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John 8:7


Strongs NT 361 "ἀναμάρτητος" (anamartétos) is composed of "ἀ" (alpha) as a negative prefix and "ἁμαρτάνω" (hamartanó), meaning "to miss the mark" or "to sin." The literal translation of "ἁμαρτάνω" (hamartanó) is understood literally as "to miss" or "to err," and thus "ἀναμάρτητος" (anamartétos) is rendered as "un-missing" or "not missing the mark." This highlights the concept of what it means to be "faultless" or "unerring", emphasizing the idea of hitting the target "eye" to achieve completion. 

Missing the bullseye therefore, means the Whole is in error, and "in the transgression".