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Genesis 7:21

וַ יִּגְוַע כָּל בָּשָׂר הָ רֹמֵשׂ עַל הָ אָרֶץ בָּ עֹוף וּ בַ בְּהֵמָה וּ בַ חַיָּה וּ בְ כָל הַ שֶּׁרֶץ הַ שֹּׁרֵץ עַל הָ אָרֶץ וְ כֹל הָ אָדָם
And the whole of the flesh is breathing out,294 the One-who-crawls upon the Earth, in the Flying-one, and in the Behemah, and in the Living-one, and in the whole of the Creeping-one of the One-who-creeps upon the Earth,295 and the whole of the Red-one,

Strong’s #1478, gava. To expire, perish. It is not the same as #4191, muth, to die which is used in Genesis chapter 2 and 3. It does not mean expire like food expires, but the opposite of inspire (breathing in). Just as Christ on the cross perishes, “And Jesus uttered a loud cry and breathed out [ekpneó]” Mark 15:37.