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Genesis 46:13

וּ בְנֵי יִשָׂשכָר תֹּולָע וּ פֻוָּה וְ יֹוב וְ שִׁמְרֹון

And the builders of He-Brings-Wages are Worm,1304 and Blast, and Job [Enemy?],1305 and Watch-Height.1306


Strong’s #3102, Yob יוֹב. The spelling is different from Iyyob אִיּוֹב (Book of Job) in that it is missing the aleph א. See #347. Iyyob means enemy, hated. comes from ayab (#340) which means to be hated/hostile to. Yob has been speculated to be an erroneous transcription for Yobab, he shall return (#3437).