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That which was, away from the origin, whosoever has heard, what we have perceived with the Eyes of ourselves, whatever we have gazed closely at, and the Hands of ourselves have touched around the Word the of the Zoe-life.
And the Zoe-life, she has appeared, and we have perceived and bear witness and we are proclaiming to yourselves the Zoe-life the Eternal One, anyone who was being toward the Father, and has appeared to ourselves.
ἡ ἡμετέρα - Our Selves
Whosoever we have perceived, and we have heard, we are also proclaiming to yourselves so that yourselves also may have a partnership in company with ourselves, but also the Partnership of Ourselves1 in company with the Father, and in company with the Son of himself, Salvation Anointed One.
And these ones, we, ourselves are writing/drawing so that the Joy of ourselves may be her who has been made full.
And she is herself the Message, whosoever we have heard away from himself, and we are announcing to yourselves that the God is a luminary, and a dark one is not within himself, not one.
If we should say that we are holding a partnership in company with himself, and we should be treading around within the Darkness, we are cheating, and we are not making the Truth.
Missing the Mark of Herself
But if within the Luminary we should tread around, just like he is himself within the Luminary, we are holding a partnership in company with one another, and the Blood of Salvation of the Son of Himself cleanses ourselves away from every miss.
If we should say that we are not holding a miss, we are making ourselves wander, and the Truth is not within ourselves.
If we should agree with the Misses of ourselves, he is trustworthy and just so that he may send away to ourselves the Misses and might cleanse ourselves away from every unjust one.
If we should say that we have not missed, we are making himself a liar, and the Word of Himself is not within ourselves.
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