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Genesis 8:1

וַ יִּזְכֹּר אֶלֹהִים אֶת נֹחַ וְ אֵת כָּל הַ חַיָּה וְ אֶת כָּל הַ בְּהֵמָה אֲשֶׁר אִתֹּו בַּ תֵּבָה וַ יַּעֲבֵר אֶלֹהִים רוּחַ עַל הָ אָרֶץ וַ יָּשֹׁכּוּ הַ מָּיִם

And elohim is memorializing300 אֶת-Rest, and אֶת-the whole of the Living-one, and אֶת-the whole of the Behemah whom is את-him in the Chest, and elohim is causing a wind to cross-over upon301 the Earth, and the Dual-Waters are lying-in-wait,302


The same as the Passover which is actually the Crossover of Egypt. Strong’s #5674, abar means literally to cross over. All the scriptural contexts indicate very strongly the perpendicular nature of the action, i.e. crossing a stream, a wady, a sea, a border, overstepping a covenant, a razor over a head. In Genesis 15:7 the torch is crossing over between left and right halves of animal sacrifices as a deep darkness comes over the land.

The crossover…?

How far does the enigma go?