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Unveiling 2

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Write to the Angel of the Summoned Assembly within City of the Bee: These ones he is speaking, the one who is grabbing hold of the Seven Stars within the Right Side of himself, the one who treads around within a middle of the Seven Golden Lampstands,
Cain's Complaint
I have seen the Works of yourself, and the Striking one, and the Enduring One of yourself, and that you have no power to carry evil ones, and you have tested the ones who are calling themselves 'sent away ones' and they are not, and you have discovered themselves, false ones,
And you are holding an enduring one and you have carried across to the Name of myself, and you have not worn out.
You Abandoned Her, Abraham!
But I am holding down from yourself because you have sent away the Agape-love of yourself, the First one.
Therefore remember where you have fallen down from! And change your mind! And make the First Works, otherwise I am coming to yourself, and I will move the Lampstand of yourself from out of the Place of herself, unless you should change the mind!
But you are holding this one, because you hate the Works of the Conquering the People ("Nicolaitans"), whatsoever even I, myself am hating.
The one who is holding an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is speaking to the Summoned Assemblies, the one who is conquering, I will give to himself to eat from out of the Wood of the Zoe-life which is within the Paradise of the God.
And write to the Angel of the Summoned Assembly within Myrhh: The First one, and the End one who became a dead one and he lived, he is speaking these things.
I am seeing the Pressing of yourself, and the Beggary/Destitution, but you are wealthy/opulent, and the Blasphemy from out of the ones who are speaking themselves to be Casters, and they are not, but rather an assembly of the Adversary!
φυλακή - a watching or guarding, esp. by night
Fear nothing, whatever you are destined to undergo! Behold! the Accuser from out of yourselves is destined to cast into a watch so that you might be tested, and you will hold a pressing-together of ten days. Become a trustworthy one until death, and I will give to yourself the Wreath of the Zoe-Life!
θλῖψις ("pressure")

Used in various contexts by ancient authors: Strabo (Geography 1.3.6) uses θλῖψις to describe opposing forces or resistances, likely in relation to geographical or tectonic processes. Galen (as cited in De Pulsu, 7.306) applies θλῖψις to describe physiological pressure, specifically related to the pulse. Oribasius (as cited in Medical Collections 8.24.61) mentions θλῖψις στομάχου ("pressure of the stomach") in medical contexts, referring to gastric pressure.
Additionally, Soranus (in Gynecology) uses the term ὑστερικαὶ θλῖψις to describe "hysterical pressures," referring to symptoms related to the uterus, which was historically associated with psychological conditions.

The one who is holding an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is speaking to the Summoned Assemblies, the one who is conquering will never suffer injustice from out of the Death of the Second one.
And write to the Angel within the Summoned Assembly of Pergamum, he is speaking these things, the one who is holding the Sharp Double-Mouthed Broad Sword!
The Revolving Throne of Self
I have seen where you are living, in the place where the Throne of the Adversary is, and you are seizing control/hold of the Name of myself, and you have not denied the Trust of myself, and within the Days of Anti-Father ("Antipas"), the Witness of myself, the Trustworthy one of myself, whosoever has been killed away close beside yourselves, in the place where the Adversary is living.
Antipas "Anti-Father"
"The Trustworthy Witness of myself whom was killed off, right next to your own self..."
Wrong Throne
עגל agol - to rotate/revolve
The Throne in the Summoned Assembly of Pergamum, "hill of the rolling skull."

"And the King is making a mega throne of a tooth, and he is overlaying himself with pure gold. The Throne has six stairs/ladders. And the Throne has a revolving [עגל] head, from behind himself, and hands from this side, and from this side, and a double/pair of lionesses, those who are standing ready beside the Hands."

(1 Kings 10:19 RBT)

The Caster "Judah" Turned Aside to A Prostitute...
But I am holding little ones down from yourself because you are holding in that place those who are taking control of the Teaching of Swallower of the People ("Balaam") who was teaching the Devastator ("Balak") to cast a scandal face to face with the Sons of God-Straightened, to eat image-sacrifices, and to engage in prostitution.
A Two Handed Hold of A Very Bad Doctrine
In this way you are holding, also yourself, those who take control of the Teaching of the Conquerors of People ("Nicolaitans") in the same manner!
Therefore change the mind! Otherwise I am coming to yourself swiftly, and I will wage war in company with5 themselves within the Broad Sword of the Mouth of myself!
The Food A Woman Hid in Three Measures
The one who is holding an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is speaking to the Summoned Assemblies! To the one who is conquering, I will give to himself the "What is it Food?" ("Manna"), the one which has been hidden, and I will give to himself a bright white small stone, and upon the Small Stone a new name, that which has been written/drawn which nobody has seen except the one who is taking hold.
A Pearl of Great Price

And write to the Angel within the Summoned Assembly of Daughter of Stars ("Thyateira"), he is speaking these things, the Son of the God the one who is holding the Eyes himself just like a flame of fire, and the Feet of himself compared to a bronze-frankincense one.
I have seen the Works of yourself, and the Agape-love and the Trust and the Dust-kicker/service and the Enduring One of yourself, and the End Works of yourself are much greater than the First ones!
But I am holding down from yourself because you are sending away the Woman, Not-Inhabiting ("Jezebel"), the one who is calling herself a prophetess, and she is teaching, and she is causing my own Slaves to wander, to engage in prostitution, and to eat image sacrifices!
Her Bed

Eating food of image-sacrifice.
"Would you like some grapes? How about some strong wine, my dear? My Man is gone on a journey, come to the wine vat, we have plenty to last us through the night..."

"Adam, where is yourself?"

"Upon the bed of myself, within the Nights, I searched for the self-eternal one who has loved her, the soul of myself. I searched for himself, and I did not find him!"

(Song of Songs 3:1 RBT)

"Precious is the Marriage within everyone, and the Marriage Bed undefiled, for the male-prostitutes and the adulterers, the God will separate."

(Hebrews 13:4 RBT)

Stubborn, Hard-Headed
And I have given to herself a time, so that she might change the mind, and she is not wanting to change the mind from out of the Prostitution of herself.
Behold! I am casting herself into a bed! And also the ones who are committing adultery in company with herself into a mega pressing, unless they change the mind from out of the Works of herself!
And I will kill off the Children of herself within death, and all the Summoned Assemblies will recognize that I am Myself, the one who is searching for balls/kidneys6 and hearts, and I will give to each one of yourselves down to the Works of yourselves.
And to yourselves I am speaking, to the Remaining ones within Daughter of Stars ("Thyateira"), as many as are not holding the Teaching of this one, anyone who has not recognized the Deep ones of the Adversary, just like they are speaking, I am not casting upon yourselves another weight.
Whosoever if "I" will come
Nevertheless, take control of whatever you are holding, until whosoever if I will come.7
ἔθνος ethnos - Company/Host, Swarm of Bees, Flock of Birds, Nation
And the one who is conquering, and the one who is watching over the Works of Myself until an end-aim, I will give to himself an authority on the Companies of people.
An Iron Stave/Verse
And I will shepherd themselves within an iron wand,8 just like the Ceramic Tools are crushed to pieces! Also myself, I have taken hold close beside the Father of myself!
And I will give to himself the Morning Star!
The Evening and Morning Star "Venus".

The one who is holding an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is speaking to the Summoned Assemblies!
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