Genesis 7:11
In a duplication six hundred of a duplication273 to living ones274 of Rest, in the Double New-one,275 in the seven ten hot-one to the New-one, in the Hot-one of This one276 the whole of the eye-springs277 of the abundant uproar278 have been split,279 and the ambushes280 of the Dual-Heavens have been opened,
280 | Strong’s #699, arubbah. a lattice, network, window. Ambushes of Heaven The word is a feminine passive participle of arab #693, which means to lie in wait for an ambush. If the Dual-Heavens is/are comprised of an army (Genesis 2:1) we could deduce that something in the Dual-Heavens lies in wait for an ambush. Compare this phrase with Isa. 24:18, “…and the One-who-ascends from the middle of the Pit, he is being captured in the bird-trap for the ambushes from the high-places have been opened.” The “smoke” of Hosea 13 has been the assumed context for a lattice-chiminey interpretation, “and as the smoke out of the ambush [arrubah].” Consider the word Dual-Heavens as a code word for representative power of the “high-places”, or the “powers of the air” (Eph. 2:2). Many powers claim Heaven for themselves, and violently at that, and mandate that all follow their way as the only way. Recall that the kingdom of the Heavens is something taken by violence (Matt. 11:12). Additionally, in Micah 3:10 we find the opening of ambushes in a positive context of blessing being poured out. Perhaps the “lattices” of the Dual-Heavens have two surprises lying in wait. |