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Every one who is trusting that he is Salvation, the Anointed One,6 has been begotten from out of the God, and every one who is agape-loving the one who has begotten, is agape-loving the one who has been begotten from out of himself!

"And mighty ones is saying, 'I have given to yourselves here all the self eternal grass of a seed seed, who is upon the faces of the entire Earth, and the entire Tree whom within himself is the fruit of a tree of a seed seed to yourselves, he is food.'"

(Genesis 1:29 RBT)

Within this one we are recognizing that we are agape-loving the Children of the God: When we are agape-loving the God and are making the Commandments of himself.
For herself, she is the Agape-Love of the God so that we should watch over the Commandments of himself, and the Commandments of himself they are not burdensome ones!
νίκη - Nike (Win/Goddess of Victory)
Because everyone who has been fathered from out of the God is conquering the Order and she, herself, is the Victory, the one who has conquered the Order, the Trust of ourselves!
Who is the one who is conquering the Order, if not the one who is trusting that he is Salvation, the Son of the God?7
This one is the one who has come through water and blood, Salvation Anointed One; not within the Water alone but within the Water and within the Blood, and the Spirit is the one which is witnessing that the Spirit is the Truth!
Three Witnesses
Because they are three, the ones who are witnessing.
John 1, John 2, John 3
The Spirit and the Water and the Blood, and the Three are into the One.
Favored, Favored, Favored
The Three into the One

If we are taking hold of the Testament of the Men, the Testament of the God, she is more mega, because she has testified around the Son of himself.
The one who is trusting into the Son of the God is holding the Testament within himself. The one who is not trusting the God, a liar/false one he has made himself, because he has not trusted into the Testament, whosoever the God has testified around the Son of himself.
And she herself is the Testament, that an eternal zoe-life the God has given to ourselves. And herself, she is the Zoe-Life within the Son of himself.
The one who is holding the Son is holding the Zoe-Life. The one who is not holding the Son of the God is not holding the Zoe-Life!
These ones I have written/drawn to yourselves so that you may see that you are holding an eternal zoe-life, the ones who are trusting into the Name of the Son of the God.
And she, herself is the Bold Confidence, whosoever we are holding toward himself, because if we might ask anything down to the Will of himself, she is hearing ourselves!
And if we have seen that she is hearing ourselves, whatever we should ask, we have seen that we are holding the Requests, whichever ones we have asked away from himself!
If anyone should perceive the Brother himself, he who is missing a miss, not toward a death, he will ask and he will give to himself a zoe-life, to ones who are not missing toward a death. She is a miss toward a death; I am not speaking around that one in order that she might entreat/ask!
Every unjust one is a miss, but she is not a miss toward a death.
ἅπτεται - attach/fasten to
We have seen that every one who has been fathered from out of the God is not missing, but rather the one who has been fathered from out of the God, he is guarding himself, and the Pain-ridden one does not attach to himself!
We have seen that from out of the God we are, and the entire Order is lying outstretched within the Pain-ridden one!
διάνοια - side to side thinking
And we have seen that the Son of the God is here/present, and he has given to ourselves a dialectical mind so that we may recognize the True One, and we are within the True One, within the Son of himself, Salvation Anointed One, he is the True God and an eternal zoe-life.
εἴδωλον - Phantom Images, Ghosts
Little children! Protect yourselves away from the Phantom Images!
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