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John 6:71



Man of the Cities "Ish-Qiryot"

There are a few various words for "city in the Hebrew, each with their own etymological connotation:

  1. עִיר (ir): The root of this word is ע־ר־ה (ayin - resh - heh), which carries the general sense of "watching" or "being awake." The concept of a city might derive from the idea of a place where people are awake and active. Strong's #5892.

  1. קִרְיָה (kiryah) from which "Iscariot is derived: The root of this word is ק־ר־ה (kuf - resh - heh), which has meanings related to "meeting" or "calling." "Kiryah" might suggest a place where people gather or are called together. Strong's #7151.

  2. עִירִיָּה (iriyah): This word is derived from the root ע־ר־י (ayin - resh - yod), which is related to the concept of "watching" or "guarding." In this context, "iriyah" might refer to a place where there is organized oversight or governance. Strong's #5892 (same as עִיר).

  3. בִּירָה (birah): castle, fortress. It is used to describe the temple in Jerusalem (1 Chronicles 29:1, 19). It is also used to describe a fortress near the temple in Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2:8; Nehemiah 7:2).

    In the phrase "בְּשׁוּשַׁן הַבִּירָה" (Birah Shushan), it refers to a fortress in the city of Shushan (Nehemiah 1:1; Esther 1:2, 5; Esther 2:3, 5, 8; Esther 3:15; Esther 8:14; Esther 9:6, 11, 12; Daniel 8:2). This fortress is mentioned in relation to significant events in the Book of Esther and other historical accounts. Strong's #1002.

  4. מְדִינָה (medinah): This word comes from the root ד־י־ן (dalet - yod - nun), which means "judgment" or "justice." Over time, "medinah" evolved to refer to a political entity or state, including its administrative center or cities within it. Strong's #4082.