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Romans 1

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ἀφωρισμένος - To separate by a boundary
Small One ("Paul"), a slave of Anointed One Salvation, a summoned one, a sent away one, one who has been marked off by boundary into a gospel of God,
γραφή - representation by lines, drawings
which he announced before across through the Prophets of himself, within holy writings/drawings.1
around the Son of himself, the one who has become from out of children of Beloved ("David") down to a flesh,
of the one who has been marked out by boundary as a son of God within a powerful one, down to a spirit of a holy one, from out of a standing up of dead ones of Salvation Anointed the Master of ourselves.2
ὑπακοὴν - Listening Below
Across from whom we have taken hold of a grace, and a mission into an under-hearing of a trust3 within all the Companies of People beyond from the Name of himself,
within which you, yourselves also are summoned of Salvation Anointed One.
all of those who are being within Rome, beloved ones of God, summoned holy ones; A grace to yourselves and a peace away from God of a father of ourselves, and a master Salvation Anointed One.
First of all, I am giving thanks to the God of myself, across through Salvation Anointed One around everyone of yourselves, because the Trust of yourselves, she is proclaimed within the entire Order!
ἀδιάλειπτος - No Time Gaps
For he is a witness of myself, the God, to whom I work for hire within the Spirit of myself, within the Gospel of the Son of himself, just as I am making an uninterrupted memory of yourselves,
at all moments upon the Prayers of myself, he who is entreating if somehow already at last I will make a prosperous journey within the Will of God to come in toward yourselves!
χάρισμα Charisma - Intangible Gift/Favor
For I yearn to see yourselves so that I may impart some spiritual favor to yourselves into the Stabilization of yourselves.
And this one is to be encouraged together within yourselves across through the Trust within each another, both of yourselves and of myself.
I am not willing to be ignorant/unaware of yourselves brothers, since I have repeatedly purposed to come toward yourselves but was hindered until the Present Moment, so that I should hold some fruit also within yourselves even as also within the Remaining Companies of People.
βάρβαρος - barbaric, uncultured, crude speech
To both Greeks and also to uncivilized ones, both to wise ones and unintelligent ones, a debtor I am.
Thus the eagerness down to myself, and to gospelize to yourselves, the ones within Rome!
For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for she is a powerful one of God into a salvation for every one who is trusting— both to Caster first and to Greek.
Who are the Greeks?

The ancient Greeks considered themselves to be the most educated and intellectually advanced people in the world (very ethnocentric), particularly during 5-4th century BCE. They were culturally superior to non-Greek-speaking peoples. They were the educated ones. For them, language itself was essentially the marker of intellectual and cultural achievement. It was not about manners or politeness per se, but rather, if you spoke Greek or not. Those who did not know Greek or the Greek customs, they called "barbarian."

For a just one of God within himself is being unveiled from out of a trust, into a trust, just as has been written/drawn, and the Just One from out of a trust will live!
And the Bride is....from trust to trust

For she is being unveiled, the Wrath of God away from a heavenly one upon every ungodly one, and injustice of men, the ones who are holding down the Truth within an injustice!
Because the Known One of the God is made manifest within themselves, for the God is making visible to themselves.
For the Invisible One of himself, away from a founding of an order is distinctly perceived, those who are observed/understood by the Makings, both the Eternal Power of himself and a divine nature, into themselves being unable to give a defense.
Babbling/Mute Hannah
For those who have recognized the God, did not glorify like God, nor did they give thanks, but rather they became futile/aimless within the Inner-Dialogues of themselves, and the Incoherent Heart of themselves, she became darkened!

"And Hannah, herself is she who speaks upon the heart of herself, yet the dual lips of herself are those who wander/waver to and fro, and the voice of herself he is not hearing, and My God ("Eli") considered herself a drunk one."

(1 Samuel 1:13 RBT)

Those who are asserting to be wise ones, they have become foolish/tasteless.
And they altered the Glory of an incorruptible God within a copy of an image of a mortal man, and of flying/winged ones, and of four-footed ones, and of creeping ones.
So, Samson
Across from which he handed themselves over, the God, within the Desires of the Hearts of themselves, into an uncleanness of the Dishonoring of the Bodies of themselves within themselves.
ἐσεβάσθησαν - Reverenced, Respected Feared: Darnel Right Beside the Wheat
Anyone who altered the Truth of the God within the False One, and were revered/feared,4 and worked for hire for the Founding/Establishment close beside the one who founded, whosoever is a blessed one into the Eternal Ones, amen!
πάθη pathos - pathological Helplessness
Across to this one he handed themselves over, the God, into pathos of dishonor,5 for both of the Females of themselves changed the Natural usage/intimacy into the Nature close beside.
ἀντιμισθία antimisthia - anti wage/return
Likewise both of the Males, those who have sent away the Natural usage/intimacy of the Female burned out in the Desire of themselves into each other, males within males, those who are laboring to achieve an ugliness/want of form, and the Corresponding Reward, whom they should have taken back from the Wandering of themselves within their own selves.
And just as they did not examine the God, to hold within a recognition, the God handed themselves over into a reprobate understanding to make those things that are not fitting,
So, Delilah: You Ate Your fill
those who have been filled up with every injustice, badness, greediness, malicious evil, full of envy, murder, contention, fish bait, bad disposition/character, whisperers,
ἀλαζόνας alazonas - wanderer, vagrant, charlatan, pretentious
down talkers, hated of God, insolent, arrogant, wanderers, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
ἀσύνθετος - Without composition/lacking order/structure
incoherent/unintelligible ones, uncomposed ones, hardhearted/disaffectionate ones, merciless ones,
anyone who has known the right ordinance of the God, that the ones who are practicing such things are counterbalancing death, they are not only those who are making themselves, but the ones who are practicing are also joining in approval!
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