as serpents"
And she brought forth a male, a son
male | son
Prophesying to 1260 = 3.5 turns
And the Woman fled into the Desolate one, where she is holding a location in that place, he who has been prepared away from the God so that in that place they should raise/rear herself, 1260 days.τοῦ πολεμῆσαι -The Warring
And a war has become within the Heavenly One. The Who is Like God ("Michael") and the Angels of himself, of the Warring in company with the Dragon, and the Dragon warred, and the Angels of himself.Michael
And he did not have strength, neither was a place found for themselves anymore within the Heavenly One.Called
And he was cast, the Mega Dragon, the Ancient Serpent, the one who is being summoned as an accuser and the Adversary, the one who is causing the entire Inhabited one to wander, he was cast into the Earth and the Angels of himself were cast in company with himself.Coronation
And I heard a mega voice within the Heaven, she who is saying, "At this moment, she has become the Deliverance and the Powerful One, and the Queen of the God of ourselves,and the Authority of the Anointed One of himself, because the Prosecutor of the Brothers of ourselves was cast, the one who is prosecuting themselves in the eye of the God of ourselves, of Day and of Night!"
The κατήγορος Prosecutor
The κατήγορος (katēgoros) was responsible for presenting evidence and arguments against the defendant in order to prove their guilt.
And themselves have conquered himselfacross the other side to the Blood of the Little Lamb, and across the other side to the Word of the Testament of themselves,and they have not agape-loved the Soul-life of themselves as far as death. Across to this one make merry Heavenly ones! Also the ones tenting within themselves! Woe to the Earth and the Sea because the Accuser climbed down toward yourselves, he who is holding a mega wrath/fierceness, he who has seen that he holds a little time!"
The Dragon Awakes, Gets his legs Back
And when the Dragon perceived that he was cast into the Earth, he ran swiftly after the Woman, anyone who has brought forth the Male.And the Woman was given the Two Wings of the Mega Eagle so that she could fly into the Desolate One, into the place of herself, where she is reared there for a time, times, and half a time away from the face of the Serpent.
"Those who are twisting He Is, they are exchanging a strong man; they are climbing up a pinion as the eagles; they are running and they are not wearing out, they are walking and not tiring."
(Isaiah 40:31 RBT)To Walk on Water
And the Serpent cast from out of the Mouth of himself water as a river backwards from the Woman so he could make herself river-borne.Out of the belly of himself will flow rivers...
"I will open the Mouth of myself within comparisons, I will spue forth those ones that have been concealed away from a foundation." (Matthew 13:35 RBT)