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Unveiling 14

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The 144 Thousand
And I perceived and behold! the Lamb, he who has been standing ready upon the a mountain of Zion and in company with himself one hundred forty four thousand, those who are holding the Name of himself,21 and the Name of the Father of himself, that which has been written upon the Between-Eyes of themselves.
72 x 2 = 144

"And the Women are eyeing, the ones who laugh/play, and they are saying, 'He Who is Asked ("Saul") attacked within a thousand of himself, but Beloved ("David") within a myriad of himself!'"

(1 Samuel 18:7 RBT)

And I heard a voice from out the Heavenly One, just like a voice of waters multitudinous, and just like a voice of a mega thunder. And the Voice whom I heard was just like the Harpists, those who are harping within the harps of themselves.
Harps of Themselves

A new Song of "Ruth", The Redeemed
And they are singing just as a new song face to face with the Throne and face to face with the four living ones and the Elders and no one had power to learn/study the Song, except the one hundred forty four thousand, the ones who have been purchased in the marketplace away from the Earth.
Trafficked in Slavery with her Children
These ones are they who are in company with women, they have not been stained, for they are maidens, the ones who are accompanying the Lamb wherever he might lead under. These ones have been purchased in the marketplace away from the Men; a first-fruits to the God and to the Lamb. 22
Pure Maidens in Company with Women

" that he might stand beside to himself in glory the Summoned Assembly, she who is not holding blemish nor wrinkle, nor anything of the kind, but rather in order that she may be a holy one and an innocent one."

(Ephesians 5:27 RBT)
Top Half, Bottom Half

"And he has become, beneath a fragrant spiced one he is a decaying rot; beneath a woman's girdle, an encircling rope; beneath a turned top bun, baldness; beneath a fine fabric robe, a girded sackcloth; and beneath a beautiful one, a branded one."

(Isaiah 3:24 RBT)

"And also, I have purchased self eternal Friend ("Ruth"), the From-Her-Mothers-Father ("Moabitess"), the woman of He-Who-Is-Inwardly-Weak ("Machlon")..."

(Ruth 4:10 RBT)

And within the Mouth of themselves a falsehood was not found, they are innocent ones.
The Zenith, The Tsoharaim, צהרים - "The Noon Lights" "midday" or "High Noon"
And I perceived another angel, he who is flying within middle-heaven, he who is holding eternal glad tidings to gospelize upon the ones who are living upon the Earth, and upon every Company of People and company of people and tongue and people.
he who is saying within a mega voice, "Fear the God, and give to himself glory, because she has come, the Hour of the Separation of himself, and kiss toward the one who has made the Heavenly one, and the Earth, and a sea and springs of waters!"
And another angel, a second one, accompanied, he who is saying, "She has fallen, she has fallen, Babylon, the mega one! She who has given to drink from out of the of Wine of Passion/Fierceness of the Harlotry of herself to all the Companies of people!"
The God of this Age
And another angel, a third one, accompanied themselves, he who is saying within a mega voice, "If anyone is kissing toward the Wild Animal and the Mirror-Image of himself, and he is taking hold of a brand-mark on the Brow of himself or upon the Hand of himself,
he, himself also, will drink from out of the Wine of the Fury of the God, the Unmixed one who has been mingled/tempered within the Cup the Anger of himself, and he will be touchstone-tormented within a fire and brimstone face to face with angels, holy ones, and face to face with the Lamb!"
And the Smoke of the Touchstone-torture of themselves climbs up into eternal ones of eternal ones and they are not holding the cessation of day and night, the ones who are kissing toward the Wild Animal and the Mirror-Image of himself, and if anyone takes hold of the engraved-mark of the Name of himself.
No Rest, Ever

"Within whom the God of the Eternal one, this one, has smoke-blinded the thoughts of the Untrusting into the Not-Beaming Forth the Illumination of the Gospel of the Glory of the Anointed One which is a mirror-image of the God."

(2 Corinthians 4:4 RBT)
Firstborn among many brothers
The Wild Beast
The touchstone-torture
Kissing the Mirror-Image [the Body] of his own Self
The Mark upon the Left "Bad-Omen" Hand of Himself

Here in this place she is the Endurance of the Holy Ones, the ones who are watching over the Commandments of the God, and the Trust of Salvation.
And I heard a voice from out of the Heavenly one, she who is saying, "Write! Blessed are the dead ones, the ones within a master, those who are dying off away from this moment, Yes, the Spirit is speaking, because they will stop from out of the Beatings of themselves, for the Works of themselves are accompanying along with themselves!
And I perceived and behold! a white cloud, and upon the Cloud he who is sitting down resembling a son of man, he who is holding upon the Head of himself a golden wreath, and within the Hand of himself a sharp sickle.
a white cloud
δρέπανον - Pruning Knife, Scythe, Pruning Hook

And another angel came out from the Sanctuary, he who is cawing within a mega voice to the one who is sitting on the Cloud, "Put forth the Sickle of yourself and reap, because she has come, the Hour, to reap, because she dried up, the Harvest of the Earth!"
And he cast the sickle himself, the one who is sitting down on the Cloud, upon the Earth and she was harvested, the Earth.
And another angel came out from out of the Sanctuary, the one within the Heavenly one, he who is holding, also himself, a sharp sickle.
And another angel came out from the Altar, the one who is holding an authority on the Fire, and he crowed with a mega voice, the one who is holding the Sharp Sickle, he who is saying, "Send the Sharp Sickle of yourself, and gather the grape-clusters of the Vine of the Earth because they, the Grapes of herself, have fully bloomed!"
And the Angel cast the Sickle of himself into the Earth and he gathered the Vine of the Earth, and he cast the Mega One into the Wine-press of the Fury of the God.22a
And the Wine-press, she was trampled outside of the City, and blood came out from the Wine-press until the Bridles of the Horses, away from one thousand six hundred stadium-tracks.
Horse's Bit

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