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Little children of myself! These ones I am writing/drawing for yourselves so that you would not miss! And if anyone should miss, we are holding an intercessor toward the Father, Salvation, Anointed One, a Just One.2
And he himself is propitiation around the Misses of ourselves, but not around Ourselves only, but also around the entire Order.
And within this one, we are recognizing because we have recognized himself, if the Commandments of himself we should watch over.
The one who is saying that 'I have recognized himself' but one who is not watching over the Commandments of himself, he is a liar, and the Truth is not within this one.
But whichever ones might watch over the Word of himself, truly within this one the Agape-Love of the God has been completed. Within this we are recognizing because within himself we are.
The one who is speaking to stay within himself, he is indebted, just as that one tread around also himself to tread around.
Beloved ones! I am not writing/drawing a new commandment to yourselves, but rather an ancient commandment, whosoever you were holding away from the origin, the Ancient Commandment is the Word whom you have heard.
I am writing/drawing backward to yourselves, whoever is true within himself, and within yourselves because the Darkness is leading aside, but the Luminary, the True One, already now he is bringing to light!
The one who is speaking to be within the Luminary, and one who is hating the Brother of himself, he is within the Darkness until this very moment!
The one who agape-loves the Brother of himself, within the Luminary he is staying, and he is not a scandal within himself!
But the one who is hating the Brother of himself, he is within the Darkness, and within the Darkness he is treading around, and he has not seen where he is leading under, because the Darkness, she has blinded the eyes of himself.
I am writing/drawing to yourselves, little children, because the Misses have been hurled away to yourselves across to the Name of himself.
I am writing/drawing to yourselves, fathers, because you are recognizing the one away from the origin. I am writing/drawing to yourselves, young men, because have conquered the Pain-ridden one! I have written/drawn to yourselves, little children, because you have recognized the Father.
I have written/drawn to yourselves, fathers, because you have recognized the one away from the origin. I have written/drawn to yourselves young men because you are mighty, and the Word of the God within yourselves is remaining, and you have conquered the Pain-ridden one!
Do not agape-love the Order, nor the one within the Order. If anyone is agape-loving the Order, the Agape-Love of the Father, she is not within himself.
βίος - Way of Life, Livelihood, Means of Living
Because everything within the Order, the Desire of the Flesh, and the Desire of the Eyes and the False Pretense3 of the Bio-Life, she is not from out of the Father, but rather she is from out of the Order.
And the Order is leading aside, and also the Desire of himself, but the one who is making the Will of the God is remaining into the Eternal One.
Anti-Christ not Pseudo-Christ
Little children, she is a last hour, and just as you have heard that an anti-christ is coming, and
anti-christs multitudinous have become, whereby we are recognizing that she is a last hour.
ἀντί anti

ἀντί-χριστο is a NT exclusive word not found in Classical Greek. What is meant by it?

The Greek word ἀντί (antí) serves as a versatile preposition, adverb, and prefix, primarily denoting substitution, opposition, exchange, or equivalence. As a prefix, it forms compound words such as ἀντίθεος (anti-god), meaning "god-like" or "equal to a god." Although one might expect this term to mean "opposed to god," this is not the primary meaning in Classical Greek. Other examples include ἀντίτυπος (anti-type), meaning "counterpart" or "corresponding type"; ἀντίδουλος (anti-slave), meaning "equal to a slave"; and ἀνθύπατος (proconsul), referring to a governor acting in place of a consul.

Unlike ψευδο- (pseudo-), which inherently carries a sense of "falsehood" or "deception," ἀντί is neutral in tone, emphasizing replacement, equivalence, or opposition without implying dishonesty or falseness. Its nuanced applications make it an essential element in Greek for expressing relational and comparative ideas. The term derives from an Indo-European root meaning "front" or "opposite," and it shares a linguistic connection with Latin ante ("before, in front of").

(cf. LSJ, DGE, Bailly, etc. for ἀντί)

They went out from out of ourselves, but they were not being from out of ourselves, for if they were being from out of ourselves they would have stayed in company with ourselves, but in order that they might be made manifest4 because they are not all being from out of ourselves.
χρῖσμα - chrisma, anointed
And you, yourselves are holding an anointing away from the Holy one and you have seen all!
You saw!
I did not write/draw to yourselves because you have not seen the Truth, but rather because you have seen herself! And because every lie/false one [ψεῦδος- pseudo] is not from out of the Truth!
Who is the Liar/False One, if not the one who is denying that he is not Salvation the Anointed One? This one is the antichrist, the one who is denying the Father and the Son!5
Every one who is denying the Son, neither is he holding the Father. The one who is agreeing with the Son, he is also holding the Father.
Whatever you, yourselves have heard away from the origin, let it remain within yourselves. If within yourselves it should remain, whatever you heard away from the origin, you yourselves will also remain within the Son and within the Father.
And herself, she is the Promise, whosoever he has promised to ourselves, the Zoe-Life, the Eternal One.
These ones I have written/drawn to yourselves around the ones who are making yourselves wander.
And the Anointing, which you yourselves took hold of away from himself, is remaining within yourselves! And you are holding no need that anyone should teach yourselves, but just as the Anointing of himself is teaching yourselves around all things, and is true, and is not a lie/false one [pseudo], and just as he has taught yourselves, you are remaining within himself.
little children, remain within himself so that if he should be made manifest we might hold bold confidence and not be ashamed away from himself within the Presence of himself.
Eternal One of an Eternal One
If you have seen that he is a just one, you are also recognizing that every one who is making the Just one has been fathered from out himself!
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