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Genesis 17:11

And you all have been clipped-off619 אֵת-a flesh of your foreskin,620 and he has become to a sign of a cut-out-one between me and between you all.



a flesh of your foreskin. Plural you all + singular foreskin, i.e a foreskin of yourselves. Strong’s #6190 orlah, foreskin. This is a feminine noun. This is particularly odd for the male foreskin, especially when the uncircumcised foreskin is masculine, arel (#6189). It’s also interesting that it functions as a verb, aral (#6188) in Leviticus 19:23 and Habakkuk 2:16 meaning to expose,

You all have been satiated of shame from glory. Drink also yourself and be exposed [as uncircumcised…Rest’s “woman” …], she is circling upon you a cup [or an owl #3563], the right hand of Yahweh, and utter shame upon your glory.” Habakkuk 2:16 literal