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Psalms 135
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RBT Hebrew Literal
shine He is shine את-self eternal name He Is shine slaves of myself He Iswithin house He Is in the hand house mighty ones of ourselves
shine He is for he became good He Is for
for Heel-Chaser to himself He is God Straightened
for myself I have perceived for mega He Is from all/every mighty ones
all which has taken pleasure/delighted He Is he has made in the dual heavenly ones within the Days and every/all
the Earth in the hand he has made spirit
in the hand of Dual-Siege until in the hand
he has sent in the hand of Dual-Siege in the hand
backside ones [nations] multitudes mighty throng
a king a king
and he is giving
He Is name of yourself to the eternal one He Is and a generation
for He Is and upon
the Nations silver and gold a work the dual hands man
mouth/here to themselves and not dual eyes to themselves and not
to themselves and not yea/a nostril/anger there is not there is spirit in the hand
they are becoming all which
house God Straightened את-self eternal He Is house Inner Conceived One ("Aaron") את-self eternal He Is
house את-self eternal He Is He Is את-self eternal He Is
he who is blessed He Is from out of Inner-Monument Foundation of Peace shine He is